madman 13
If I'm being brutally honest, the new graphics get on my nerves, and I hate it to the extent that I barely enjoy playing now. The animations are too distracting, and cause so much lag both in the loading and in the actual game play that any benefit they could possibly have is outweighed utterly my suggestion to cut down on the animations in the menus that aren't necessary. Since it's stated that making the cards just vanish and reapear without moving isn't viable, have them just move directly into the middle when hovered over, and then straight down into the box from there if clicked. the spinning does not feel like cards to me, since nobody would ever reveal their hand till it was too late. Also annoying is the combination of things done to the cards I utterly love the artwork on them now, and I reckon that if I ever get used to that it would be epic. Trouble is, they're a lot smaller, and so are the numbers, so I have to hover over them all in turn to see what I have. making the menus at the bottom bigger would be great, and maybe tweaking the cards so the cost numbers are larger and easier to read. I'd prefer them laid out straight as well, but I could probably get used to the silly hands and the curved format eventually. also, expanding the other parts of the menu at the bottom so they are easier to read would be better.