@Asuka Well, the game freezes a lot (sometimes for minutes it don't even let me back because of the forced relogs), and Weteye only appears once per week (no success capturing this week neither). Also still no Orc Pillager, and I couldn't even peak at the new characters (what all look weak anyway, so no bother). On the irc-chanel noone relevant is, and it became forum-rule "no negative opinion on the game". The "official" wiki is full of outdated and incorrect datas. People consider some creatures nonexistent because of their low apperance-rate, and lack of info related that. There r some need for possession-chances for each characters too, although we know that's not released. Everyone waits for CardCustomisation, and its balance-problems. Ah, and there is the "infinite stun" bug, if the "inifnite battle" bug wouldn't be enough. Hope this satisfies your curiosity.