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RE: You know, some feedback would be wonderful.

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5/22/2013 13:16:31   

i use the game's designated forums to give feedback and suggestions, why should we be put aside for the ones in twitter/facebook?

perhaps they like to use facebook/twitter because it gives more advertising?
AQW Epic  Post #: 26
5/22/2013 13:20:18   

No one says Forum is fully neglected in favour of FB or Twitter, gold. Charfade has stated alternatives which are used a bit more often since they are easier to access on the go and usually reply to small questions asked by players rather than post a full feedback like we can on Forum. It's just an alternative in case you don't have a Forum account - like many player - but use Twitter/FB instead.
Personally, I find Twitter better since I can tweet my feedback to Devs as opposed to FB which is only via Message option, or Comments which are usually trollish as heck. Whilst on Twitter, I can just tweet the few specific people. Forum works too but it works like FB - people will disagree with your opinion and flaming/trolling begins. So yeah. :I

Advertising is another reason too, but that's what social sites are for. It's normal.
AQ Epic  Post #: 27
5/22/2013 13:42:07   


Honestly, we are more active on our Twitter accounts then the forum. You are always welcome to interact with us by other means ^^

You do know that this is not healthy for games, right? In the post i made earlier in this thread, one of the biggest issues happening was that the devs were using twitter and reddit more than the main site. This was heavily fragmenting the community, and made very large numbers of players leave the forums.

Sound familiar?


Top reasons why suggestions dont get implemented in to the game
►The suggestion is game breaking, meaning it could open up the game to exploits, hacking and general cheating by other players.
►The suggestion is illegal for us to make.
►The suggestion can not be implemented due to a limitation of flash. Not the limitation or knowledge of the ED staff.
►The suggestion is bias, only favoring a particular group or just themselves. We have to consider the entire EpicDuel community when implementing new features.
►The suggestion would take more time to implement then that we have to create it. If we really like these suggestions we usually slowly develop them in the background and go un-announced until we are sure it can be implemented. Sometimes we spend time on a new feature and have to toss it out because of a limitation of flash or breaks the game in some way, etc. It slows down progress unfortunately.
►The suggestion isn't a priority. There are some suggestions we like, but others we like better. So the better ones get suggested and pushed up to the top while it could go months or even years for the lower priority ones to be implemented.

Here's the issue: Your list covers every single suggestion that would actually help fix the core issues behind why this game's battle system is broken. That essentially means that the balance section is useless because the game will never be balanced. It is impossible to balance it with the way that stats are designed. They require a full rewrite.

Well, it covers it if you guys attempted to do it yourselves. You can very easily offload it onto somebody who knows what they're doing.

< Message edited by Xendran -- 5/22/2013 13:46:24 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 28
5/22/2013 13:46:23   

Trans is pretty much on point with this. No one is saying we are using social media such as FB/Twitter as a end all be all forum of communication. We use it because it is ridiculously easier to use then the forums. We can access Twitter from anywhere we are. Where as the forums we are limited. The 140 character count is a good thing. We can scan and read brief statements in half the time of sitting here using the forums. Time spent on the forums is time taken away from working on the game.

These are options we use to communicate with you. It's your choice if you wish to embrace them.

MQ Epic  Post #: 29
5/22/2013 13:49:33   

So far what im gathering from this is what i've been saying for a while: lack of staff.

A community manager that works at the office and is extremely well informed of what the devs are doing is needed.
A dedicated balancer is needed to offload balance work, which vastly increases the amount of time titan and rabble have for coding. This means better balance, faster balance, better features, and faster features.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 30
5/22/2013 13:51:11   


Where as the forums we are limited.

So, you have the app Twitter on a device, without an Internet application on it?

Epic  Post #: 31
5/22/2013 13:53:01   


So, you have the app Twitter on a device, without an Internet application on it?

It's not that, it's actually that these forums are extremely dated. These forums are a pain to use even on a regular computer.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 32
5/22/2013 14:04:15   

Lack of staff... yeah. Keep in mind also, we recently lost Cindy as she is pursing her Phd. Each of us are balancing several roles at once. I'm not saying either that we can't do a better job around here. We can always do better. Game will always need improvements. That's obvious and really goes with out saying.

We can only access the forums from home and work. I'm locked out from using it in other places because I'm a Dev.
MQ Epic  Post #: 33
5/22/2013 14:08:30   

It is unfortunate, but you can get phones that have applications for social networking while lacking a browser (which means they can access Twitter but not the AEFs).

This is just a joke but Charfade you should bug Artix for smartphones for "business purposes".

Otherwise, you guys would have to buy 1 yourself, which I may guess you would all not be as comfortable doing. Do any of you have a smartphone (iPhone, Android...)?

What about someone for PR? A portal worker between developers and players?

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 5/22/2013 14:20:02 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 34
5/22/2013 14:14:07   

Just for anybody who is interested at how detrimental the lack of staff actually is:

Titan: Programmer
Rabble: Programmer
Charfade: Artist / Possibly Animator, not sure
Nightwraith: Artist / Animator
Cindy: Writer

Game Designer
Dedicated Balancer (Without the ability for Titan to veto things. The only thing that should be able to veto this is testing data that proves a change is negative)
Audio Engineer

< Message edited by Xendran -- 5/22/2013 14:15:45 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 35
5/22/2013 14:26:48   

Depressed Void, yes each of us own a personal smartphone. However we are locked out of using the forums from non approved locations... not because our smartphones or other mobile devices dont allow is.

Also there are many things we can not openly discuss publicly because of our non disclosure agreement contract. Sometimes there are things I wish I could say but I can't. Partly because players are not the only ones that read other game forums. Both established companies and start up companies do to. This puts a void in what we can do and say unfortunately. :(


Xendran: yes I'm also an animator. I also do quite a bit of marketing. ( site take overs, banners etc )

Titan: Game Lead / Programmer
Nightwraith: Game Creative Lead / Artist / Animator / Writer

Rabble: Programmer
Charfade: Artist / Animator
Cindy: Writer

< Message edited by Charfade -- 5/22/2013 14:41:47 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 36
5/22/2013 14:36:21   


Sometimes there are things I wish I could say but I can't.

Everybody needs to take this seriously, by the way. Charfade, Cindy and NW hold substantially less power than the vast majority of players believe, and they are not the reason the game is in the state it is.
In the end, it comes down to the people that do all the implementation, the programmers, and the people who allocate funds for staff to be hired, AE.

EDIT: Also, i know how you feel and i'm not even under NDA, just concerned about my account.

< Message edited by Xendran -- 5/22/2013 14:59:59 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 37
5/22/2013 14:42:33   

You guys expect the suggestion to be implemented?

Most of them are .give that think, make that robot to kill IA or something ( i believe IA it's the most debated robot in those forums).Like i said, bad suggestions

The good ones are mostly long, hard to read, losed in the whole tread and up to debate...
Anyway i would suggest devs would " put in charge" some players from here with the ballance discusion or something , like Trans which ussualy give good points "but ignored mostly" (his words) i think it would help and this way we would have some forum readers that could listen to our suggestions.
Epic  Post #: 38
5/22/2013 14:46:54   

Unfortunately almost everytime a staff member posts anything - on twitter, fb, forum.. - it is either
- 'update is coming'
- an excuse
- an obvious explanation anyone could have figured out alone such as 'there are two types of damage in epicduel' or 'for account issues you have to address this to...'
- an empty remark such as 'Good idea', 'Keep it up/down' etc
- one of Nightwraith or Titan's angry long posts

< Message edited by Drianx -- 5/22/2013 14:47:40 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 39
5/22/2013 14:52:58   

Actulaly, while you're here charfade, do you think you could ask aroudn the office to see what type of music they think would fit in EpicDuel?
I feel like writing some fan tracks that people can listen to while playing.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 40
5/22/2013 15:07:25   

Xendran: mmm... room is pretty silent atm. I dare not disturb them when they are focused. ( I just finished lunch and about to head back into what I was tasked to do today ) type of music varies per situation, but general battle music, something impactful similar to the theme boss battle music that plays has always been appreciated.

Drianx: you forgot a few

- progress updates
- sneak peak previews
- answering questions general help
- sometimes we offer codes for in game
- inspirational motivation quotes
- updates from personal lives / thoughts

I'm going to head off and get into focus...( working on a pretty neat background atm ) just wanted to drop in and explain a few things. ^^

MQ Epic  Post #: 41
5/22/2013 15:18:06   

Read everything since my last post. Progress, woo.

@ Xendran

By Jove, do anything you can to prevent it from being dubstep- On an extra note, I think ominous latin choirs fit the game's supposedly dark theme.
Epic  Post #: 42
5/22/2013 15:18:39   


general battle music, something impactful similar to the theme boss battle music that plays has always been appreciated.

So, bgm with little to no voice. Nice. I still listen to Adrien Von Ziegler by the way, he was that underviewed, underrated composer I mentioned around St. Patrick's Day. His musical pieces would do well in any game really.
AQ Epic  Post #: 43
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