All of a sudden, all you ever see is a tank build here and there... it's getting ridiculous, can we even call this Epic Duel anymore, more like Tank Duel, because the builds aren't unique anymore it's more about who is tankier and whose gets the bigger de-buff... truthfully i think we need to see some sort of nerf or a change in the game mechanic and change how the whole game is, as if it was a new game. "Epic Duel" is too plain and we need to spice it up a bit rather than just it being Tank vs Tank / Tank vs Noob / I for one could see the potential in this game, but as it is now there isn't much to do besides 1v1 2v2 or Jugg, and all 3 categories fall under the same thing, Tank and Moar Tank. I made this discussion to see how many people agree with me, because i know for a fact i can't be the only one knowing that "Epic Duel" is not going in the right path. Obviously, I'm not going to just say what it needs, but i will also give some good ideas,. A couple of good ideas would be to add more classes, enlarge the skill tree, these 2 things could change the game in a good and very intresting way, that is if the AE team ends up doing it correctly.