Fpr all those who said that non-vars have a hard time, that is a pure lie. In 2 weeks of playing about only an hour or less a day, i got my level 10 alt over 100k credits. I bought an armor, sword, gun, and aux and still have enough to either buy all the cores, a vehicle, robot, or change class. And for those who can't farm like me, buying the cheapest weapons in the game and getting only the necessary cores (Generator, Primary active, maybe some others) there's no possible way you'll run out of credits. The fact that you have to pay 2k varium for a bike worth 50k credits is plain ridiculous. 2k varium is $10 for god sake (and that's only if you buy the 10k var package. If you calculate in proportion to the 2.5k package, its $16). That is pathetic and all those committed non-vars know it is. It does not even take close to having to "grind months" to gain that much. But does that mean it's easy? No. And that's why people hate it so much. It's not that much work but it feels like it--a sign that the game is not longer fun. You're such a elitist NDB, you really are. Of course people can just sit at level 10 and farm npcs til the end of time but guess what? Many of us have level 10++ characters, for me, I have 5 characters all of them are 31 ~ 35, so are you saying "Oh sorry, you gotta start over" No, I have to deal with the game as it is now, in fact, because I didn't train on my Bounty Hunter and Tech mage to prepare myself for Omega, they're rocking not fully equipped gear in and no cores in which my battles against 33 ~ 35 nearly always result in a loss, its only against unskilled players and level advantage that I finally get some wins on them so no thank you for your rant.