Cyber Dream
I kinda rushed it so let me know if you need help understanding New faction game mode Your HQ is given a certain amout of points(equal for all hqs) and the goal is to have the most points total in delta v. But to obtain more points you have to take control of more hqs. To take control, you have to start a Faction Duel: Where to founders agree to compete their factions against each other. Does not count towards 1v1, 2v2, or jug lb. Players can only fight the opposite faction member. The winner gains x points towards their __________ . Cant think of a name to call the points. Once you beat the faction, you take control over their hq. Ok here the best part. When you take control of the faction, X amount of their influence is givin to you per day . The faction you take control over can have a chance to break away from your control ONLY if they get their points higher or equal to yours. You may think What if a faction like vivid takes control of a noob faction? Well what if an x amount of points where given to a hq every day? Then they could save up and attack. If things get too tough for an hq that is taken over then the founder of the faction has no patience, you could pay another faction to ally with them and rebel. You can control an unlimted amout of hqs, the more you control, the more points you get. Also there should be a leaderboard for this. Can't think of a name. I state this again, WHEN YOU TAKE OVER A HQ YOU WILL RECEIVE AN X AMOUNT OF THEIR INFLUENCE THEY RECEIVE IN ONE DAY. Couple of statents for this You CAN take over hqs in the same alignment as you. Think of it as terrotories You will have to give a faction an x amount of influence if you want them to ally with you to break free of control from another faction. Faction duels can be set up similar to the ally link system. Link the factions that are dueling? Facition duels will not count towards the current 1v1,2v2,or jugg leaderboard. Neither will it counts towards the current world domination system. You can only do one faction duel at a time. The hq that is being controlled can only attempt to break free once per day.
< Message edited by Cyber Dream -- 8/12/2013 21:46:12 >