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=ED= August 22nd, 2013 - Mission Overhaul

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8/22/2013 15:10:54   


August 22, 2013
Mission Overhaul

Dragon Returns
It's that time of year again! Time for Summer to slowly ease out into Fall. Time for students to go back to school. Time for...DRAGONS!

The classic Dragon and Back-to-School items will be returning to The Slayer, along with the Charbinger weapons and Harbinger Armor from last year's Dragon's Reckoning Saga! Some of these are limited quantities, so better move fast!

It's All About Timing
Rabblefroth's programming skills have allowed us to put seasonal items on a schedule. This means that items like the Heartbreaker weapons or the Independence Day gear will automatically stock in the shops without requiring a restart. This means we'll never have to worry about forgetting to add something as the list of seasonal content grows every year. This will also give players a larger heads-up before we add and remove gear from the various shops.

Mission Overhaul
Those of you who have been around awhile have probably noted the lack of missions lately. The existing system has a number of flaws that make adding missions cumbersome. For one, NPCs do not support more than 4 missions. With a small-ish cast of NPCs, this means if we want to add more, we have to move or remove missions. Another reason is that mission are hard to find. Aside from players who closely follow the Wiki and these Design Notes, most players would only stumble upon missions through luck. Even after finding a mission, there is still the matter of navigating the mission chain, which is often unclear. Because of those flaws and because so few players were able to experience the missions we were adding, we made a conscious choice to stop adding new missions until we could build a better system.

Now, we finally have that system! From the Mission button at the bottom of the main interface, players can view a directory of all available missions! This will allow players to view different mission categories like Permanent, Seasonal, and Daily, view details about those missions, and jump to the NPC offering them.
As a minor housekeeping task, we have grouped many existing missions into chains, altering them slightly to flow together naturally. We also filled several gaps in term terms of missions for low to mid-level players (1-20) so players getting familiar with the game will have more opportunities for credits!

Because this is new system with many changes and opportunities for critical bugs, we will not be offering Daily missions this release. If everything works with few or no bugs, however, we could see Daily missions very soon!

Finding Mission has never been easier! With a little time and effort, you'll be rolling in credits!

Tags: Nightwraith Missions Dragons Weapons

Tagged and formatted. ~Mecha
Updated with new images. ~Lectrix

< Message edited by Lectrix -- 8/23/2013 20:18:18 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
8/22/2013 15:41:44   


along with the Charbinger weapons and Harbinger Armor from last year's Dragon's Reckoning Saga!

AQW Epic  Post #: 2
8/22/2013 16:10:39   
Dual Thrusters


Dragon's Reckoning

Wow! I never expected to see these oldies again. Will they still have Char's fury?


MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
8/22/2013 17:39:18   

Ain't this funny? Players don't want reskins but missions, and the first two replies are about weapons coming back instead of mentioning the new Mission overhaul. Oh the irony.

Regardless, I'm quite hyped for the new Mission system as well as new missions for the Dread War. Dragon weapons coming back means they will also give cheevos if we buy them (Dragon-Con), or that was the case in the past.
I hope Influence reward will be included from the missions. Especially with the Daily Missions which could be great if put in each region of Delta V - beat 10 enemies for 100 Influence, once per day. Wouldn't that make it less tedious and give you incentive to fight? :D


AQ Epic  Post #: 4
8/22/2013 18:17:03   

Does anyone know what time this will be released at?
Post #: 5
8/22/2013 18:20:55   

They usually do update's tomorrow as for when they will be release it tomorrow it will be when it's ready o'clock.
Epic  Post #: 6
8/22/2013 18:26:50   

But they said August 22nd not August 23rd
Post #: 7
8/22/2013 19:19:59   

^ That was the date when NW posted.

< Message edited by Predator9657 -- 8/22/2013 19:20:09 >
Epic  Post #: 8
8/22/2013 19:28:37   
Chosen 0ne

Am I excited for this release? Of course! I am thrilled.

I've been waiting for this mission revamp for a very long time. If the devs do it correctly I believe it can be what can separate games from good and bad. With this new mission system Epic Duel can become the amazing game it strives to become.

Looking forward to what's in store tomorrow Devs! Even if it isn't perfect yet. It's definitely a step in the right direction.

Hope is slowly coming back to me. I actually look forward to playing epic duel everyday now that I'm out of an active faction and make my own rules.

Heres to a new age of missions!


DF AQW Epic  Post #: 9
8/22/2013 23:43:44   
Dual Thrusters

The Charfade NPC stated that the Charbringer weapons would be limited because " Dragonoids don't exactly pass through here often."

So now that she will have more in stock, do you think maybe Drakylos will come back after his defeat?
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
8/23/2013 0:49:40   

Great, missions feature is overhauled. Quite excited!! Hope daily missions come soon.
AQW Epic  Post #: 11
8/23/2013 1:45:35   

Is the cyber dragon coming back? Or cyber something its an energy zooka
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 12
8/23/2013 2:30:52   

@above yes it's coming back alright
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
8/23/2013 8:23:35   

Thank God! Missions will be coming back soon!
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 14
8/23/2013 9:28:22   
Silver Sky Magician

Finally! An incentive to play.
Post #: 15
8/23/2013 16:34:58   


With EpicDuel's new Mission System Overhaul, you can expect 20 new missions will be added! http://epicduel.artix.com/gamedesignnotes/


Charfade ‏@Charfade
Preview of the New EpicDuel Mission System Interface. Missions are now neatly organized for easy findings! pic.twitter.com/Zyq20GgbBP


Titan ‏@Titan_EpicDuel
The team is hard at work finishing up the new mission overhaul! pic.twitter.com/euYnzK4yiO

< Message edited by Trans -- 8/23/2013 16:38:43 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 16
8/23/2013 18:41:51   
Chosen 0ne

I am very excited for the mission revamp. If it's as fantastic as the retrain revamp then words wont be able to describe my joy.

< Message edited by Chosen 0ne -- 8/23/2013 18:42:27 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 17
8/23/2013 19:38:11   

I hope I get about 5000 credits from this mission chain. I may have to change my build if I have to battle NPC's though.
AQW Epic  Post #: 18
8/23/2013 19:46:52   
Dual Thrusters

I'll need more than 5k to fully upgrade my alternate armor

But I hope we don't have to farm npc drops like the dreaded yeti pelts
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
8/23/2013 20:05:59   

^ Yeah, that would be really boring.

< Message edited by Predator9657 -- 8/23/2013 20:06:18 >
Epic  Post #: 20
8/23/2013 21:15:55   
  Exploding Penguin

Wow, I thought they said in the Omega DNs that back-to-school was going rare.

EDIT: Never mind, that was only for Platinum's Pride, Dragon Buster II/Dragon Armor, and Delta Knight.

< Message edited by Exploding Penguin -- 8/23/2013 21:19:12 >
Epic  Post #: 21
8/24/2013 2:23:38   

we asked for it, now its being served to us. Good job devs for the new mission revamp. Simply awesome. It's good 'ol days again in ED.
DF Epic  Post #: 22
8/24/2013 3:58:52   

Some missions are broken and wins don't add to the progression. Please fix 'em.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 23
8/24/2013 4:16:46   

@ Jekyll

If that is the case report it in the bug section of the site and which missions they are.
Epic  Post #: 24
8/24/2013 5:03:18   

^Ok, I'm gonna do that now.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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