I'll paraphrase it. Static Smash needs altering, not a full on nerf. Was the EP drained by Atom Smasher high? No. It's about the return. From 75% return -> 50% return would be ideal. Assuming typical Focus 5 build, they will have 10-12 +35 = 45-47 damage. Looking at the %'s from the Static Smash entry, Level 1 will drain 20 EP + return 15 EP, Level 5 will drain 27 EP + return 21 EP, and Level 10 will drain 33 EP + return 25 EP*. This is merely with 45 Strength which is just enough for Focus 5 or you can have lower Strength and use stats to boost it up higher. The numbers will be smaller at lower level but so will the stats and skill level, which still balances it out for players at lower level as well - where it can be a threat if used wisely. Regardless, if you're going for tanking then you will have roughly Level 5 Heal, maxed HA, Lvl 4-5 Bunker and rest of the skill points are free (at Level 36), which leaves you with 18-19 skills points to put elsewhere. Easily possible to max out Static Smash and put rest in Adrenaline or whatever you want. Yes, lower Str = lower drain but it has return on top of it and there's plenty of strategy you can use to prolong the battle and use Smash again. Counters: blocks, depleting Energy quickly, using EP drain skill/core, Concussion Shot Bumping it down to 50% return would still leave the skill's power the same - when it comes to draining - but the return would be lower. With an appropriate build and trained Static Smash, you should still be able to drain a significant amount of Energy and get a respectable amount back to aid you. Alternatively, you can train your Energy too or manage it better in battle (i.e. Generator, low level skills for cheaper cost, etc.). Furthermore, since the change, it's lost its EP cost required to use and received the EP return on top of it, which has caused some builds to be indirectly buffed and claimed to be overpowered. In the end, it's the synergy which has caused it and one skill is to blame - Static Smash. Tl;dr: bump down the return to 50% Energy. * Static Smash uses the minimum damage, always. The numbers round up too, always.
< Message edited by Trans -- 10/7/2013 15:43:50 >