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RE: =ED= October 16th, 2013 - Meet Mr. Musk

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10/18/2013 3:44:16   


If it goes the way I think it will I doubt it. I just hope that this change doesn't destroy certain builds, and make builds that don't really rely on passives too much overpowered cause that is what I am seeing if this change is like I think it will be.

AQW Epic  Post #: 26
10/18/2013 4:05:39   

Passive cores cannot be consumables. Only active can which can be used by you, as opposed to passive which are always active. :p The point of consumable cores is testing them at a lower price. Would you rather spend.. 2K Credits (I forgot the actual price...) to test a new core, or spend 10K and possibly change it afterwards because you don't like it?

influence cores are setted as passive cores, and unfurtunately i cant decide to get a permanent bacon breth core;
i just hope u are right and theese will be perma core. (srry idk how to post...)

< Message edited by kosmo -- 10/18/2013 4:08:56 >
Epic  Post #: 27
10/18/2013 4:59:42   

Oh. I've completely forgotten about the Influence cores. e.e

Hm. Although, Influence ones work per win and don't affect PvP battles.
AQ Epic  Post #: 28
10/18/2013 7:17:18   

Certain parts of my mind is telling me to quit EpicDuel until the game becomes more fun for me. Luck ruining battles is no fun for me and neither is it for others.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 29
10/18/2013 11:06:51   

Overall feeling good about it.
AQW Epic  Post #: 30
10/18/2013 12:43:26   

Let's hope that the armor comes with a new core, If it does I'll but it if it doesn't then I won't buy it since it's not needed.
AQW Epic  Post #: 31
10/18/2013 12:47:52   

But there's 4 new cores, unless there's a 5th one designed to defeat the Chairman (basically Char's Revenge but for Chairman). I'd rather not pay more Credits for a core that I don't want. If it's the 4 in the DNs, surely they'd need to release 4 different versions with each having a different core, no?
AQ Epic  Post #: 32
10/18/2013 14:19:29   

I'm talking about another core that isn't in the design notes a 5th one, I'm saying this because of this from the other notes:

New Armor
Musk sees you admiring his armor -- don't worry, he brought extras! Power up with the Musk Husk and send Chairman Platinum packing!

and this:

there are bound to be aspects that we forget to mention here

After all we gotta wait and see.
AQW Epic  Post #: 33
10/18/2013 16:23:13   
Cyber Dream

Hm, I if the number of times you won a daily would be counted?

< Message edited by Cyber Dream -- 10/18/2013 20:08:00 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 34
10/18/2013 17:20:53   


Wonder where this update is . On a side note anyone else noticed its not just the game and forums that have gone extremely inactive compared to earliar phases twitter has gone the same way tweets are pretty wide spread now . I wonder what all this could mean ?
Post #: 35
10/18/2013 17:40:56   

Updates usually happen around this time, and often a bit later than this. Friday release, it can be even just before midnight - no set time.

Also, Charfade is on a maternity leave, Cinderella is doing her PhD and the rest have to do their work too, so it's only natural you have much more workload than you would usually do, and the same deadline. Less time for leisure. Do you really expect them to be able to spend their time at work on... not working, when they have to cover for two people being away?
AQ Epic  Post #: 36
10/18/2013 17:49:50   


Ill reluctantly and somewhat disagreeably let you have that for twitter doesn't explain the game or forums though. Kind of strange that all 3 places are showing the same symptoms of dwindling activity loss of players . updates are slowing down massively . I'll leave that thought with you to what this means ?
Post #: 37
10/18/2013 18:05:12   


all 3 places are showing the same symptoms of dwindling activity loss of players . updates are slowing down massively . I'll leave that thought with you to what this means ?

Yes. It means they have to cover for two people who are away and have less time for leisure. If there's 5 people who work 6 hours each day, and then two of them leave, this leaves 12 hrs of work to be done by someone else (example). Someone has to do it. I don't know what else you've expected. If you cover for someone, you will have to work more (and possibly overtime).

Also, Devs have said many times that they prefer using Twitter since it's easier to get a hang of them there, as opposed to Forum. You can access Twitter on your mobile, practically anywhere, whilst accessing Forum on mobile is... bad. It's not suited for browsing on mobile, yet alone reply with ease.
Charfade often replied on Forum but, well, she is on the maternity leave so she can't really get on as much - if at all - so that's one. NW and Titan rarely post as it is because they have bigger projects to take care of, which other Staff can't do due to lack of skills in the area.
AQ Epic  Post #: 38
10/18/2013 18:15:32   


First point- nobody's really speaking anywhere

Second point - Please tell me when the last decent release was . Also point out how many you can remember (releases worth mentioning in the entire of omega ) Thirdly tell me one point in omega balance has been reasonable (Yes I know balance never has been ever) but since omega the phase that promised equality balance has been completely and utterly broken .

Third point - Its not just the staff being inactive Its the players being inactive and leaving mostly in response to omega and balance probably to do with a lack of content and updates also or staff contact full stop . Interesting bit of information delta towards the end was averaging around 1000-1200 players . omega is averaging around 300 -400 players that's a 66-75% decrease. Don't have to tell anyone with a objective eye how bad all these things connected are.
Post #: 39
10/18/2013 18:25:16   


Titan @Titan_EpicDuel
Elon Musk comes to EpicDuel tonight! Testing now... EpicDuel.com

AQ Epic  Post #: 40
10/18/2013 18:27:42   

@ Wireclub1990

Numbers have decreased from delta to omega for many reasons not just balance. here is a list of them

1 Varium compensation was extremely low for those who invested in the game money wise.
2 Power balance between varium's and non variums (item and stat wise) has been removed
3 the removal of NPC
4 Luck getting a major buff so players who don't have skill can win against players they normally wouldn't
5 Omega becoming extremely expensive to compensate the fact that everything (other than phase promos) can be gotten with credits

If you add what you are talking about with balance that makes 6 I can think off.

Epic  Post #: 41
10/18/2013 18:28:14   


Guess he saw my post :P . The rest is still true though I take no pride in that either. Nether the less still true


Ah I know for once I was being kind . How sad is it that its easier to point out the things wrong with omega then right . Atleast you agree things need change because if people keep leaving its not going to end well we only have 25-34% of the player base left . and if new comers are coming in then the numbers are even worse .

I'm going to touch on the luck comment fine some1 with 150 support should crit a lot should not be the case that quite often some1 with less support then you can get a crit 2-4 times a fight way more often then it should be happening blocks with no dex deflects with no tech etc etc . Lucks not the problem how often its happening in cases where it should not be happening frequently isn't just broken its completely broken

Also something else has come about that is not helping this is not the devs fault i'll give them that its the only thing that they cant fix 1v1 has turned into a first turn wins mode with a lot of copy cat builds its pretty much impossible to win without the first turn or extreme luck if your using the same build its a case of first turn or extreme luck wins. If your not its almost impossible to beat these builds without the first turn or extreme luck . They're not OP its just they have so much power that first turn puts them in such a position they are in complete control of the fight and its hard to come back from no matter what u do . Yeah their not OP -_-

2v2 you will find your selve screwed by the matchmaking system more often then you aren't

juggernaut you will find 2 jug killing builds more often then you don't

And this update is fixing none of this so players aren't going to come back things are not going to get better maybe numbers will pick up for a few days or so due to musk then people will notice all the things I've mentioned in this post and leave again . This update just means at least another week of hell in epicduel for the masses . no epicness just hell and its at least a week

npc's are only good for cash farming now

The missions are pretty much laughable and repetitive

Where is the balance where is the fairness where is the content. Where is the fun ?

< Message edited by wireclub1990 -- 10/18/2013 19:05:37 >
Post #: 42
10/18/2013 19:54:36   

^ can i ask u which class are u using?
Epic  Post #: 43
10/18/2013 20:24:36   

You mention missions being repetitive?

Nightwraith @Nightwraith_ED
Tonight we are introducing a new mission type: Scavenger Hunt! Items were hand-placed by @RabbleFrothAE for maximum frustration!


Stuff is being developed behind the scenes, only because it's not being shared unless absolutely ready doesn't mean it's not being worked on.
AQ Epic  Post #: 44
10/18/2013 22:23:59   

updating now.
Epic  Post #: 45
10/18/2013 22:30:10   

Anyone know how much longer?
AQW Epic  Post #: 46
10/18/2013 22:31:14   


funny someone said to me not a few minutes ago they suspected these new cores would make the balance situation even worse then it already is and if it does they were leaving .
Post #: 47
10/18/2013 22:32:50   

^its quite time u stop being such an hater... lol
Epic  Post #: 48
10/18/2013 22:34:55   

And it's live!
AQ Epic  Post #: 49
10/18/2013 22:38:09   

man they are consumables cores.... i knew it
Epic  Post #: 50
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