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10/31/2013 15:03:43   
Oswald Cobblepot

I do not like what comes in the War Chest.
The Cores anyone can buy for some credits.
It would be more interesting if the staff EpicDuel put more things in the War Chest.
The people who had paid to see what did within the War Chest are a bit disappointed !
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
10/31/2013 15:12:35   

You're getting two Mutating Weapons (+Cores) and the War Chest.
You want the War Chest to have more things in them? Like why? You're getting an additional item with the package and you want it to be better. Be thankful you got the War Chest.

You can also buy the Battlegear in-game, aren't you disappointed?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
10/31/2013 18:59:36   
Oswald Cobblepot

well you can buy mutant weapons in game too,
so I think Exile/Legion Pack are not good enough!
Everybody can have it, how can it be in 10k packs?

Answer me please friend !
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
10/31/2013 19:06:17   

So people have a choice between dishing out up to 45K Credits for one version (E or P) or go for the promo and get the items as a bonus with Varium.

There is also a policy which states that rares will come back after a year - such as Azrael promo - so in-game promos are nothing new. It has happened in the past already. They are going rare next week anyway, and that's permanently.
AQ Epic  Post #: 4
10/31/2013 19:11:45   

Like they said.
Varium is a shortcut now ^^
and there isn't as much luxuries in the game as before (Beta, Gamma, Delta).
You got to respect that the fact of the matter is that this is Omega, not Delta. I know what you are trying to say oswald. The best war chests was the Infernal war. There were many items in the war chest unlike now which is why I don't buy promos anymore (Going to buy the xmas promo since I've never had Christmas seasonal but I did collect other seasonal rares from the years going by.)
Epic  Post #: 5
11/3/2013 7:22:10   

Yeah that War Chest was a huge disappointment. It's like some free credits basically. lol
Post #: 6
11/3/2013 9:44:53   
Sensei Chan

I'm used to EpicDuel disappointing me and changing things we paid for
Epic  Post #: 7
11/3/2013 19:18:53   

i think the only improvement i'd as of from war chest, would have been more info, on what i am getting into.. it really could have told us that its more for achievement hunters, or something becasue the cores were really worth about a grand total of what... 1.5K credits? a heads up would have been nice rather than "the players who bought are going to be happy they did" casue i would have much preferred azraels, omega, or most other packs at the time. please staff, dont do anything secret like this anymore, becasue we actually do not know what i is we are paying for, and i felt pretty ripped off, due to a lack of information..

and a rare achievement would have been nicer than what was in it.. even if only worth like 1.5K rating points and 550 rarity :/
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
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