The Finnish Phoenix
I don't like Orc Chieftain because of its 18-card starting deck which makes it harder to draw into Neutralize, Iron Hides, and CC'd Corruptions with nothing in its deck to really make up for it. Sure, the third Defend is nice, but isn't enough imo. As for Thrak, the fact that it only has 1 Iron Hide really bugs me. Cosoma Titan, Bill Assassin, and Storm Knight are SG. Gold Lycan is very nice with its Penance, but Bavaria is better imo because it has a Neutralize and can CC a Corruption which puts it on top for Light F2P, especially at higher levels. It's sorta like a mini-Queen Aegea. That's also why I consider Revonthurkey to be not only the best F2P Water character but the best Water character in the game considering how badly so many water characters are thematically handicapped by having so many low-scale, low-efficiency cards. (Water is the only element without a card more efficient than Defend).