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=DF= Frostval War 2013

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12/13/2013 17:28:23   

Here is where you can post your War Stories. Have fun and please...PLEASE remember the rules in both AE forums and my own L&L rules.

A couple of rules to make this easiest to read.

1) One post per person. If you have an ongoing story, please just edit your post to continue it. Do not make a new post to add to your story.

2) Please do not comment on the stories in this thread. If you want to comment on the stories, please go =DF= Frostval War 2013 Commentary
AQ DF  Post #: 1
12/13/2013 20:48:11   

Your normal TDLNND newscast has been replaced with important info from your fellow soldier, Dragonman

It's Day one of my journey and already I have taken down a High up Cultist. I plan to hunt and kill all five of them, and the Undead Cultist has been intercepted and destroyed.

Currently I have found some Brute tracks and I am following them. They start off in Croft, but go back and forth from Frostvale. The Brute is already my mortal nemesis, so I waste no time attempting to dispatch and defeat him again.

*Remember Voting members of Falconreach, Dragonman is this determined in everything he does! Come the next election, make sure to vote for him!*

Hmm, I smell an ambush up ahead, it's just a regular wave, but I'll have to take them out before I can finish my hunt. I have to cut my transmission now, I'll transmit a progress update tomorrow.

Transmission from Dragonman:

Day 2. Today was my birthday, Last night I found the Human cultist, and assassinated her. Today I did some tracking and destroyed the elf. I have been unable to find any Trace of the Brute or the High Cultist.

I have been informed there may be a slime I have to hunt down as well, that would be, unfortunate, as tracking these two is hard enough.

Transmission from Dragonman:

Today, I did not manage to hunt down a single Cultist General, I am disappointed.

I fear that the all the slime's slime is getting to me, I may have to rest soon.

Dragonman Out.

Adendum: I managed to find the High cultist the next day, and the Brute a little less than a week after the war started. It was a joyous day when I finally hunted down my enemy the Brute, and I know, somehow, he has survived and will continue to torment me.

< Message edited by Dragonman -- 12/30/2013 14:27:22 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
12/14/2013 1:43:21   

The teen mad god stared out at the dark, somewhat gothic town that sprawled out in the snow. He blinked once, then twice, before slowly turning to his companion beside him. "This isn't The Nightmare Before Christmas."

His friend shook his head. "No, it's not."

The teen nodded, then continued. "It's Christmas-time. This is a Halloween event. Why is there a Halloween event happening during Christmas-time, Koran?"

His friend, Koran, glanced at the teen, trying to determine if he would snap his fingers and fix this, go on some rant about proper timing of seasonal occurances, or just walk away before he could get further involved. Maybe all three. "You know those cultists we dealt with last Friday the 13th?"

The teen's expression lightened, mood turning for the better as he remembered the event. "Yeah, the whole Castlevania reference thing. I ever mention how much I love this world for those kinds of things? Probably a lot, but I'll keep doing it anyway, this place rocks."

Koran visibly relaxed, relieved that some unnecessarily dramatic action had been avoided, and gestured to the town, and by extension, the movement inside it. "They're back, and somehow they brought Croft here. Obviously they have a plan that needs the town here in order to work, and we have to stop them from enacting it. Even though we have to fight our way through them again, and whatever plan they have will at least partially work, as always. I have to admit, this cycle gets rather predictable after a while."

The teen grinned at his friend. "Well, at least you're not a power player anymore, you can keep outta this mess. Let the kids handle it, they'll be fine. Unless they can't fix this disasterous situation quickly, then go ahead and do it yourself. I don't want this strange cross-breed of holidays to exist any longer than it has to."

The teen's grinning face was quickly mimicked by Koran's, the Death Knight releasing laughs in short bursts. "Only you, Matt, only you. Still though, I might jump in on this at some point. Gotta show these 'kids' a thing or two, remind them that they have a ways to go. You wanna come along? I don't think you've fought in one of our wars here yet."

It was true, Matt realized as he stared at the quickly escalating battles. Although he sometimes watched from a distance and occasionally helped around in the camps, he hadn't really fought in any of this world's wars. He was a busy immortal being, though defining all of his activities as things that made him busy was a bit of a stretch. He could've easily given himself more time, or slightly alter reality for his benefit, but then again, he never really did such things too often. Or any decent amount at all, for that matter. He liked to spend time like normal people did, making sure he never lost the value of it. Which reminded him, he needed to visit Matthew again, see how he was doing, maybe go on another adventure and obligatorily confuse people with their names.

Ah, but that could wait for a while. There was a perfectly good war going starting right now, and he had decided that it was as good as any to make it his first. His grin grew wider, showing rows of teeth as he nudged his friend beside him. "Oh, why not. I'll get in on this action. Go and grab Jeanne while you're at it, and we'll have a party." Matt eagerly started bouncing on his toes, excitement building as he shoved his hands in their respective pockets. "It's Christmas-time, or Frostval, or whatever wonderful time of the year it's called here, and this looks like it's going to be a great first present. Oh, truly tis the season..."

< Message edited by Ferakin -- 12/14/2013 1:48:13 >
DF MQ  Post #: 3
12/14/2013 11:17:29   
Frost Moglin

It's 13th friday,
in Frostval.
Cultists are invading Frostvale,
the village of frost moglins.
Will we let the attack happen?
Will we surrender, and let Frostval end?
We will fight,
we will fight,
for glory,
for victory,
for frost moglins,
and Frostval!
Slimes, zombies, skeletons rushing by.
Will we lose to the army army of cultists?
In the name of Frostval,
Warmongers come and fight!
In the name of victory
Warmongers come and win!

Got slightly inspired by an U2 song at the end.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
12/16/2013 10:56:41   

Part1: *groans*Not a again!
People introduced: Starflame13, Sentimental Melody and myself

A deadwood fell beneath a the swinging scythe of a tall heavily armored man. A silver and gold winged woman glided down dispatching the remaining enemies in the area for the moment grinning ear to ear. Her long dark brown hair flowing as he landed revealing her ears the mark her as one of elvish decent. The light from around them reflecting off her silver gauntlets as she waved in greeting.

"Hail, Starflame!" The man called raising his free hand slightly.

"Hail, Deathlord!" She called on in reply.

"You know this is at least something newish for Frostval. Though I do wonder what it is that these foolish cultists are after here in the town of fun and cheer," spoke the man relaxing a little, the moonlight from Croft shinning off his gold and black armor softly illuminating it "I still wonder about Croft as well but it makes a bit for sense then Frostvale."

Starflame shrugs a bit wrinkling her nose at the smell assailing her naturally better senses "I have no answers for you there but I think it'll be revealed in time." she replied standing out in her black leather armor which was more maneuverable than one might think.

"I know, I know can't be helped really," he began heading towards the Croft part of the war where he felt more at home "But after dealing with them during the last Friday the 13th you'd think they'd have learned their lesson."

Starflame easily kept up with the man "When do these villains ever learn?"

Croft had taken on some oddities itself from being summoned to Frostvale such as large candy canes with the color scheme of blue, red and white or that was simply overlooked back in the past times he had been here. As the duo reached well the outskirts of Croft they heard someone or something going Psst...Psst!. They found the source of the noise to be a humanoid slime slightly in the shadows like the Black Market Moglin.

The duo relaxed the grips they had on their weapons and speaking in unison "What is it you want?" after which the half-elf quickly said "Jinx!" to which the man rolled his eyes.

"One of you two want to buy a staff?" The slime-human spoke holding out one of the cultist's staffs "Got a surplus of them since the cultists just drop them when they get beat. 500 Gold a staff."

"I don't want to buy one can't speak for my friend though," the man spoke shaking his head "You knows what might happen if someone tried to use them." The woman seconded his refusal.

"Oh come on, I'm trying to finance a slime rebellion here." The slime complained "Trying to free my brethren from necromantic control needs funds."

The duo had already started to walk away back to the fray. "All the more reason not to buy!" the man called back.

"You know one of these days you'll need to give us a name to go with the title." Starflame spoke.

"One day I'll give my name but not this day." He replied.

Part2: Did that really just happen?
People introduced: Eragon(TimeKiller) and a dancing armadillo

The slime woman catches up to the two warriors grumbling as a slim come past taking the cultist's staff of her hands "You two aren't any fun you know that right?"

"We are plenty fun Melody," retorted Deathlord "Just not as much during a war."

The now trio walked further into Croft taking out stray enemies that that others had missed on their way through. As they walked through the found ruins of what looked like domes of hardened deadwoods. The journey to the fight was mostly uneventful as the trio moved swiftly into the fray.

The battle quickly intensified as they joined in. Deathlord slashing and hacking with his scythe cutting down the deadwoods and brutes that got into their way. Starflame dancing through the air close to the ground with her wings slicing apart zombies and undead cultists left and right around her comrades. Melody using whips of slime to take out the small and fast flying eyeballs even commanding the enemy slimes to turn and attack the cultists. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes to hours and after what seemed like an eternity exhaustion started to set in the trio not being properly rested started to become overwhelmed by the shear amount of enemies around them.

Another fellow hero leaped into the fray with them sliding by on a trail of slime firing rapidly firing off from his crossbows. The new arrival wore the helm of a DoomKnight and the clothing of a Timekiller. The man quickly dispatched the remaining enemies never once harming his allies as he slides off into the distance on the trial of slime from a bunch of them carrying off and enemy.

"Hail, Eragon!" Deathlord called out their friend only to watch him continue to slide away "...Well it was at least good see another face."

"Yeah...if you say so Death." Melody said sarcastically

Turning to see what the horde of enemies were protecting the trio discovered another of those strange domes. After some preliminary test on it it was determined to be petrified deadwoods.

"I wonder what's inside?" mused Deathlord.

"Only one way to find out. Anyone got a hammer?" Melody replied without much enthusiasm.

"I think I have one let me check." Starflame answered as she rummaged through her bag.

"Star! Wait!" shout a new yet familiar voice. The trio turned to see a purple armadillo rolling towards them a high speed only stop and pop into a human form holding out a hammer to Starflame with a grin. "Hammer time!" The now human begins dancing off into the distance wearing parachute pants after Starflame took the hammer.

"So... huh yeah that happened." Deathlord stated blankly turning back to dome "Let's finds out what's in this nut."

"Alright. You two ready?" Starflame asked. She mightily swung the hammer into the dome as her friends nodded that they were.

Eragon continues to slide. "Wait you mean this all the screen time I get?! Seriously why man why?"

"Told you should have run in not slide." spoke a dragon spoke from his shoulder smugly.

"I agree with Saphira, Eragon," spoke a crystal horned rhino sliding along.

"You're not helping Frank." Eragon retorted as he continued to slide along taking helping out his allies as he went.

Part3: Secret admires aren't always creepy...
No characters introduced.

As the hammer struck the heroes heard it crack though not much. So the hammer fell once more. Time and again as the hammer hit it's mark the crack widened and deepened. Untill the last hit was struck and the dome shuddered and strained and shattered along the crack revealing the Elite Brute Cultist.

"So, that's where they've been hiding." Melody spoke dryly.

"I guess so. I wonder why no one else was trying to crack this one though." Deathlord responded readying his scythe

"I guess we'll find out afterwards." spoke Starflame putting the hammer into a guard position.

The brute roared to action against the heroes swinging it's massive hook-like hands at them. Deathlord and Starflame leaped into the air to avoid the swings. With Melody dodging them by taking the generic slime form and thus ducking the swings. The brute quickly swung downwards at Melody was squished under the blow or so it seemed to the brute. Deathlord and Starflame having landed on opposite sides and behind the brute grinned wickedly at the foolish brute as a blast of slime erupted with enough force to knock in backwards between Deathlord and Starflame. Starflame moved first swinging the hammer straight at the stumbling brute's chest. The brute took the full force of the hit knocking it back further and a bit into the air. At this point Deathlord stands his scythe upright next to him as he releases a torrent of darkness and light from his hands hitting the brute at the right angle to spin it and enough force to slam it into the remain part of the dome's inner wall. The brute dropped to the floor motionless. The heroes moved closer cautiously to make sure it was dead.

Deathlord pokes it with his scythe "I'm sure it's dead it's not moving. Besides even it's only knocked out we can't just sit around waiting for it to wake up we're needed elsewhere."

The trio walks off towards the remainder of the enemy forces merrily grinning to themselves as the take out stray enemies left and right.

The brute twitches slightly and get back onto it's feet growling at the memory of the thing it squished but didn't stay squished. Unsteadily getting to it's feet it sneaks as best it can after those that beat it down watching the one it couldn't squish with menace.

A chill creeps down Melody's spine "Guys I have the feeling we and me in particular are being watched."

Deathlord turns to look behind them the brute already having hid itself from there sight "I don't see anything Melody," he says shrugging "Could be all the slimes hiding under the ground beneath us watching as their new leader passes by."

Part4:Didn't see that one coming did ya?

The war ended shortly after that. The heroes routed the cultists and their new army and saved Croft and Frostvale. The Zealot leader had been found and defeated by the Hero. News quickly spread that Baron Valirth had some how survived his defeat during Mogloween. The Baron fled the field quickly before he was permanently defeated. Melody and her new slime empire celebrated with the rest of the heroes.

TimeKiller's(Eragon) ending:
"Why are we still sliding?" asked Frank to Eragon and Saphira.

"Does it matter? We get more screen time!" Eragon replied.

"We need to stop breaking the fourth wall." Saphira stated unamused.

"Fine Fi-" The sentence was never finished as the group slid into a wall.

Deathlord's ending:
Deathlord walks into a room filled with books and drops into a chair exhausted. He sighed as he began talking to himself "This bodes ill for the next holiday. Though I guess I shouldn't worry whatever is being planned we'll just stop time again." Deathlord then stands hanging his cape and scythe up for now till they become needed again. He then settles happily into a comfortable chair with a cup of tea and a book a small sphere of light bobbing slightly behind him as he begins reading.

Starflame's ending:
Starflame happily celebrated with the others for Frostval even helped give out presents before heading her own way to do some training and spending time with other friends that she has. After the festivities she returned to where ever she was staying to rest and recover for when she'd be called on to defend Lore with the other heroes again.

Melody's ending:
After the festivities she went with her new slime army/empire to an unknown location and began organizing her new subjects into a nomadic tribe. She continued to have the feeling of being watched but when ever she looked to where she felt it came from she saw the nothing. It didn't help that she chose the edge of an old forest to do this at where what ever was watching her could hide in the shadows.

The End?...(for now)

< Message edited by deathlord45 -- 12/23/2013 18:45:15 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 5
12/16/2013 17:51:08   

Behind The Scenes. Part 1.

Hello this is Bokterier. Your friendly Pit Grinder and fellow Warmonger. I've been sneaking around and it seems that the cultist have invaded both Frostvale and Croft... It does not look to good, but it seems that some kind of heroes have stepped in. That means less fighting for me... Anyway, while the heroes distracted the invading forces, I managed to sneak past them, get some of their equipment and learned their evil password... It was "Evil Password"...

More to come, but don't expect me to make a full report every day, they are getting suspicious. Daelius will be my contact, and if I do not return... Say this to Aria... "I'm sorry, but I couldn't protect you... I didn't even manage to protect myself... Bye... Forever!"

-End Of Transmission-

Behind The Scenes. Part 2.

Bokterier again! Just wanted to tell you something weird... It seems that the cultists found Daelius and brought him back to their headquarters for intoregation. Daelius was just a puppet I created so I could find the true mastemind behind this war... Haven't found him or her yet, and it is soon Frostvale. Might call reinforcements. After all, one Pit Grinder can only do a little bit, but many Pit Grinders can do much more!

-End of transmission-

< Message edited by bokterier -- 12/18/2013 17:46:59 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
12/16/2013 19:22:40   
Chaosweaver Amon

A Not So Merry Frostvale, Chapter 1.

Blood stained the heavy snow as the battle raged. Screams of pain, roars of encouragement, and the clash of weapons filled the air as the undead charged in. Grimlon spun, and ducked under the sweeping hammer of an undead soldier, then sliced it in half with a single stroke. Its two halves still struggled violently, so Grimlon pierced its head. He shook out his long, black hair, matted with blood, and surveyed the surroundings. The attack was entirely unexpected, but the heroes were managing to change the tide quite rapidly. They seemed to be the same crew of monsters from last Friday the 13th. although considerably smaller, and the cultists did little hiding this time.

His thoughts were interrupted by a zombie leaping onto his back, its teeth trying to pierce his armor, but to no avail. He elbowed it in the face, knocking it to the ground, but the weight pulled him down with it. By now it had realized it couldn't pierce the solid armor, and tried to get at his neck. Grimlon saw this, and quickly rammed his dagger into one of the smashed eye sockets, and it went still. Rolling, he smashed his armored boot into a skeleton's knee, and it crashed to the ground. As he leaped to his feet, a slime instantly was on his foot, going up his leg. Growling in disgust he tried to fling it off, then realizing this wouldn't work, sent a fireball at it, evaporating it nearly instantly.

He stood up, and saw a massive cultist brute bearing down on an Ice Elf, who was slashing in vain with his chakram. Silently, Grimlon sprinted through the snow, and leaped up onto its back, burying his sword into it. This was met with a massive arm crunching into his face, sending him flying back into the snow. Groping around blindly, he searched for his sword, and the brute swept him up again, sending him sailing through the air. As the world swirled, he heard a slice, a roar, and a heavy thump. The last thing Grimlon could remember before he blacked out was a tall silhouette, long silver hair blowing in the winter breeze.

A Not So Merry Frostvale, Chapter 2.

Amon was a blur in the snow, leaving a mess of anybody who got in his way. He spun gracefully across the battlefield, his scythe flashing in the forever moonlight of Croft. Leaping up onto the rooftop of a Croft house, he surveyed the situation intently. The small force of heroes was making decent progress in clearing out the cultists' forces. Sweeping his hair back, he searched for Grimlon, who was a shadow, sweeping from enemy to enemy, letting nothing stop him. Grimlon perked up his head as if he had noticed something, and Amon saw him launch himself at one of the cultist brutes, to stop it from pummeling a wounded Ice Elf. Hmm... he thought to himself, If I don't go over there, the brute could kill him...but he has grown in power...and I don't need to be noticed just yet...

His thought was interrupted by the roar of the brute, and Grimlon was thrown backwards, and crumpled in a heap. The brute then scooped him up brusquely, and slammed him into the ground. As Amon bolted, top speed towards the brute, he leaped up, caught his scythe in the thick neck of the beast, and spun around, cleaving the head from its body. The brute then started to fall over Grimlon, but was pushed the other way by a powerful kick from Amon. Kneeling over Grimlon, he scooped him up, and walked towards the medical tent, attracting some strange looks from the other fighters. As he bent down to fit into the tent, he pushed the current patient off of the table, and laid Grimlon down instead. "Give him some Mana potion. No health, or he won't wake up." He said to the startled doctors, then strode out.

A Not So Merry Frostvale, Chapter 3.

Grimlon awoke with his heart pounding like a hare being chased by wolf. Something told him not to open his eyes, and he pretended to remain unconscious. He heard no voices around him, only the distant sounds of battle, and some hoarse grunts and sniffs. Something was knocked on the floor, and shattered. A faint hiss occurred, and then the tent went silent again. Something wasn't right. He could hear a sound like creaking wood now, and the sound of dripping mud. He opened his eyes a fraction, just enough to see. He was under a blanket, and it felt like he was on the floor. He seemed to be completely covered, so whatever was there probably didn't know he was there. There was then the sound of a twig snapping, and a loud creak of wood again. Grmlon then heard a swatting sound, some more snapping of twigs, and a dull groan. Something fell with a thud right on top of him, and rolled off, pulling the blanket away slightly. He now saw the corpse of a zombie laying next to him, a deadwood, and a slime, seemingly searching the medical tent.

Grimlon heard the sound of the tent flaps opening, and a rapid flapping of wings. A flying eyeball had just entered. He cursed in his head. Now they were bound to see him! Did he have any weapons on him? He couldn't be sure without moving. Then again there was no point in not moving, so Grimlon leaped up, groping where his sword usually was. It wasn't there. Before he had the time to search for it, the eyeball sent a red beam of energy at him, which he nimbly dodged, but it still grazed his side. He had then noticed he had his saxe knife tucked in the back of his belt, and drew it in a flash. Ducking another beam of energy, he stabbed the eyeball, which popped, and the body fell to the ground. Whipping around towards the deadwood, which ensnared him in a tangle of roots instantly. It slammed him on the ground as he flailed, slicing through the seemingly endless roots that surrounded him. The slime slowly slid toward him, leaving a thick trail of muck behind it. He kicked out at it, but it was out of range, so he tried rolling away, and the roots caught in the blanket he had hidden under.

He rolled back and forth, desperately slashing at the entanglement of rotted branches and the heavy cloth of the blanket. He felt the pressure on his chest release, and jumped up with all his power, and saw he was staring straight into the face of the deadwood. He barked a quick spell, and the tree caught fire instantly, along with the blanket. This time, it was the deadwood's turn to flail...as its flaming branches caught the tent on fire. Cursing, Grimlon snatched up his sword, and bolted out of the tent, crashing into a pair of Guardians who had been rushing in at the sign of commotion. "Get water!" he bellowed at the bewildered guardians. "NOW!!!" And with that, he ran into a hut of screaming moglins, where he found Amon, kneeling over the corpse of a dead guardian, what looked to be silver blood, dripping down his chin.

A Not So Merry Frostvale, Chapter 4.

After Amon left Grimlon in the medical tent, he felt something shift. Something magical. Something had just happened, had changed something about the war dramatically...but what? Smoothly slipping his scythe out of the sling on his back, he silently leaped to the rooftops of Croft, watching. Waiting. He heard a creak behind him and turned to see a guardian smash into him, sending them both tumbling into the snow. Snarling, he rolled with the guardian, and kicked him in the chest, sending him hurtling backwards. Leaping to his feet he readied himself, scythe held across his chest, a snarl on his face. "What the blazes are you doi-!!!" The guardian leaped at him with lightning speed, sword flashing. Amon parried the blows, and pushed, locking the sword and scythe together. The guardian's eyes were completely black, and a reddish purple rot had crept over half of his face, like a mask.

Seizing the brief moment of Amon's shock, the guardian flipped him, and kicked him backwards. With lightning speed Amon retaliated to the charging guardian with a powerful throw of his sickle, which hit him full in the chest, sending him crashing into a moglin hut. He bolted in, to see the guardian sprawled on the fire, his armor heating up instantly. He had lost his sword somehow, and leaped up with a flaming branch, swinging it straight at Amon's face, who nimbly dodged, and kicked his knee. As he fell the guardian brought Amon down with him, straight into the fire. In this moment, he couldn't have been more relieved at the dampness of his clothes, which stopped his heavy coat from catching ablaze. Holding the guardian's arm away from him, he realized how intensely strong he was. It wasn't natural...even guardians didn't have these insane physical abilities. The flames started to burn his neck, so Amon headbutted the guardian as hard as he could, which had more effect than he had expected, but dazed him slightly as well. He had never been one for hand-to-hand combat himself, nor was he used to having such a challenging opponent.

He shot forward, sickle in hand, and slashed the guardian's throat, and the rot suddenly faded away...his eyes returned to normal, and he had a look of horror on his face as he choked to death on his own blood. The screaming moglins in the background were not helping calm the situation. As his eyes rolled back into his head, the soulmatter started to seep from his poures. 'Waste not, want not.' He thought calmly, and eagerly devoured the soul. As soon as he finished, he turned to see Grimlon staring at him, sword drawn, and he knew the time for a true battle had come.

< Message edited by Chaosweaver Amon -- 12/21/2013 12:57:16 >
DF  Post #: 7
12/17/2013 20:38:57   

Part 1: A Challenge Offered

Noise crashed around battlefield as wave after wave of masked-wearing monsters crashed into the heroes of Falconreach. The traditional defense of the Frostvale holiday had taken a drastic turn when the cultists from the previous war had arrived to summon the spooky streets of Croft to the merry town of moglins. Only, it was not so merry today. Here and there dotting the waves of monsters were the cultists, in open sight this war, launching their own powerful attacks at the numerous warmongers fighting desperately to turn the tide of this war. But rumors echoed throughout the field. Groups of five elite cultists, each comprised of a High Cultist, an Undead, an Elf, a Human, and a Brute, were scattered across the battlefield, directing the underlings. Their authority had to be disrupted in order to find victory. And so, a challenge was issued.

Find the elite groups of cultists, five to each group, and destroy them.

Part 2: A Challenge in Progress

A lone warrior was fighting in the midst of the enemy waves. Undead after undead charged him, their attacks bouncing of his black plate mail, the red trim of the Dragonlord armor matching the bright red holly berries that were scattered throughout the town of Frostvale. After dispatching a zombie with a quick strike, he turned, blue-gold eyes scanning the battlefield before immediately engaging a group of deadwoods. From the midst of a group of attacking slimes, a second figure rose up to join him in battle, remaining humanoid for a brief second before losing form and becoming a puddle, expanding to cover the roots of half the deadwoods attacking the Dragonlord. Slime exploded upwards, trapping the trees in a greenish bubble, which immediately started corroding the wood. One by one, the green goo spit the disintegrating deadswoods at other approaching enemies, knocking over a few cultists and squashing a skeleton, before solidifying into human form once again. The two fighters exchanged a quick greeting, then turned to fight the oncoming rush side by side.

A roar from behind them broke their concentration, and they glanced over their shoulders to see one of the elite cultist brutes towering behind them, fists raised to squash them flat. Before either could react, a blur of silver and black dove from the sky above, followed by the singing sound of a blade passing incredibly quickly through the air. The brute fell, causing the ground to tremble slightly, as the newly-appeared fighter slid along the ground, folding her brilliant silver wings behind her until they vanished entirely, then turning to wave at the other heroes.
“Welcome back to the battle field, Starflame! Want a muffin?” called the Dragonlord, pulling said muffin out of the pack swung over his shoulders and tossing it to her. Starflame grinned and caught it, calling back, “Thanks, Starsaber! Good to be back!” A nearby high cultist paused and turned in the confusion at the similar names, a distraction that the slime figure, Melody quickly took advantage of by shooting out a slime tentacle and tripping the cultist, causing him to behead himself with his own scythe.

The three fought for a few more minutes until they had cleared that part of the battlefield free of enemies, then turned to talk and take a quick breather. “Any of you seen Elryn recently?” Starflame asked.

Melody lost her form for a second to stretch upwards and look around, then dropped with a slight squelching sound. “Well, I can’t make out any explosions or enemies running away in mass panic, so I’m going with no.”

Starsaber chuckled. “He mentioned needing to take a quick break to take care of something. Why do you need him?”

“Remember that race he suggested earlier? To be the first to defeat a set of five elite cultists?” Starflame grinned while the other two nodded. “I’ve found four out of five, thanks to that brute. Wanted to see where he was at with his search.”

Melody glanced around again, then shrugged. “Well, either way, this area’s cleared out for now. Let’s head back toward Croft for a bit and see if we can figure out where he went.”
The two warriors resettled their grips on their weapons while Melody shifted into a more cheetah-like form, and the three took off at a hard run for the other side of the battlefield, blasting apart any monsters silly enough to get in their way.

Part 3: A Challenge Intensified

A group of fighters stood in the center of croft, grimly beating back the waves of undead that threatened to overrun the city. Warriors with various armors and weapons slashed and hacked at monsters, easily keeping pace with the swarm. From behind the armored warriors, a tall figure in robes of deep blue, marked with silver patterns, could be seen. Wind seemed to sweep around him like a miniature cyclone as he raised a hand and gestured at a brute that was about to smash one of the fighters. The brute was flung high into the air and away from the center, towards one of the cross streets that now connected to Frostvale, just as the group of three heroes immerged from the street. One of the figures glanced up, then dove sideways, silver wings spreading out to knock the other armored warrior out of the way. The brute flew directly at the third member, landing with a loud KERSPLOOSH as the slime was reduced to a puddle beneath him. For a split second, everyone seemed to freeze and stare in shock at the spot Melody had been standing, then… FWOOOM!

Waves of green slime erupted from the puddle, forming a giant bubble around the brute. A gurgling noise echoed throughout the area, then the bubble morphed and solidified slightly into a humanoid form again, all traces of the brute now gone. Melody rolled her eyes and called to the other fighters, “Couldn’t you think of a slightly better way to say hello?”

Laughter echoed from the fighters as the two groups greeted each other, then merged together to finish off the remaining monsters in the clearing. Using the brief respite, Starflame turned to the hooded figure, and called out, “By the way, Elryn, I found another elite cultist!”

The WarMage chuckled. “Impressive, Star. How many do you have left to find now?”

“Just one. The human. I believe most of the elite humans are female, so probably that as well. Where are you at?”

Scratching his chin in thought, Elryn replied, “Hmm… so we are both one down, now. I simply have to take out an elite undead.”

Starflame grinned, the challenge causing her eyes to glow brightly. “So, the real race begins now?”

“That it does,” Elryn affirmed, grinning in response.

A few of the other heroes in the group looked between the two nervously. One of the fighters, Kalanna Dae, began to back away slowly, saying, “Yeah, I’m not going to get into the middle of that,” then heading off to down another street leading towards more enemies in Frostvale.

Starflame rolled her eyes and called after her, “Kalanna, we’re not that dangerous!” She paused for a second, then grinned to herself and murmured, “What am I saying… we probably are.”

A man dressed in heavy gold and black armor shook his head slightly. “Yeah, I’m not being near this. Come on, Melody, let’s head over to the other side of the battlefield for a bit.” Melody nodded and sloshed over to join Deathlord, beckoning Starsaber to follow them as they headed off in a different direction.

“Danger? What danger?” Elryn asked, waving his hand to the departing fighters. A group skeletons rounded the corner of the street, spotted the WarMage, and immediately turned around and fled. Elryn frowned and gave chase, calling, “Come back here, you cowards!”

Starflame shook her head, then raced after Elryn, easily keeping pace with the taller man as the two headed around the corner. They stopped at the intersection of the crossstreet and turned, seeing two separate companies of undead heading at them from opposite directions. The fighters exchanged a quick grin, then turned to stand back to back to face the oncoming waves of enemies. An aura of magic power emanated from them as they prepared for battle. Starflame glanced briefly over her shoulder at Elryn, “Looks like our search is being interrupted for a minute, unless we’re lucky enough that our targets came to us for once. Shall we fight?”

Elryn grinned at the Gryffin Warrior’s words, wind swirling around his cloak as the approaching armies came to a halt, the leaders obviously wondering just how insane these Falconreach were as Elryn replied, “Aye. You handle those; I’ll take care of these. War Well!”

Part 4: A Challenge Continued

For one split second, no motion was seen in that part of the battlefield. Zombies and Skeletons moaned, and the wind whistled through the branches of the deadwoods. A high cultist stood at the head of the two separate battalions, scythes at the ready as they stared down at the two lone heroes. The wind around the WarMage ruffled the feathers of the Gryffin Warrior’s bright silver wings, both of them waiting to see who made the first move.

With a mighty roar, both armies launched themselves towards the fighters, intending to surround and destroy the two. Both acted at once, almost with ease. Elryn dropped to one knee, the wind around him stilling as he placed a hand on the ground as the edges of his cloak solidified slightly, seeming to merge with the stones that covered the ground beneath him. He looked up at the nearing monsters, grinning dangerously as his eyes glowed under his hood. He spoke slowly, deeply, his voice measured and calm, yet resounding with the echos of what seemed to be the Earth itself. "Primal Earth...."

“Forest of A Thousand Needles!”

Stone spikes erupted from the ground, encircling the approaching army before any had time to react. As the high cultist raised his staff to attempt to counterattack, spikes shot and blossomed from the previous ones, branching out with frightening speed and forming a sort of stone cage around the mob. Within an instant, even more spikes exploded inwards, both from the cage above and the ground below. With a great shattering sound, the spikes exploded outward in small, deadly points, taking out any monster trapped in their path. Skeletons were reduced to dust and deadwoods into kindling. The high cultist let out a single shriek of mixed rage and fear before vanishing into smoke, stone needles pummeling the air around him and reducing what had just before been a powerful company to bits.

As Elryn had knelt to the ground, Starflame had unsheathed her dual swords and crossed them before her, the moonlight of Croft gleaming off the silver of her wings as she spread them to their full extent. Silver fire rippled across the blades and leaped to spread around her, encasing her in a fiery type of silver armor. As the lead cultist of the group facing her raised his scythe and charged, Star began a chant in a strange, ancient language. The silver fire around her swirled, then shifted to form an immense silver gryffin standing over her, wings outspread in a similar manner. As Starflame finished chanting, she and the gryffin together raised their heads and let loose the cold, piercing scream of a hunting eagle. Mirroring each other, they folded their wings in front of them, then in a single jerking motion slashed them outwards. The gryffin dissolved as the feathers, formed out of silver energy, shot outwards toward the approaching undead. For one second, the path was obscured by the dancing bolts of silver energy, before the light leaped and returned to Starflame, who had fallen to her knees, gasping for air. About a third of the undead had survived at the back of the charge, backing away from the women slowly. Just as it looked like they were either going to attack again, or turn and flee, a violent blast of wind magic shot at them and sent them flying into the nearby walls, breaking several. Elryn had finished with his half and turned to make sure that Starflame was all right.

The women got to her feet, wincing slightly. “Forgot how much energy it took to use that spell. Thanks.” Elryn grinned and nodded, then surveyed the damage, counting the number of monsters that had been slain. Starflame spread her wings and took to the air again, soaring over the battle site. “Well… we took out quite a few skeletons. And deadwoods. Lots of zombies. And slayed enough slimes to make Melody seriously unhappy with us. But other than that… no cultists taken out beyond the leading two.

Elryn glummed, the silver patterns on his cloak appearing to dance in the wind as Starflame landed gently beside him. “’Tis to be expected. Knowing my luck, we’ll probably finish this war before I find that elite undead cultist.

Starflame nodded in understanding. “Guess the search continues, then.” She pointed down one of the streets, where battle noise could be heard once again. “Onward?”

Elryn nodded. “Onward. Let’s join with the others again and see if they’ve had better luck.” Starflame leaped into the air and glided after Elryn as he headed down the street towards more enemies, a look of grim determination on both their faces.

With thanks to Elryn for helping me properly write how his spell was supposed to act!

Part 5: A Challenge Won:

Small flurries of snow from Frostvale drifted across the divide between the cities into Croft, but the heat of battle warmed the fighters bodies just as the constant cries of encouragement warmed their hearts. Despite the even greater numbers of enemy waves now swooping into the town, the heroes fought on, stronger and braver than ever, as warmonger after warmonger joined into the fight. An explosion of cookies heralded the arrival of Azan, tossing nourishment to his fellow fighters while holding his nuclear cookie jar aloft, threatening to blow the entire army to bits. Another fighter, Miran swooped low on her airfoil, grabbing the jar of cookies in one hand while skewering a cultist with the Naginata gripped in the other. Deathlord was swiping his scythe to slice down countless deadwoods, while a Rukaji kept based beside him, moving easily to dispatch a few zombies despite his heavy plate mail. Barely a few yards away, a purple armadillo was bouncing around the enemies, knocking them over as if it was playing some life-sized version of pinball. Melody once again was facing off against yet another Brute, who was obviously confused on why the Slime refused to stay as a squashed pancake. Before she could attack, the brute was knocked over by an enormous, dark-furred wolf, Gingkage easily keeping her balance on his back as they plunged further into the enemy waves. Countless voices of heroes could be heard as they struggled to turn the tide against these enemies, yet against all odds, not a single frown could be seen nor a single unhappy voice be heard. Cupcakes, muffins, cookies, pies, and cakes flew across the battlefield as heroes greeted one other, offering shouts of encouragement. A few voices could be heard singing Frostval carols could be heard, with words changed here and there to fit the present mood of battle. As some fighters were forced to leave and seek a respite from constant battles, others surged forward to take their place, vowing to fight on even harder in their stead.

Such was the battle situation as Elryn and Starflame reached the edge of the magic and mayhem, the area that had now become the main battlefield. Starflame landed for a brief second and looked on in awe at the hope and determination of each and every fighter, saying, “I will never cease to be surprised at the spirit of the heroes of Falconreach.”

Elryn nodded. “It is an honor to fight beside each one of them.”

Without any further hesitation, the two plunged into the fight, each determined to keep up with the other and finish the challenge. Monster after monster fell, this one to a spell, this next one to a sword. For a brief instance, the tide of onrushing monsters separated them. Starflame turned, both blades singing in her hands. Was that the purple of a cultists robe’s, hidden in the group of deadwoods? She leaped into the air, launching herself over the trees before folding her wings and diving at the hint of her quarry. Elryn heard a high shriek, obviously a female, and turned to catch a glimpse of blurred silver and purple caught up in a fast, furious fight. He raised his hand, smoke trailing from the ends of his deep blue cloak as flames leaped from his palm and engulfed the deadwoods, turning them to ash just as Starflame slammed the flat of her right blade into the head of an elite female cultist, who dropped, unconscious at her feet.
Starflame turned, caught sight of Elryn, and grinned triumphantly. “Guess who just won the race?” She nudged the unconscious cultist with one of her boots. “Here’s one we can take back to the base camp for questioning. I believe Kyle wants to have a few words with an elite cultist. Something about figuring out if and when they’re planning a second summoning.”

Elryn chuckled in response. “Well done, Star. That was a fun race.” He knocked a few skeletons over, flailed Starflame in a bearhug, then launched her far into the war waves again, ignoring her loud, “Hey!”

“Don’t worry about the cultist,” he called after her. “I’ll make sure she reaches Kyle. Now, get back to fighting! We have a war to win!”

And, the war has been won! Great job fighting, everyone!

< Message edited by Starflame13 -- 12/21/2013 23:00:32 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 8
12/21/2013 15:41:17   

Frostval the 13th: An unexpected gift
(With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore, because there was no way I could resist...)

Twas twelve nights before Frostval, when all throughout LORE
The Undead were stirring, like often before.
The Cultists were sneaking through Frostvale with care,
In hopes that the Warmongers wouldn't be there.

The moglins were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of fish-cookies danced in their heads.
And when even Artix was taking a nap
The Head Cultist chuckled „Let's spring our trap.“

When outside the town there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to the armies below.
I rubbed my eyes and then gave a big cheer
To the ire of a cultist (who'd been hoping for fear).

I reached for my weapon and hurried down
As if Xanta Claus was coming to town.
More rapid than dragons the Warmongers came,
And I ran to their side and called them by name.

All Beacons and Phoenixes, Guardians too!
AK's, Voodoo, Dragonman, Skeleton Crew!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Let's hope that they've brought enough for us all!"

(To be continued & polished after the war)
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 9
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