i cant agree with these bud.. youre overlooking some facts that the devs have put a lot time and effort into new features and balancing them by taking out old ones. they would have to revert a LOT of things just to bring back pvp drops, which you may not think of as a big deal, but it would overturn current credit prices, so all items would have to have their prices reworked... NPC's are a no-go. It is advertised as a PVP game, and a not a PVE game... so that shouldnt happen in the slightest. level range, right now, would increase waiting times for so many players and casue more quitting, causeing a positive feedback loop more missions would also mean more credits which i dont think is necesasry right now... sorry There is something i would like to point out after a long time.. I wont say names, but i dad have a source that ED is fighting legality battles (or was a few months back) im not sure what the out come was, but i just want to open your eyes that there are SO many things oging on behind the scenes that you have no clue about. The government was gonna force some changes on them that would standardize certain details in the game which i know a TON of you would be outraged against. The crew fought hard and as it seems now, i would assume they havent lost yet, but bear in mind the effort they put in place to maintain the game they made, to shape it into what they want to see us playing... you think you have the game figured out, any of you, but then i challenge you to find a way to make this perfect game, and i guarantee that someone will find issues that they have with it. You cannot assume that everyone wants the exact saem cahnges as you. I am glad NPC battles are gone, so PVP wait times are shorter than before. I amdisheartened that drops are gone, but its not in my power and so look forward to enjoying the next idea they implement. Im glad the level ranges are big enough to play with friends even if they arent as experienced o involved as i am. There are a lot of plus sides to the negatives that some of us dont see cause we choose to revel in the bits loved... Please think about the effects your suggestions would have on the game as it is now, and the devs who work hard to make it work for you.