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Make Block base on Strength

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1/14/2014 5:50:40   

Heres my Suggestion

If Tech is to Deflect
Support is to Crit
and Dexterity is to block why dont we do this

lets make block Base on your Strength Or lets replace block with PARRY and lets add a new function called DODGE
unlike block when you dodge you do not get hurt at all or lets called it scrap

here will be the formula on how block/Parry will be when you block you subtract the damage you will get base on your weapon strength+ your armor while Dodge is still the same way as the past block if i remember 20% damage will be recieve to you was it?

< Message edited by Elloisoul -- 1/14/2014 5:55:04 >
Post #: 1
1/14/2014 6:01:41   

For one, I actually wouldn't mind more effects such as parry an dodge/block. Of course, there is balancing issue with those - and usually explaining the concept is enough, since numbers would be decided by the Devs - but on its own, it could provide some variety.

Although, I'd rather see it incorporated with Dex - so let's say A = max chance for all 3 effects (block/dodge, parry). X + Y = Z. And you have n% chance to do X, and n% chance to do Y -> all of them would add up to Z. I know it may be border-line self advertising, but it could go well with my balance suggestion - changing how blocks are calculated - and make it more balanced, to have dodge/block and parry.
AQ Epic  Post #: 2
1/14/2014 6:05:17   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

In most games Dexterity has been the "blocking stat", if you made it so Strength decided on the block rate there would be a higher increase in stat abusers to Strength purely because people want to block more which could lead to variety in battle pretty much null and avoid if it gets taken to the extremes that "one stat does this now, so I will put nearly all my points into it".

I know this happens now, with the stat abusing, but I cannot think of any benefits this will hold if we switch it to Strength.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
1/14/2014 6:21:38   

I made the idea of a new factor by making STR determine how strong blocks are rather then block chance.
Eg. Say now you get blocked and damage is reduced by around 90% , if say you have high strength and your opponent low maybe you deal say 70% damage when blocked.

However I made this suggestion cause I think guns should improve with dex.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 1/14/2014 6:23:48 >
Epic  Post #: 4
1/14/2014 10:29:50   

^ that's not a bad idea (i don't quite follow the gun idea)
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
1/14/2014 16:45:26   

^ I meant if STR had the buff I suggested then side arms should improve with dex rather then str.
Epic  Post #: 6
1/14/2014 17:20:45   

You would figure they'd improve with tech or support. Would make since, tech as in you have a technologically superior weapon, or support as in your ammo/weapon supplier supplies you with good weapons.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 7
1/14/2014 21:04:52   

I definitely do not support tying block chance (A defensive battle element) with strength (An offensive battle element). Strength abusers would run rampant if this happened.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
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