I'm going to be as objective here as possible and say that you honestly need a lot of work to improve on. You need to work on basic shapes so you can get better at drawing more complex structures like limbs and stuff. Objectively speaking, it really does look like some gradeschool scribbles. No offense yo, just stating it as I see it. Concept wise, all I really got was that there's this thing that has a stick and a nunchuck. From a practical stand point, the only time you'd use a single nunchuck would be if you had both hands open for freedom of movement, and the only time a staff is used is also with both hands open for it. Wielding both with single hands honestly seems like a really awkward thing to do. Besides the choice of weapons, there are so many details not illustrated so it's pretty difficult for me to visualize just what it is you are trying to illustrate. The goal of art in a character design is to accurately portray just what it is you want your viewers to see in your concept. There's come critique on it both artwise and concept wise. Sent you a link on your twitter for various art references you can use when drawing bodies, I would urge you to practice some more.