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RE: The Agony of being Level 38

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3/7/2014 16:45:22   

@ SS

the ranks are shown in the profile when you look at your opponents stats. It will say level 40 Rank (Insert rank here)
Epic  Post #: 26
3/25/2014 5:16:57   
.Sir Lazarus.

Its ok... Level 38 is not that hard people. You just have to play and lose a little more. Its a part of a pvp game.

If you dont like losing battle npcs....


AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 27
3/25/2014 8:49:19   

@ Sir lazarus

No one wants to play to lose a little more due to bad balance sadly. If that was the case a lot of people wouldnt have quit, a lot of people would have complained about matchmaking, and the staff would have chopped 1 vs 1 range for level 40's into the dirt to please those players who complained about it.
Epic  Post #: 28
3/25/2014 10:26:55   
.Sir Lazarus.

Losing is a part of any game.... If you dont know how to lose, you dont know how to play half of the game...
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 29
3/25/2014 13:20:19   

i don't think the reason ppl quit is because of losing…..it was because of all the changes that omega brought
AQW Epic  Post #: 30
3/25/2014 14:54:55   

^ Agreed. If you were a credit scrub like myself during Delta losing was part of the game. It is the changes that Omega has brought that started the downward spiral for me playing this game.
AQW Epic  Post #: 31
3/25/2014 15:54:17   

well they know they have made lots and lots of mistake hope they fix the game soon
Epic  Post #: 32
3/25/2014 18:02:20   

and the legendary ranks being snobs also gets real old... like we get it.. you're good/grind a lot... the comments about me being the lowest level you can face and you owning my sorry butt doesn't make you any cooler in my eyes or anyone else's...
AQW Epic  Post #: 33
3/26/2014 17:29:05   

well they know they have made lots and lots of mistake hope they fix the game soon

That will never happen. All the things we want want back will never come back because they them selves said they won't bring back these stuff. And the game to me is as if it is dying. Look at the mass of players. Whenever I come on at ANY time, there is always 300-400 players. This shows me that more exile players are playing and the legion are tired of this stupid war (like me) since we have less players to have a balanced fight with the opposition. Yes I can switch to the other side with varium and get free prizes but what is the point? I don't want to spend any more money on this game if I know the game will die out....

And yeah leveling up is a pain. Although I do have a good build that kills level 40s alot in 1v1. Though I hate when they keep stunning....


Epic  Post #: 34
3/26/2014 21:39:07   

@ danirasab

On the last live feed the staff said that the legion players outnumber the exiles. I remember them saying that when a player asked.

If the legion player put in more effect like the exile players are then they could come back and win this war.
Epic  Post #: 35
3/27/2014 13:52:10   


But that is on that day specific day. Have they checked every day? No...
Epic  Post #: 36
3/29/2014 16:18:56   
Noobatron x3000

I find it quite comical (for lack of a better word) That every single game on the web focuses on getting things right at the end game , Why do they do this? Because this is where most players spend there time really invest in one character getting it where they want it.

Yet with this game the end game are the most broken 10 levels in the game on absolutely every front.
Post #: 37
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