@above: Mine is still at level 14. . .Oh the wonderfulness of XP boosts. . . .Too bad I only have 1. xD lololol (edit) So uh. . . .is it ok to talk about Soul Wyvern's deck here? e.e I have 3 suggestions, just want to know which most people would prefer. 1) x3 200 Attack, x2 500 Attack, x2 Energize, x1 Super Charged, x3 Electric Arc, 2x Healing Springs, x3 Renew, x4 Defend 2) x2 Neutralize, x4 Cat Reflex, x4 Sacrifice, x4 Defend, x3 Healing Springs, x2 Renew 3) x3 Sacrifice x3 500 Attack x4 Defend x2 Healing Springs X1 Fresh Start X2 Power Flow 1/2 are dual elements of course. I took on a creative side and came up with #1. . . I realized that Energize couldn't use Sacs, so that was unfortunate. I wanted some residual damage while you carried out the core strategy, Sac n' Wall. . . .AKA Electric Arc n' Lightning, because you know, stormy seas and all. As for #2, is what I explained above. Except the residual damage is carried out by Cat Reflex. You use that as cover while carrying out Sac n' Wall. MDK and I collaborated for #3. I'd say it is quite a good deck. I'll still suggest the Corrupt n' Wall, but if Corruption deems it as a SG character, or an insane Gold price character, then I'll go with somethin' else. I still want it to be F2P Wild of course. And yup, #3 is the only pure water deck. So just wanting to ask which one ya'll prefer? #1, #2, or #3? That's it. xD Thanks.
< Message edited by DidYouKnowThat -- 3/18/2014 0:21:37 >