Bounty hunter is a unique class, personally my favourite, cause it can deal with evry class, expecially on first turn.The class is weack to massive dmg expecially in long lasting battles, so skills, cores and bot specials used in a defensive way can be very useful when your opponent has a damage/turn advantage. In my opinion this class has the most viable build options, while strenght builds are extremly strong (strenght builds wouldn t even be that strong without those legendary ranks), bh has the best 5 focus build, that became even more competitve after latest balance updates (hetchilling rush nerf, assimilation cooldown nerf, static smash cooldown nerf and expecially abyss bot nerf, that was better if used without 5 focus lol). With the little enenrgy regain options of strenght bh, poison and massacre become kinda useless, wich makes claws unusable and leves you many skill points around; this also happens for focus bh, wich is stronger with lower level skills and base energy (it s not worth investing in energy for 99% of all builds, this stat looks impossible to balance :) So, all this class needs is a usefull skill, not to buff it, but to invest all those points left from the best builds: I' d suggest a slight buff to stun to complete their skill three, I wouldn' t boder of useless skills like shadows or multi, all classes have useless skills at high levels, but you have to consider that they might be useful for lower levels. I' d suggest bh to all kind of players, it can be played both cheap and fast with great results, and with extreme skill in slower battles.