Well, some aspects I am wrong. But mainly: Technology in TM's = very strong, tanky mage with massive dmg output. Dexterity is worse. In BH's they have the Smokescreen + MoB, at low levels its easy to dish out massive dmg (no armor) = sustain + damage. Mercs with Tech, Bunker is a predictable, easily negated and not especially powerful weapon. Its also the only technology skill. Strength is a joke at low levels. Percentage skills rely on weapon damage, low level weapons are laughable. Blockable as well, which your dex disparity shows. Support is laughable. Its not easy to start first with 50 support, and artillery + aux being your only weapons, albeit weak and single use ones means you better fight a low def enemy or you're dead, especially against an energy manip class like TM. Rage means little, at least not right now. Support should boost Rage Damage, like Rage is not just defense ignore but it adds + x damage, where x = 2x(Support - Enemy Support, x >= 0) Thus Adrenaline Rush HAS a use, Rage isn't laughable against all but tanks and Support actually has a little merit, especially at low levels. Still not enough though. Crits aren't happening enough at low levels. After 7 games as a support merc I got 1 crit. I should expect at least 2-3 in that time with 50 support vs my enemy's 20-25. Strength is hard to balance without stopping the balance in higher levels, so Support is what I want to see changed. Artillery Strike should scale better, so should Bunker Buster. + 10 damage per 3.5 technology, Artillery = +10 damage per 3.5 Support. I want to see this, whats your opinions?