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RE: =ED= Official Mercenary Balance Discussion Thread

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12/13/2014 10:42:52   
ED Divine Darkness

maybe make the energy gained from atom smash unblockable, but the drain blockable?
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 101
12/13/2014 15:39:48   


I say this once and I say it again, atom smash and static smash should deal damage.

I have to agree with that. All energy-draining skills that uses a weapon does some damage. I think only the grenades shouldn't do damage, but the atom/static smash uses a weapon just like the others. Since they have a stronger effect, damage should be lower, just like parasite was (50% damage + draining effect, or even less damage)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 102
12/13/2014 15:46:08   
The berserker killer


Just like parasite and just like assimilate.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 103
12/13/2014 15:47:14   

@ Stonehawk

Then you would need to lower the draining effect to compensate that you are not only getting damage but rage as well. That is the main reason why Atom and Static smash along with EMP and Static grenade have high drainers where as Assimilation and Energy parasite (depending on the opponent) Have low drains.
Epic  Post #: 104
12/13/2014 15:48:31   
The berserker killer


Don't lower the effect, just give them Parasites old 60%dmg.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 105
12/13/2014 15:50:09   

You can't expect to get a bonus effect, at no drawback. Frenzy has no EP cost now, but its effect was nerfed drastically, to compensate for it.
AQ Epic  Post #: 106
12/13/2014 15:53:22   

@ the berserker killer

Energy parasite's damage was 70% not 60%.

But yeah Trans pointed it out perfectly. When you gain something you have to give up something as well. If you want to add damage to Atom and Static smash then the draining power would need to be nerfed to compensate for the this along with the rage gain.

If anything though Atom Smasher and Static Smash should give rage if they get blocked.
Epic  Post #: 107
12/17/2014 23:13:13   

i think i nice little buff would be that blood commander gives 10%-15% dmg reduction for 1 turn so it isn't just a setup skill
Epic  Post #: 108
12/17/2014 23:27:19   
I Underlord I

Reflex Boost, Technician, and Field Commander are all "setup skills" as well, as are the shield/certain effect skills and cores. The first two do provide you with the appropriate Defense or Resistance, respectively, but that is the effect of boosting Dexterity or Technology; the moves themselves lack any sort of "compensation" (which is unnecessary) for taking a turn and dealing no damage.

If anything, a nerf should be considered for Blood Commander. After all, the apparent reasoning for removing Reflex Boost's effect of small EP regain and buffing the Dexterity it grants was that "skills should not have secondary effects." And regardless of one's opinion on this matter, a tiny flat reduction of three Strength points per level does not excuse the powerful lifesteal effect that Field Commander lacks.


"Memories and thoughts age, just as people do. But certain thoughts can never age, and certain memories can never fade."
~ Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

AQ  Post #: 109
12/18/2014 2:32:49   
The berserker killer


I don't know what it is... but this class needs something. If youre not full strength then matches will definitely take longer than any other class. The problem is that it takes a little too long.

Blood Commander needs to stay the same, but the static smash needs to do at least 60% dmg
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 110
12/22/2014 21:36:12   

No one here is a beginning (or beginning a new merc) so this problem doesn't occur.

The terrible problem for me is I desperately want a merc alt but the level bar sux.

All other classes demolish you at lvl 1-20, because Merc loves strength, strength hates low levels, no energy skill and short burst power. A sustainable tank destroys a low level merc.

Fix this?

Static Smash level req go down, nerfed to 50-60% steal but ignore 20% defense.

Post #: 111
12/22/2014 22:57:08   

Well, some aspects I am wrong.
But mainly:

Technology in TM's = very strong, tanky mage with massive dmg output.
Dexterity is worse.

In BH's they have the Smokescreen + MoB, at low levels its easy to dish out massive dmg (no armor) = sustain + damage.

Mercs with Tech, Bunker is a predictable, easily negated and not especially powerful weapon. Its also the only technology skill.

Strength is a joke at low levels. Percentage skills rely on weapon damage, low level weapons are laughable. Blockable as well, which your dex disparity shows.

Support is laughable. Its not easy to start first with 50 support, and artillery + aux being your only weapons, albeit weak and single use ones means you better fight a low def enemy or you're dead, especially against an energy manip class like TM.

Rage means little, at least not right now.

Support should boost Rage Damage, like Rage is not just defense ignore but it adds + x damage, where x = 2x(Support - Enemy Support, x >= 0)

Thus Adrenaline Rush HAS a use, Rage isn't laughable against all but tanks and Support actually has a little merit, especially at low levels.

Still not enough though. Crits aren't happening enough at low levels. After 7 games as a support merc I got 1 crit. I should expect at least 2-3 in that time with 50 support vs my enemy's 20-25.

Strength is hard to balance without stopping the balance in higher levels, so Support is what I want to see changed.

Artillery Strike should scale better, so should Bunker Buster. + 10 damage per 3.5 technology, Artillery = +10 damage per 3.5 Support.

I want to see this, whats your opinions?
Post #: 112
2/4/2015 11:45:01   

where is the rage gain on blocked energy steal? That makes me mad quite often why not gain rage for it?
Epic  Post #: 113
3/27/2015 12:46:24   

Static smash.

This skill need buff. Yes buff. (rage control)

If Static smash get block it lose effectiviness. You cant gain rage. NOTE game only skill what cant give rage or others benefits if it blocked.

What if static smash is second abilitys. Works only if Static smash blocked. Static smash decreasing opponent rage if opponent blocked yours static smash. Opponent lose 50% rage. (number can edit)

This is unique energy controll skill already. Unique i mean it can blocked. Others energy controll skills/cores is 100% guaranteed. (energy)

This new suggestion give merc new ways defence themself. littlebit better btw. (need block that static smash)

Epic  Post #: 114
3/27/2015 12:49:50   
King Bling

Not supported since, a strength merc can takes 500+ energy in one shot, while no other skill can, not considering ch since it needs energy to use the move while this gives back 400+
Post #: 115
3/27/2015 13:08:17   

King Bling

It dosent effect that static smash damages at all. It is 100% same damage what is now. Only changes coming if opponent block this static smash.

I have logic in this. Block/deflect give more defence right? If you blocked you gain more rage, rigth. Static smash cant give rage. Because it is pure energy destroyer/leecher. Why not it can destroy opponent rage if static smash getting blocked.


using Strike and it getting blocked. now you gain exra rage.

Using Static smash and it getting blocked. Now yours opponent lose (littlebit energy) and 50%rage. (rage number can edit)


Not all players using STR. Some players using support , focus Tank or creative builds.
Epic  Post #: 116
3/27/2015 13:22:56   
King Bling

Str affects static smash
Post #: 117
4/4/2015 16:06:30   

Dear Everyone,

OK, first things first. This update has severely hindered the strengths of mercenaries. I've been a mercenary since EpicDuel has joined Artix Entertainment and every time a balance update comes up. Mercenaries are always being nerfed for an unknown reason. The last time a Mercs were on top of the battle food chain between the classes was back in beta with high support builds with the original bunny zookas. Now, more than half of our skill tree is blockable, bunker buster is gravely lowered in damage, we can't dish out damage because all of our energy has been depleted in various amounts of ways(i.e. mages, Blood mages, cyberhunters, and bounty hunters),and now this skill, "adrenaline", is more useless than ever. I've tried countless build with this skill and it is a never ending fail. 85% of strike damage...... you have to serious now. Mercs barely do any damage any more. Plus, mercenaries are literally forced to use a club for some type of energy gain back that is not even dependable because of blockage and the club doesn't even do enough damage on a strike.
Mercenaries have always had the tactic to break through defenses or raise their defenses with their skills because that's all they could do. Now mercenaries do not have any dependable damaging skills or safe energy gain.
Other classes literally triumph over the mercenaries

I see what the MODS are doing with trying to give mercenaries this way of manipulating and controlling rage, but its just a really bad idea and tactic. And not to mention you get punished by other classes by using these moves because they do no damage at all.

I've really enjoyed this game over the eyars but now it's time to take break.

Mercenaries are now just tools of giving defense for 4 turns then BAM! your dead on the floor in your 1vs1 or 2vs2 match.

HALOS of the faction KILLAZ


AQW Epic  Post #: 118
4/4/2015 16:24:45   
The berserker killer


Make Adrenaline unblockable. It costs energy, doesn't increase rage by that much, and its only 85% of prim dmg. Making it unblockable would be a great asset to mercs
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 119
4/4/2015 17:03:22   


Support merc's get 100% rage with one strike of this. I would know because I faced several of them and they end up using either a rage aux or their multi second turn.
Epic  Post #: 120
4/4/2015 23:20:24   

oh yeah great....one turn rage. After all that we have no manna to fight back.
AQW Epic  Post #: 121
4/5/2015 1:52:17   

Mercenary need buff that energy control. OR other classes need nerf them energy control. Perhaps nerf other classes energy controll is better. This allow counter game much easyer than todays.

Infinite energy is huge problem now. Specially mercs. 1 block static smash and it is automatic losing that battlle. Every other classes is 100% energy controls. No blocks or deflections to energy controls skill. Mercenary is behind this 2 ways.

Club--- Static smash. Best suits is str build whit high dex. Odd. Because all energy skill is support/tech basic. Yes there is huge number blockable skill tree skills. (str basic) Still these cost huge sum energy and every skills can be block. This strength skills isnt energy friendy skills at all. Other classes acces much easyer to energy control.

Sword---Mercenary is only 1 class ho cant doing nothihg energy controll.(skilltree) This is HUGE unbalance Because. If battle going over 4-5 turn. Mercenary die because they dont have energy. Others classes can make energy or energy controll whit sword. This make some sword build extreme dangerous to game balances. Because sword user gain so much different stats to using attack/defence and energy/hp control. Mercenary cant do that. Lagging energy skill totally. Mercenary is excellent HP abilty. Blood commander. Most players think this is totally overpower skill. it isnt. It is allow BURST DAMAGE builds. When they have out of energy or out of boost(blood commander) they have struggling. Because they cant get more energy/HP. no energy is no more HP. These mean most times death penalty to mercenary whit sword.

BOT SPECIALS This make unbalance even more Mercenary energy controll. Ice shield and Curse of karherax (or something) these effect directly static smash. This not sound big but it is big effect game balance. Because others classes can counter those BOT SPESIAL whit energy controll skills. Merc cant counter. This balance need fix something ways.

Lasty thing That new Adrenaline need buff. It is still weak skill. Because it cost energy. Damage is low. perhaps it need allow doing 100% damage or decrease energy cost even more. I trying 3 different build and always losing. (about 50 battles)
5 wins only. others matchess i losing.
Epic  Post #: 122
5/17/2015 21:21:02   

Dex Tech Mage destroy me everytime because of these reasons:
-High Block Chance (That means good luck trying to hit them with static smash)
-Overload And Plasma Rain
-High Damage Gun
-Technician improves with Dex (Making them a super tank that blocks and deflects constantly)
-You cant rely on criticals (Even if they have low support, like +18, you arent guaranteed to crit)
-They can loop using battery backup and healing
-And if you manage to hit them with static smash they just use assimilation
Bonus: If they have the the gun that forces you to strike, its even worse

< Message edited by zer00x -- 5/17/2015 21:30:45 >
AQW  Post #: 123
5/17/2015 21:29:50   

Try a Tech 2-3 focus merc with 400def and over 600res, you will need around 160tech+33.
and use 1 surgical and lvl 3 bunker, Just give it a try.
AQW Epic  Post #: 124
5/20/2015 16:51:58   

New suggestions for Mercenary Balance, since Static Smasher is blockable:

1- Give Mercenaries another skill to generate energy, since TLMs have battery in case frenzy is blocked, for example.
2- Decrease Static Smasher cooldown and keep it blockable. You might be blocked but you can use it more often, so it would be fair. Just like Static Charge was lowered by 1 turn to make it more usable.
3- Just make Static Smasher unblockable.

Some other changes to balance each of those changes, respectively.
1- Decrease energy gained from 75% to x%, depending on the energy recovering skill he gains.
2- Decrease energy drain to make it not so OP, because the energy draining is currently a bit high to be used each 3 turns.
3- Decrease energy drained and gained a little.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 125
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