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RE: =ED= Official Tactical Mercenary Balance Discussion Thread

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2/2/2015 13:24:39   
The berserker killer


intim would be a nce debuff for tlm
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 126
2/2/2015 14:21:19   
The Jop

It doesn't really stop them though unfortunately. At best, it drops their primary/secondary damage by less than 100 for a few turns. They get a lot of their damage from poison anyway. Intimidate rarely stops a strength build except maybe in 2v2, because they still have a lot of power that they will focus only on you, and you used a turn and energy for intimidate.

< Message edited by The Jop -- 2/2/2015 14:22:29 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 127
2/2/2015 16:01:30   
The berserker killer


I meant tac mercs should be given intim. theyre the only class without a debuff skill, and field commander definitely needs to increase both str and support. or even just support

EDIT: Tactical Mercs need Blood Commander and Reflex Boost. This class is boring without those two.

Posts merged. Please don't double post. ~WhiteTiger

< Message edited by WhiteTiger -- 2/14/2015 23:06:33 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 128
3/15/2015 20:59:54   

Actually I feel like Tactical Mercenaries should be given Smoke Screen once again instead of intimidate that way tactical mercenary looks more original
Post #: 129
4/4/2015 8:35:12   
Lord Machaar

I frankly think this skill should improve with technology instead of dexterity for TlMs atleast.
So far, this skill has serves for nothing. Doesn't go with any build.

Merged with Tactical Mercenary Balance Thread, original thread was about Stun Grenade. ~WhiteTiger

< Message edited by WhiteTiger -- 4/4/2015 16:11:54 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 130
4/4/2015 9:58:11   
.Lord Ginger.

Plasma grenade scales by technology, however I do agree with the technology for a TLM because if it was a BH, stun grenade could do massive damage. (high tech, smoke, stun grenade)
and let's face it, certain skills aren't used because they are awful, so if it's not used, I'd say it needs a buff
AQW Epic  Post #: 131
4/4/2015 11:08:06   

Problem here is that the skill is share.

If they change the move for tech for TLM it will be turned into tech for BH because it is the same move.

In other words you can't change one move for one class without changing it for another if they share the same move. Same can be said of energy costs, cool down's etc.

The best thing I could suggest is if they make a move that works exactly like stun grenade but give it a different name so they can do this, or just make completely new stun skill for TLM so there will be one less overlapping skill for these two classes.
Epic  Post #: 132
4/4/2015 11:55:42   
Lord Machaar

Static smash and atom smasher were the same skill, they changed what each skill does, and changed just name, everything else remained same.
MQ Epic  Post #: 133
4/4/2015 11:57:02   
.Lord Ginger.

Changed EMP and Static Grenade, those were the same. They can change it to something else quite easily
AQW Epic  Post #: 134
4/4/2015 13:14:49   

@ Lord Ginger & Lord Machaar

I think you both missed the last part of my post.


The best thing I could suggest is if they make a move that works exactly like stun grenade but give it a different name so they can do this, or just make completely new stun skill for TLM so there will be one less overlapping skill for these two classes.

But personally I still think they should make a new stun skill for TLM that works with it's build so there will be one less overlapping skill to worry about.
Epic  Post #: 135
4/4/2015 14:13:59   
.Lord Ginger.

I don't think they should just rename it and make a new animation, it's still the same skill. I do agree with new skill, or atleast same idea just upgraded with something else. e.g. Tecnology
AQW Epic  Post #: 136
4/4/2015 14:36:33   

If they make new stun grenade then it must be new name. Tlm need own stun grenade. it is good to separate those skill. no happens unwanted buff/nerf to other classes.

If TLM get new grenade i think dex suit it best. (balance) If that grenade coming tech basic it can be devastating combo build. very hard counter those stun grenade, bot surgical strike combo.(perhaps poison)

I have 33lvl TLM what is 4 focus grenadier build. It is funny and works. (both stun grenade and poison) It is different thing what happens 40 lvl balances. Because rank effect much.

Epic  Post #: 137
4/4/2015 15:19:31   


It works for lvl 40 too, I used this build for a few days when I was tlm. Now it should be even more fun with unblockable energy drain.
Epic  Post #: 138
8/16/2015 8:08:16   

(had to bring class topics back, it would become a mess if everyone creates a topic about TLMs!)

I think battery should be affected by something, it's too strong and not every class has it, so the others are in disadvantage if we talk about energy control. Maybe improves with tech, making it weaker if you have less than 30 technology and making it a bit stronger if tech is 150+ (they won't have high focus so it won't make people OP with better battery)

Example (I'm talking about lvl 40, though):

25 tech: Battery increases 270 energy at max
150 tech: Battery increases 370 energy at max

at 85 tech it would be 318, it's not a big nerf, but classes that abuses a single stat and abuses battery will feel the impact, making the use of poison + artillery harder without making those skills weak. Problem is Battery Backup, in my opinion!

I went TLM and.... Guys, are you sure things are TESTED before doing changes?

A focus build using a lvl 1 atom smasher loses 90 energy to take 190 from the opponent AND there's weapon requirement, I think it should be tested again, that skill is wrong!
If we compare classes, EMP costs only 10 energy more and has no weapon requirements and drains 2x more than atom smasher. If weapons requirements are to stay in that skill, at least try to make it useful!!!

Posts merged to avoid double posting. ~T.O.

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 8/22/2015 17:32:36 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 139
8/29/2015 23:07:24   

Perhaps make poison require support and use technology to scale.

For example,

Stat Requirement: 18 Support: (+2 per level increase)

Poison Leveling:

Level 1: 30 Damage
Level 2: 37 Damage
Level 3: 44 Damage
Level 4: 51 Damage
Level 5: 58 Damage
Level 6: 65 Damage
Level 7: 72 Damage
Level 8: 79 Damage
Level 9: 86 Damage
Level 10: 93 Damage

For every 3 Tech, Poison damage increases by 1.
AQ MQ  Post #: 140
8/30/2015 1:14:59   

Toxic Grenade needs a dex requirement. Stun grenade needs to be changed into something else, frenzy needs to go back to what it was and MAYBE field commander could be an energy version or blood commander. So it could be Energy Commander? But if this happens, Battery Backup needs to be nerfed a little.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 141
9/4/2015 15:53:45   

TLM is my favourite class , but so many people are just bad so they do what everybody else does and almost nobody uses the class properly
Post #: 142
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