@Shadow bane Why wrong. The fact is, if u use static charge in later stages, you are just giving energy to your opponent. So most of the time, the fight is reduced to good old brawl without energy. If ur opponent is tm, you are constantly on zero, whilst tm has full energy (this is valid for BM,BH,CH,Merc vs tm) Lowering cd on static charge might lead to opness, but the class itself is presented as tinkering with technology and upgrading themselves, therefore having two classes with better energy control instead of one is improvement to variety in my book. If lowering cd is too much, I'd suggest giving bigger energy gain to static charge to ofset the fact that assimilate/atom smash drains almost everything you gain. The state now is that both TM and TLM (with a club) just laugh at your emp and at whatever you gain by static charge. That is just a problem with battery though; I'm for returning 5 turns cd, but bigger energy gain. I think that energy metagame CH vs BH,BM,Merc is fine as it is. Also, I support that BH's static grenade should drain more; maybe scale with dex or str; not with tech however, too much synergy and we saw how op that was a while ago.