@gauge001: You are not alone. I began playing PvP in Battle Gems on the night that PvP was first incorporated into the game, and right from that very first night, I began noticing that I was not able to receive trophies past a certain point of collecting them. Shortly after gathering just over 3,000 trophies that evening, every subsequent victory in battle awarded me a +0 on the trophy displayed from that point forward for the rest of the night. At first I thought it was a bug, so I then began to keep track of my trophy gains. After having carefully logged my playing time and the number of trophies collected during each day of this past week, I've concluded that the game allows me to collect just upward of 3,000 trophies per day before it then stops me from making any further progress until after midnight of the following day, at which point it resets and I am once again able to collect another 3,000 or so trophies. This behaviour has been consistent every day thus far, so one possibility is that it may be some sort of anti-botting method that's being utilized to discouraged people from trying to auto-farm for trophies through nefarious means in an effort to race up the leaderboard past their opposition. I sent in a bug report shortly after first noticing it, but it has yet to be addressed. @legoboyii: I feel your pain. I too had been holding out for BG on the WP platform, but alas, it was not to be. I ended up having to go the Facebook route. Cheers, Vasuri