@Gorillo: That's the point. ./facepalm You can predict the opponent to switch, and go for a preplanned attack. HOWEVER, the person wanting the switch can predict the opponent predicting, and NOT switch. Get what I mean? Switching brings on a whole new thinking process. Huehue. Did I not just explain? All it takes is the two teammates on one team ganging up on one person on the opposing team, and vice versa. Whichever team sustains a death, it basically is at a loss almost 100% of the time because it'll 2 v 1. . . . That's why I'm saying, before you implement this idea, you should really wait for elemental weaknesses, artifacts, switching characters, etc. Unless of course we end up making some kind of rule saying you CAN'T have 2 people gang up on 1 dude. Maybe like Pokémon and Smogon. LOL.