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Balance Tribunal

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3/31/2014 5:02:06   

The biggest problem in this game is probably balance because that is what everyone complains about. I propose that the staff,AK, or testers select about 100 players or so and create a server dedicated to testing balance. A few people testing balance is just not enough. Balance is not just one level or one class, it is the relation of every level, every class, and every build. Also, before anything be released, we should have at least a 70% approval from everyone involved. The biggest reason why people leave this game or are dissatisfied with it is the balance, the sooner we get it straightened out, the more players Epicduel will have and keep.

Balance issues include but are not limited to: Build Diversity within classes, Classes, Cores, Robots, etc....

Players to join the balance tribunal should be selected by senority, dedication to the game(ex. how long have you stuck and supported the game), experience with various classes(ex. players who have one of every class...*cough*cough me...), personality,build making abilities, and willingness to make this game better.

If we had something like this when Passives to Actives got put in, that update could arguably have never happened, I cannot pinpoint the exact location where the exodus of players was most prevalent, but I know for sure if a balance tribunal was created along with the necessary balance adjustments, player satisfaction and retention would go up.

And there should be a side forum created as an extension to the balance discussion that is exclusive to members in the Balance Tribunal where proposed changes could be discussed, etc.

< Message edited by edwardvulture -- 3/31/2014 5:06:10 >
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