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Holistic balance updates plz

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4/4/2014 21:52:46   

We have too much updates in balance where the whole picture isn't seen, this is what drives players away. The complains from players mostly from this forum...have caused nerf after nerf after nerf after nerf and now we are left with no synergy of skills and little to no strategy involved in battling. Why do players want strategy and synergy? Strategy makes you feel like you "earned" your wins and that they have some kind of value while synergy between various skills allows for a variety of builds. Both are essential parts of a thriving pvp game, epicduel, at the moment, lack those things and that is why the server count is low. Epicduel at its core is a pvp game, if players cannot find the pvp enjoyable then it can only wither.
A close look at Passives to Actives have shown that the rash conversion has left a lot of holes. e.g. some questions that were never asked or addressed:
1. Is it fair that tech mage's reroute turned into a skill that grants energy whereas bounthy hunters, mercenaries, cybers, and every other class had their passives turn into something that costs energy?
2. Is it fair that tech mage has two skills that manipulate energy while every other class has one?
3. Isn't a level 7 shadow arts (24%) spread over 4 turns basically just wasting 230 energy because the total damage reduced would just be 96% from 400% in four turns?
non-passive to actives:
4. At the level cap, is it efficient to invest one skill point and extra energy to get a 1:1 exchange for energy cost and amage when I can just spam a stat and get the same results using less energy?

Questions like these are not being asked, this may either be a fault of the balance team or Rabblefroth. Balance is levels 1--->40--->ledgendary ranks between cyber hunters, tech mages, blood mages, bounty hunters, mercenaries, and tactical mercenaries, one man and a small team is not enough.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
4/5/2014 1:22:31   
Thylek Shran


1. Is it fair that tech mage's reroute turned into a skill that grants energy whereas bounthy hunters, mercenaries, cybers, and every other class had their passives turn into something that costs energy?
2. Is it fair that tech mage has two skills that manipulate energy while every other class has one?

Here some fragments in the whole picture that you might have missed:

  • Yes as Mark of Blood is even with energy cost powerfull. Same with the active armor skills which are even OPed in many situations when being compared to Technician and Reflex Boost.

  • Yes as all classes would be the same without such differences as 2 energy flow skills -> Is it fair that Tactical Mercenary has 2 armor skills and that Hybrid Armor has double armor effect for only 1 turn and cheap energy cost ?

  • Yes as TMs have a bad skill tree layout for accessibility. Three branches where TMs have to waste skills points to reach skills at the end of the chain (Assimilation, Super Charge, Fire Scythe). As example I dont need Plasma Rain for my current build with Super Charge and could also give up Overload.

  • Yes as TMs have 4 skills that require a weak primary weapon (Staff) while all other classes only have 1-3 such skills.
  • DF Epic  Post #: 2
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