Hiyas, There is currently some balance concerns with some builds that take advantage of the way rage is calculated. Without going into details about the builds I'd like to outline a new way to calculate rage. Current Rage Calculation: Rage will cause the next attack to ignore a percent of defenses, dealing extra damage. [Formula] Filled Rage Bar = 40 + (2.5 * Level) * As an attacker, rage is gained at a rate of 110% of damage blocked (by the opponents defense/resistance) + 1% per 4 support you have over the defender, up to a maximum rate of 125%. If at a support disadvantage, the minimum rate is 95%. * As a defender, rage is gained at a rate of 25% of the damage taken, +0.25% per 4 support you have over the attacker, up to a maximum rate of 29%. If at a support disadvantage, the minimum rate is 21%. * I would think that this calculation on epicduelwiki hasn't been updated to reflect the 10x change as the damage blocked/taken should now be divided by 10... The way rage is calculated has been changed once since beta and it was originally introduced to offset tank builds. Before I describe a proposed calculation method, I'd like to outline the goals for the new method: 1. Rage bar will factor in the respective total health points of each player. 2. Rage build will favour lower levels and lower legend rank. 3. Rage build still includes a factor to offset tank builds. 4. Support will have a more significant role in determining rage gain. Proposed Rage Calculation: Rage will cause the next attack to ignore a percent of defenses, dealing extra damage. [Formula] Filled Rage Bar = (Your Total HP/10) + (1.5 * Level) + (1 * Legend Rank) * As an attacker, rage is gained at a rate of 75% of damage blocked/10 (by the opponents defense/resistance) + 1% per 2 support you have over the defender, up to a maximum rate of 125%. If at a support disadvantage, the minimum rate is 25%. * As a defender, rage is gained at a rate of 25% of the damage taken/10, +0.5% per 2 support you have over the attacker, up to a maximum rate of 40%. If at a support disadvantage, the minimum rate is 10%. So, the static 40 in the formula has been changed to your health points divided by 10. The level factor of 2.5 has been changed to 1.5 so that is offsets the higher value of your health points. Legend rank value is debatable, but will offset some of the additional damage/defence that they gain over opponents of lower rank. I have reduced the speed that rage can be built by the attacker (dependant on support differential) by reducing the percentage from 110% to 75%. I massively increased the way support effects rage build by adjusting the amount of support required to get 1% additional rage build from 4 down to 2 and also modified the minimum value. While I haven't increased the speed that rage is gained by the defender, I have changed the way support effects rage build significantly including a big change to max/min values and the percentage gained/lost is also very dependant on respective support. In short, I expect, rage should be 1-2 turns later in the battles dependant on multiple factors and this would need to be well tested, across all levels, as the changes are pretty major! Chew on that for a while and tell me what you think. A HP/str build with low support will struggle to get rage. Widespread ramifications on builds would be interesting as it may still not be enough to reduce the advantages of HP/str builds.
< Message edited by Goony -- 5/21/2014 4:09:18 >