The berserker killer
Copying is a huge part of ED that limits the builds being produced in this game and I believe that it is one of the main causes as to why there are only 9/10 builds for each class that actually work with everyone. I'm not saying that we should hide our builds from eachother, however I am saying that the Categories ranging from Strength - Support should not be seen. I'm not just looking out for my best interests because lets be honest, once someone see's a build works really well then that build starts getting used by everyone and next thing you know the entire player database for that class is using that build. By hiding the categories Strength - Support I can honestly say that I believe we will start seeing a variety in builds. This should not have no effect whatsoever in PVP because opponents can still look at a players Max Health, Max Energy, Primary- Resistance . This should have no effect whatsoever in the PVP realm other than the fact that it slows down copying and encourages a wider variety of builds. For those cores that reduce an opponents "Highest Stat" I will find it appropriate to just have Red Text that will indicate the opponents highest stat. E.G Highest Stat: Strength and blue for lowest Stat. E.G Lowest Stat: Support I understand that seeing builds is a feature that allows players to find a better build, or helps player "defeat their opponent" which is why it will be wrong to say "Hide all Stats". I just believe that copying builds is a huge part of ED that is limiting the Evolution of this game. We cant see boss builds yet we can still defeat them, so just seeing Max Health, Max Energy, Primary- Resistance, highest and lowest stat should be more than enough.
< Message edited by The berserker killer -- 6/19/2014 2:57:00 >