ok so I have come to the conclusion that nobody should be upset about the bug, I thought it over and if anybody should be upset it should be the devs. Who did the bug hurt, us legion(guys we where down by 1 million, that's six 0s). the war was given to both sides, the damage was doubled for both sides, therefore both sides got double influence, meaning we got double influence so we got closer to that 5k mark a heck ton faster than with out it. All it did against us legions was put the nail in the coffin for this war, but the thing is exile didn't even get that big of a jump off of it. quote:
Devs have said themselves that if you speak nicely to them, they will hear you out which most of the ED players ignore. When I direct myself for some query, I can't be unrespectful just because I have talked with them and they are nice to me. I must maintain that respect between work employees. Pretty much just as me, people should direct themselves with respect to them Death is right about this. Most players don't just inform a dev about a bug, we shove it down their throat and hope they swallow it. it's ok to joke a round a little but maybe we should start asking nicely and just inform and give feedback, not go on rants like we always do.