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The Shadowman Archives - Ergotth's art - EDIT 04/10/2018

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7/6/2014 3:27:04   
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AQW Lore-titician

Just found out this gallery here, didn't know the foruns had this option to post your art :)

well, I'd like to point out, Soulweaver is definetly my favorite class and Ravenloss my favorite Saga, I guess Tomix is everyone's favorite artist, but thats not necessary to point xD
Anyway, there he is, two classes I've done inspired in Tomix's weavings:


Image tag removed as the image is over the size limit allowed. Images may not be larger than 500 x 500 and 150kb. ~Gingkage

Chronoweaver, a mix of Chronomancer with Soul Weaver, actually an idea I had for the thread about fusing classes just for fun, to see what crazy ideas people would come up with, have to say I felt very inspired, so I came with what is more of an unique class by itself. Weaving the very fabric of time and space.
this is NOT a suggestion, as much as I would love to see this class in the game, I'm not suggesting it.


Image tag removed as the image is over the size limit allowed. Images may not be larger than 500 x 500 and 150kb. ~Gingkage

Chaosweaver, or at least, my take in the class, since Tomix hasnt yet revealed his plans on this class. Personaly, I imagie a chaosweaver, prior to the curse, as a Soul weaver who spent far too long in the back of an emporion, delusional with his mind distorted by his corrupted soul ally and the energies of the Void. As many Chaosweavers seens to be nobles and quite arrogant, the Chaosweaver class would have a more refined outfit, although tattered and dusty, you can still see remains of his heritage in the jewelry and fine garments. His shoulderplate would glow the color of the element equiped, similar how Soulweaver and Timekiller does that.


Image tag removed as the image is over the size limit allowed. Images may not be larger than 500 x 500 and 150kb. ~Gingkage

This is my initial sketch of the Chaosweaver, something more heavily cloaked but keeping the concept of delusion and lavish wardrobe.

< Message edited by ergotth -- 10/4/2018 22:09:33 >
DF AQW  Post #: 1
7/6/2014 5:12:00   
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How We Roll Winner

OH.MY.GOD. *sigh*

Please wait for a second while I stick my head out the window and scream in sheer awe.

*sticks head out the window and screams in sheer awe*

I presume you use a tablet for your Artwork....?

As for the artwork itself, read this post again from the top.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 2
7/6/2014 13:26:54   
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AQW Lore-titician

haha, tnx, and yea, I draw with a rather temperamental Wacom Intuos :)
DF AQW  Post #: 3
7/6/2014 16:02:29   
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Dang! That is some pure talent right there! Your an amazing artist, and I can't wait to see more of your work. And yeah, I second what Arthur said :)
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 4
7/15/2014 13:09:00   
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I said it one on DeviantArt, and I'll say it again here: I am in love with how you did the ChaosWeaver!
I would beg Tomix to use your design if I could!
Also, do you think that you could try to do one for the Murks please?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
7/20/2014 1:53:05   
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AQW Lore-titician

oh, you want me to design a murk CLASS? thats......actually quite a good idea. Although I'd rather do it after I have more information on what a Murk can do. Or simply go to the speculation that Muks weave organic matter, sincve how Murk's shop is always....organic-looking (and trust me, as an avid fan of Alice Madness Returns, this concept is thrilling to me)
DF AQW  Post #: 6
7/20/2014 4:05:22   
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AQW Lore-titician

New artwork:

Fanart of Tomix as a Quincy

I played Dragonfable before reading Bleach, including completing the first Ravenloss saga, so when I read Bleach and saw that Quincies can take particles of souls and transform into solid things such as their weaponry, my brain imediatly pointed out "OMG...they are soul weavers O.O" And making a fanart like that was only a matter of time xD

I tried to imitate Kubo's art style, which wasnt that hard, since we do share some similarities in this department, the tricky part was making it look like a page from the comics itself, but I'm glad how it turned out.
(also, lucky me the letter W was vacant until Kubo comes with a quincy for it, if he ever do. After all, there is no perfect title for Tomix than Weaver)

< Message edited by ergotth -- 7/20/2014 4:13:53 >
DF AQW  Post #: 7
7/20/2014 4:15:40   
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How We Roll Winner

Holy cow. That looks exactly like the manga. :O
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 8
7/20/2014 4:21:40   
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AQW Lore-titician

hah, mission accomplished xD
I also wonder if Tomix would bother if I PM him here in the foruns to show him that...
DF AQW  Post #: 9
7/20/2014 4:23:58   
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How We Roll Winner

That's actually a very good question. He's a busy Dev and while I think he does see the PMs, he's too busy to reply to them. He probably has a million PMs in his inbox. You can, however, go crazy on Twitter, you know.

Also, have you ever tried making a manga...?
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 10
7/20/2014 4:26:56   
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AQW Lore-titician

I actually am making a new chapter for an AQW manga ^^
I'd love to show ya, but it in portuguese. I'm working with my friends on an AQW wordpress, one of them is the writer while I co-write, and many mods from the wordpress are usually turned into characters along with the NPCs. Its in a hiatus, lately, but I'll get back to the next chapter.
DF AQW  Post #: 11
8/15/2014 3:23:02   
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hye i like ur idea for chaos weaver but for me i think chaos weaver shood be worn down rugged and sorta hoboish cause of all the time sens they were strong and human the armor has to be worn down from age so imagine a vaalish armor but peices broken and rags like a hood and cloth parts hanging of it
DF AQW  Post #: 12
9/11/2014 21:57:02   
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AQW Lore-titician

haha, you actualy nailed my idea of the chaosweaver with the outfit dusty and in tatters, perhaps you just envisioned it way more worn down than me ^^
DF AQW  Post #: 13
10/2/2018 23:15:45   
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AQW Lore-titician

Now that Epoch is out and about and I found my gallery still here, gonna post my fanarts of the calendar classes :3
A bit of background: when Avatar of Time was released, I created this piece:


Then I updated with the new classes as they were rleeased up until ShadowWalker of Time


And with Epoch being the last one, I made it... special:

DF AQW  Post #: 14
10/3/2018 6:14:34   
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Flamehead 12

Good to see you're still updating your gallery every few years. And nice work, like always


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
10/3/2018 10:47:49   
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Your current Epoch drawing is such a beauty! I love it!
DF  Post #: 16
10/3/2018 16:31:06   
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AQW Lore-titician

thanks guys ^^ I was wandering around the forums when I remembered this gallery and though "why not?" ANd i had a lot of fun drawing Epoch, using the cover of Infinity War as inspiration.
DF AQW  Post #: 17
10/4/2018 22:08:17   
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AQW Lore-titician

Concept of Soul Allies I worked some time ago, might make more in the future, feel free to suggest me ideas, elements and such ^^

Corrupted Soul Ally, Corvus, the spirit of Grief (Corvus, the constelation of the raven), element: Darkness

Soul Ally Argentus, the Spirit of Purity, element: Silver

Bonus, Argentus comes with a little backstory :3

Argentus was the price heir of a bygone kingdom close to Azaveyr. In his travels around the land he came across Edelia in it's beggining. Fascinated by the art of soulweaving, he quickly learned and became a soulweaver himself. Returning to his kingdom to inherit the throne, he was a pure and benevolent king until his demise of old age. Becoming an Elemental Spirit, he "haunted" the kingdom, watching over his subjects and heirs, slightly dissappointed no one else in his family took interest in soulweaving becoming the first, only and last of the royal family to be a soulweaver and elemental spirit. As his kingdom desappeared with the passage of time, he joined the elemental plane until a nice soulweaver becomes attuned to him.
DF AQW  Post #: 18
10/4/2018 22:15:34   
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Shadow X Ascendant

Perfect New Soul Allies, well since i am going to be an FW, i will need more sustenance. So I will created an "Replacer" for Aegis Too, But i don't know how to use these creating programs so i will need to use Pencil Drawn Again hehehe. Hope To See more of it soon.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 19
10/4/2018 22:23:57   
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AQW Lore-titician

Then I better make a soul ally of Disease element, so the next FW will have quite a case of indigestion xD
DF AQW  Post #: 20
10/4/2018 22:28:10   
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Shadow X Ascendant

Why that Hate For FW, all we do is have our dinner. People need to eat too
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 21
10/4/2018 23:03:55   
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Flamehead 12

What is the reasoning behind the skewed perspective? You have what; a 12 head tall figure everytime? Are we trying to essentuate the outfits, like in fashion mockups? Usually that is done with a quick more gestural stroke though.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
10/5/2018 1:19:00   
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AQW Lore-titician

well excuuuuse me if my style isn't perfectly realistic... I tend to draw tall characters. :/
DF AQW  Post #: 23
10/5/2018 9:28:03   
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Flamehead 12

This was not meant to be an insult, I am used to large critiques in front of peers. Generally it is good to question and make sure the artist has a reason for everything he/she does.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
10/5/2018 10:07:55   
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AQW Lore-titician

I took the "skewed perspective?" a little too much anyway xD but yea, I have a tendency or my characters to be a bit tall and lanky, but in the overall I think it fit for some of them like the Avatar of Time and ShadowWalker, as for the Soul Allies, I'm generaly happy with their designs as well, they are both supposed to be a little towering.
DF AQW  Post #: 25
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