Dwelling Dragonlord
![](image/wide_ak4.jpg) ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L
Hey L&Lers, In the past, ArchKnights have tried to keep indexes of your creative literary works by keeping track of new entries and manually adding them. As time progresses though, new works pile up and the overview is more easily lost. Therefore we'd like every work you post in "Other Creative Prose" to be posted here. This will enable us to keep the indexes up to date without trawling for hours for new updates, freeing up our time to help you, the forumites. It’s just two links on your part, but it will save us hours of sorting old from new and better the indexes for everyone’s use. So please take a look at this compilation and see if your literary works are mentioned there and post them here if they're not. ~The L&L Staff