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RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 149 - Read the first post!

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8/9/2014 17:48:22   
Elite Tuga

@ Trollok!!!

Ye bro, I agree. At least if the 6 new characters won't be SG then the minimum 'Nulgath' can do is make them all difficult to beat & encounter just like "unique" DFR/Moose, because right now we don't have nothing else to do but capture souls. Real rewards are hard to earn, anyway.
Epic  Post #: 276
8/10/2014 2:14:16   
elite dark slayer

Eh. I was hoping at least one of them would be in a shop. For gold.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 277
8/10/2014 2:17:52   
The Jop

I don't. If it was gold it would probably be 100,000 Gold or more, and that's a pain to get without X-Boosts. I'm okay with them being SG, so I don't have to worry about getting them, or them being in the wild so everyone has an equally hard time getting them (though people can use SGs to guarantee possession).
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 278
8/10/2014 2:20:46   
elite dark slayer

Noting the current trend in character releases, it will probably be in the shop AND in the wild. And Jop, not everyone walks all over the place buying soul gems.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 279
8/10/2014 2:22:57   
The Jop

The most even way to release the character for people with and without X-Boosts is as a character in the wild with a low spawn rate but a high capture rate. That way, SGs to guarantee possession won't be much of an advantage, and X-Boosts that can give players almost 7x the normal amount of gold don't give any advantage for the character since it can't be bought for gold.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 280
8/10/2014 2:55:40   
elite dark slayer

Let's just wait and see what hapens.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 281
8/10/2014 8:12:15   
Gorillo Titan

500k a piece with with Frost dragon low encounter rate in the wild.

At least one of them will be in malakai shop overpriced like all the other stuff in it.
Post #: 282
8/10/2014 8:44:47   

Honestly? I'd like to see all 6 characters be SG.

(Has various weapons pointed at him)

...Hear me out.

If fan favs like Doomknight and Drakath are made SG, people will buy SG. More money for OS means more viability means more updates. It's a evil yes, but a necessary one.
DF  Post #: 283
8/10/2014 12:49:35   
Gorillo Titan

People gonna be disappointed its not chaos anyway.

Soul wyvern and Tyrant moose are strong cause of the high rank AI and the cards they have anything with two petrify is strong. Asuke made tyrant moose deck.

Soul wyvern comes down to luck of the draw since it can use all the cards in its hand but a good character and easily destroy it.

Criticism doesn't do anything people we complain and give are feedback all the time it hasn't done anything all we need to do is figure out ways to get more plays they already said they wouldn't do the features till we get more people no real reason to argue about this.

Steps to OS Success

1. Get more people
2. Get more coders
3. More feature

That's the only order this will play put out.

Steps to OS failing

1. Complain
2. Nothing gets accomplished
3. Years pass

Post Merge to staff created double post. ~Kiyone

< Message edited by Kiyone -- 8/11/2014 22:03:28 >
Post #: 284
8/10/2014 13:07:50   

But you can't get any new players if you don't actually update the game.

Getting more people is easier said than done when the game is pretty much dead with no features that gives it an actual feel of PvP.

Most will quit the moment they find out the game has been stuck in beta for 2 yrs/will get no new gameplay updates at all.

AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 285
8/10/2014 13:13:49   
The Jop

I can get more people to play, but I can't get more people to stay because there's nothing to do in Oversoul. Do they think we're miracle workers; how are we supposed to make a game in Beta significantly more popular and profitable? Almost no one wants to play a game in Beta except to test it, since it's missing about 70% of what it had planned. If it had implemented all of these features, then staff might have a point that the game should only get support if it gets more players and makes more money, but I don't think that's valid now since it's in Beta and has been for almost 2 years.

< Message edited by The Jop -- 8/10/2014 13:14:19 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 286
8/10/2014 13:17:01   
Gorillo Titan

Yep, that's why I think cysero put it on us to get more people for the game.

As someone whose played this since October 2012 I'll let you in on some info we've complained and voiced are opinion on getting new stuff most of 2013 and it did nothing but get people upset at the lack of replies.

Its hard but we only have one choice to get more people. Nothing else will come as far as game features till that happens 3 and 5 hit combos didn't even come till a year after the game came out and they seem pretty easy as far as the other stuff goes.

Stats will be the hardest thing since they'll need to go through every character and do huge changes to there codes. Chaos will be hard since they'll need to code new cards the effects of them the animation for them, etc.

^ That by its self will have to be done by at least 3 coders. If we get warlic back he is still one person and it'll take forever for him to do it by himself.

Which goes back to getting over 500 people playing motivating then to give us more coders.
Post #: 287
8/10/2014 13:46:14   

More people to join while some leave. Sorry if it's negative thinking, but it's true because all it is right now is a total of four quests in-game, three dungeons, and hours upon hours of tedious grinding which actually while looking at other monster capture games mmo on the ios is a bad thing.

I'm actually writing a game proposition for AE in regards to OS transferring to mobile platform the right way. So far gaming on the PC while still strong I feel OS actually has a future as a Facebook/mobile game. Since Rolith and some others are focused on the mobile platform, it is a good opportunity to see a good amount of development.

Mobile coding is actually much more flexible and with games like Hearthstone and Micromon in the top charts it would be a sound way for OS to gain a considerable large fanbase. I came up with some interesting changes to the overall card charge system so it won't be the tedious charge up til 20 or full +5 element charge.

There are also concepts to how CC will work and since there are a lot and I mean a lot of card monster games on the mobile market to take good example of.

If executed right then OS can be on top of games like Brave Frontier and Summoner Wars in the role playing genre. That is if the staff is willing to look at the proposition for OS. I plan to write it up in google doc in a professional style with each section detailing the overall concept of a mobile OS.

This is one of my ways to revive OS since Flash is very constricting on terms of coding and stability.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 288
8/10/2014 14:18:51   
Gorillo Titan

Rolith said he would like to put OS on mobile last year but he only works on mobile games and rarely gets time to post on twitter anymore.

Someone said tumbler and reddit are good places to find people to play OS
Post #: 289
8/10/2014 15:52:21   
The Jop

There's also a bug where players cannot log in and it says "failure to connect to server". It's happened to me several times when I tried playing on Firefox. The game also runs very slowly for some players, even at the lowest quality. There are several problems with Oversoul that keep players from playing it, besides it not being appealing enough. I've missed at least a week of Oversoul in total because I couldn't log in, so that shows that even some people who want to play it can't, so they quit. The least they could do is resolve these issues if they don't want to add any gameplay features. This is bad as new sign ups for Oversoul being blocked for two months since it's been going on for longer.

< Message edited by The Jop -- 8/10/2014 15:54:19 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 290
8/10/2014 16:04:29   
Gorillo Titan

Report it to Reens or Rolith. Rolith said he would return if OS had a game breaking problem that should count.

Post edit: Merge staff create double post and remove reference to remove post. ~Kiyone

~Removed inappropriate content.

< Message edited by Mritha -- 8/16/2014 14:29:19 >
Post #: 291
8/11/2014 3:43:28   
elite dark slayer

I wonder... would implementing a daily reward system help oversoul?
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 292
8/11/2014 4:37:12   


AE started the OS revolution but that didn't help too much even though it improved the game.

The OS revolution didn't improve the game by much at all. Sure we got CC and such but we still lack other major features. It never introduced stats or e. resistance or actual artifacts (not counting XP Boost) or even the last element we need. Who knows, perhaps if OS had all of those it might just have continued getting support and grown...I mean we DID have over 500 players during the Alpha (and Stress too I believe?) but the number fell simply because OS never got the gameplay features out. It was character release after character release, even during the "revolution" we only got CC out of it and nothing else.


They want more successful games. Why wouldn't they want to have a game that doesn't require new artists, coders and money just to have the game get started like it was supposed to? AQ(classic), DF, AQW and ED all make a profit so of course they want more games like that because those will last many many years but after what OS has been through AE simply can't be brought back for now.

But how could AE possibly know OS wouldn't be a success if it had all the features Nulgath had planned? It would be an interesting strategy card game, it would certainly be capable of getting some of the older players and even maybe gain some new players as well, if the gameplay was updated to what Nulgath had planned for it...like just give it a last try as Elite stated, I will gladly accept OS is done for it if the playerbase doesn't increase after all the planned gameplay has been added.

< Message edited by Vagaran -- 8/11/2014 4:40:46 >
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 293
8/11/2014 9:25:50   
Gorillo Titan

We need more people that's it nothing else will happen until more people play the game HS is one of the reason OS didn't get a large amount of updates and etc cause they know giving a game a lot features still doesn't mean it will increase in players HS has hundreds of quest and most of features uploaded but a lot of people rather play AQW which had more time invested into it and a bigger story and items.
Post #: 294
8/11/2014 9:50:48   

Here's the thing with HS to why people stopped playing it: Players felt like they were playing AQW 2.0

The problem is this: What are the real benefits of spending on this game as soon as you join?

New players will pop on the forum and see that this game is slowly dying to a grinding halt. We are actually lucky we have a community left, but the problem comes to either when will the updates stop coming or when the community altogether stops playing. A lot of us have tried getting people to join, but the problem is getting those people to stay and spend money to support OS. There is no incentive to spend money now because the only thing you can do is buy exp boosts and evolve characters.

Back in the era of the bit wars, players forgot that graphics do not make the game and so far all that we have been getting now is just character possessable art with lack luster gameplay. There is barely a scratch on the story concept and the CC is a joke. I am giving constructive criticism here when I say the game overall has wasted everyone's time up to this state between being told we have to support a game on life support.

Players don't stay because of the lack of intuitive gameplay, but as much as we keep pointing that out, no one has been listening to us. Communication is vital in a gaming company, but once Nulgath and the others went Bethesda on us leaving it to the mods to reply to our cries for communication. We are not getting the right answers to the solution other than the lack luster "support OS" or "get people to play" excuse.

People are right when I say this, I don't understand what is going on behind AE. I actually run in a community that pretty much develops indie RPGs and we all agreed that gameplay, art, and story can keep players because all support one another, but if there is more of one over the other then it's a terrible game. So far it's been art over game mechanics and story.

While I'm writing my OS mobile proposal to AE, I got a confirmation from a well known indie developer from the community I interact with that I'm fighting a losing battle. I'm not really giving up on OS, but we really need some form of communication here from the head of AE himself about this problem. AE cannot run games like this because it isn't a good way to maintain a viable reputation within a thriving overall fanbase of all your games.

Yes, I understand you have to have your profits in the gaming industry, but out of all the games in AE so far OS is the most unique gem in the library of games the company has to offer. AQ to DF to MQ to AQW all use an old RPG engine which isn't bad, but OS has it's own system that separates it from the rest. I'm not saying the other games are not unique, but they all have their own charm when it comes down to the latter.

OS is dying and of course people have been stating things about HS and here's the thing about HS that OS didn't have. HS had 15 people working on it while OS had 6 and two for each department. Tell me that is the same because one had actual development time while the other had barely any development time at all. You can hardly say that's fair, but who says the world is fair since that is how things worked.

AE had a real gem here and now it's being buried back into the ground. As understandable as that is when it comes to unprofitable games I will give a good example which dying games can bounce back when the going got tough. War Z which is now known as Infestation survivor stories. Oh yes, a company with a terrible reputation made a popular zombie survival game which later on changed its name, but added the features that were promised. The reputation was badly damaged, but once the game features were implemented properly, people actually joined up and a fanbase grew.

If that isn't a good example to work on OS then what else than advertisement can we do? We cannot do a Kickstarter nor can we advertise through Knogregate. What is there to do to help OS's growth? I've listed why people don't stay so I need a real definite answer and not some sugar coated reply. I don't like being told the same thing over and over. So far it has been the same repetitive reply over and over which is not the right way to handle things. It's the same reply from the mods and testers overall to keep supporting OS, but on a professional level is it the right way? I've seen games advertise hard, but because they couldn't get their playerbase to stay because of the lack luster gameplay, they died out.

What can we really do to really help OS? I've listed all I wanted to say on the matter as constructive as I could have been. Now I'm done on the issue and typing up the proposal as informative and detailed as I can be.

< Message edited by Mondez -- 8/11/2014 10:10:06 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 295
8/11/2014 11:23:39   

HS is basically just AQW in a chibi style, so it's no surprise there.

OS is completely different from the two, it's completely different from all the other AE games in general, as Mondez said.

It's slightly more strategic (or atleast it had the potential to be...) than the others, it's a bit harder to understand and overall it brought alot of new options that the other games couldn't really offer.

Sure HS was fully developed (I think?), but because it was just another version of AQW people had no real reason to play it over AQW since AQW in general was just much further ahead than HS.

OS isn't the same, you can't compare it to HS at all. You need to compare it with an AE game that is somehow the same as OS, which there is really none of it. Among AE games, OS is one of a kind which is what made me love the game in the beginning...
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 296
8/11/2014 11:34:54   
Gorillo Titan

That's the way cysero stated AE passing over the smaller games.

Make more so there most opportunities to succeed over wasting to much time on small projects.

WE NEED MORE PEOPLE AND A GOOD WAY TO DO THAT. Its that simple nothing besides characters will come till then.

Many of AE games have similar features though.
Post #: 297
8/11/2014 11:43:19   

What do you mean with similar features? AQ and DF atleast got e. resistance, different weapons that all have different effects and even several different armor that each got different features.

MQ got several different mechas and weapons that can do something different depending on the weapons. Heck it even got 1v1 human fight features instead of only mecha fights.

ED got many different "trees" to explore and use, a variety of different combos and the likes and also weapons that dgot unique effects(though it's only some of them)

AQW got some variety with several different classes, different weapon ranges and even some weapons having some added bonus dmg to certain types and enchantsment that all serves different purposes.

I have no idea about HS since I never played it, but every AE game (except for OS) got stats aswell.

Each of them got more features than OS, the only actual "feature" OS got is pretty much CC.

EDIT: or do you mean they all share the same features?

< Message edited by Vagaran -- 8/11/2014 11:44:47 >
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 298
8/11/2014 13:10:09   
Gorillo Titan

I don't "complain" more of state my opinion and ways to help fix problems and the responses I've gotten from the AE staff from social medias. Captain said a few months ago he pretty much would do a huge OS code binge if he knew how to code the game but with Warlic and Rolith being so busy it has yet to come and the mode from AQW who programs in real life and was/is willing to work on OS has the same problem of no one having time to teach him the code.

The staff is to busy to work on other projects and with the small community of OS they have no real motivation to do it for OS and its not Artix decision as it wad stated staff can volunteer to work on a project if they want and it looks like no one wants to for OS even though I've gotten several replies from them saying If someone asked them to they would so it could be a lack of communication on someone's part.

The big thing right now is to figure out a way to get at least 100 people on OS at all times then to slowly raise it.

I haven't been able to play in 3 weeks and I'm still trying to get people to play.

Post merge to staff created double post. ~Kiyone

< Message edited by Kiyone -- 8/11/2014 21:40:06 >
Post #: 299
8/11/2014 15:19:27   

3 weeks is nothing. I don't want to play ever again. Error code 12 is nuts!

Because it was for master account bugs. That's why I didn't say thanks. Sorry.

Post Edit: Post merge due to staff created double post. ~Kiyone

< Message edited by Kiyone -- 8/11/2014 20:33:01 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 300
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