Most of dwakel's damage comes from Tazer which is piercing where most of volt's damage comes from basic 4 hit attacks which aren't piercing so it's more likely that you will be wasting hits on counter attacks and shields as volt. Also dwakel is more open to CC. He can benefit from a variety of cards just as Tazer, Surge, Charged , Super Charge, or any more attack card however CC makes problems on volt. If you get DoT on volt then he won't it as hard, energize won't help enough as it wasted a turn to simply make use of it, if you add more Tazer then combined with the high mana of other cards then there is a likely chance he won't have enough energy to use all his cards, if you add surge or charged then there won't be enough attack cards to make solid 5-hit combos that hit hard, and if you add normal attacks then you won't have enough piercing to get through shield and counter attacks. The simply fact that dwakel's deck is so basic and consistent makes him a strong character and allows for more openness for CC.