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Real Talk: Dread War 2.0

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8/12/2014 10:55:00   
One Winged Angel1357

I made this topic then my computer decided to eat it so let's make the really short version.

Let's talk about the dread war system in it's entirety. Dread war 2.0 vs Dread War 1.0, Mechanics of Dread War 2.0, Varium Influence on the war. Anything that you want just be sure to follow the forums rules and unlike other topics I'll actually try and take part in this discussion
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 1
8/12/2014 11:02:27   

My personal wants for this war is for it to be more like the old war meaning PVP battles have an impact on the game. Cause as it is right now you can not only buy this war, but war hero and world domination.

It is also discouraging hard work seeing as both of those cheevos can be stolen by someone with a pocket full of cash.

In war 1.0 of both the dreaded and Infernal wars you couldn't buy the war. Hopefully the staff gets this and makes it so PVP or even PVE the core of the game has an impact on the war outside of hoping for item drops.
Epic  Post #: 2
8/12/2014 11:36:42   

-Lowered bomb drop rates massively
-Highered prize requirements massively

-Play hardcore or no prize even if your alignment wins.
-Players forced into using Commander core for fear they might lose the opportunity

One more thing, it's better if War Rallies have a "Range of time it happens, preferably within 3 hours". I think it could be better for everyone at different time zones or have real life schedules going on.
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
8/12/2014 20:03:21   
One Winged Angel1357

I think the point behind random war rallies is so that players can't go oh I need to be online at this time to dump all of my bombs.

Think about it. If a war rally was in a set interval then the payers would know when to be online to drop massive amounts of super bombs and players would horde their ten bombs until a war rally starts and then dump all of them and pick up a war commander core so make sure they get the most out every X number of hours.

Personally if I knew a war rally was every X number of hours I would get to ten bombs then just keep dropping one normal bomb until I had ten super bombs ready for the war rally
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 4
8/12/2014 20:12:11   

I have to agree with OWA on that one. I would get win ten battles and get myself ten bombs and then when the rally came for my side I would just dump them for max effect. Especially if I am on the side that is on offense using something that does more damage than the normal defensive items which are all as strong as the standard offensive weapon.

And for those with Varium who have stocked up on bombs? Oh god image 10-30 players who have stocked up on super bombs releasing them all at the same time during a wally rally.

The way it is now it is actually fair to all time zones seeing as due to the fact they are random no one can say they are rigged for any time zone. Where as if you give them set times we will have people complaining how these favor certain time zones more than others.
Epic  Post #: 5
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