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RE: =ED= September 4th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Preview

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9/5/2014 10:13:32   

The Boss? Which one? There's two.
AQ Epic  Post #: 26
9/5/2014 11:01:41   

The one that is in the notes, the kraken or whatever that one, and whos the other one?
AQW Epic  Post #: 27
9/5/2014 11:55:10   

The naval commander, the one with the pirate hat

For the commander you'd get to fight him 1 on 1, with the kraken you'd get an ally or a not so useless NPC

< Message edited by TRizZzCENTRINO -- 9/5/2014 11:56:57 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 28
9/5/2014 12:43:19   

Well, there goes the surprise.

It'll be Ally for the Kraken, so in case BHs and CHs end up left out they can get a TLM or TM partner to regenerate EP. For the Commander, it'll be closer to Saeva but not so difficult, to the point where battle drags on and you must Heal loop to win.
Rest assured, all classes should be able to beat both Bosses with some strategy. Even more so if the balance changes tackle the EP return for CHs and BHs.
AQ Epic  Post #: 29
9/5/2014 14:53:41   
Bionic Bear

Any changes to TLMs coming, by chance? Or do you have a strict 'no spoilerinos' policy for this release?
Post #: 30
9/5/2014 15:10:48   

For balance changes, there's no spoilers unless the Staff posts it themselves - namely Mecha, who's the Head of Balance. Otherwise, the rest of us has info regarding the actual event - as opposed to balance changes, or new features, or whatever else there may be. If by any chance we knew, we wouldn't be able to post them, since it's a completely different department (writers/artist, as opposed to balance).
AQ Epic  Post #: 31
9/5/2014 16:11:08   
I Underlord I

I'm certainly excited for TLaPD Waves of Wrath! It will be a treat to see the hard work of our guest (and, of course, regular) writers and artists converge into an enjoyable and memorable event.

It is very pleasing to know that efforts have been made for allowing players of all classes to defeat the bosses with a sufficient level and enough effort. :-)

I do hope that the flip side is not true with either boss this time--that EP draining will not prove excessively important, or at least not to the extent that CH, BH, and Merc will have a much easier time than the other classes; I very much doubt this would have been a problem, though, even if the Staff were not so focused on achieving accessibility.

If I may digress briefly on that note... I realize this may not be as pertinent as other matters, but it would be nice to see Saeva nerfed or tweaked so Cyber Hunters can actually defeat him with at least one build (and Bounty Hunters without possessing good luck and a host of other restrictions).


"Memories and thoughts age, just as people do. But certain thoughts can never age, and certain memories can never fade."
~ Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

AQ  Post #: 32
9/6/2014 2:30:00   
Silver Sky Magician

Darn it, Trizz, there's a reason why /spoiler exists ><
Post #: 33
9/6/2014 3:57:06   

well, vorzy loves spoilers and spoil it i shall :P
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 34
9/6/2014 5:49:18   

this update looks fun, im mostly wondering about balance, will tlm ch and tm get their needed buffs?... i hope so;
also hoping for rank rebalance, but i doubt it will ever happen.

< Message edited by kosmo -- 9/6/2014 5:58:05 >
Epic  Post #: 35
9/6/2014 11:41:48   

Nice to see more and more players involving in the creation of Epicduel.

Epicduel always has a problem of a small population of staffs and devs. Take a look at AQW, and that's the big difference. They got promising "weekly" updates, mainly due to their crew's size.
AQW Epic  Post #: 36
9/6/2014 11:58:58   

^ Pretty much this. You could say the Guest Teams will allow ED to release more content more often, since the workload is split amongst all of us. Otherwise, promising weekly content is difficult to pull off.

Once the Balance Tool has been thoroughly tested, Balancers will also be chosen from the community. Dedicated teams to work on different parts of the game (writing, art, balance) and not have to delay one for another. Heh.
AQ Epic  Post #: 37
9/10/2014 1:26:34   

This is very worrisome...instead of gameplay content...devs are just adding excessive art content...
Post #: 38
9/10/2014 10:51:17   
One Winged Angel1357

@Pemberton There is more than just art content in the pipeline right now.

Balance content and art content are supposed to be out this update. Then the following update will be the beginning of a large TLaPD event and this Monday is the start of the war which will be taking place in the West Naval Yard, which is why the art content has to come out this week
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 39
9/10/2014 15:05:18   

Since not everyone's on Twitter, I've decided to also post this here:

The story theme for the TLaPD Event, Waves of Wrath, will be... Lovecraftian horror! We have decided to try something new - since I don't think there was a storyline purely focused on that theme, and keep it a bit more mature. Light-hearted stories are nice, but not to everyone's taste, so this will be a nice test to see how players like more serious / mature story. Also, thanks to the feedback from the "Real Talk" threads, we took most of it into account when writing the story and setting out objectives -- after all, we posted these threads for a reason. :p

Now, onto some explanations:

Missions will be divided into three parts, just like Rev's Mission Chain. The story will progress throughout each part - from the introduction, to data gathering, and ending on the finale (with a nice epilogue)! Plenty of rewards waiting, to suit everyone's needs, and - as I've already mentioned - TWO new Bosses! Watch out for some references to other AE Games too! ;)

If you want some more story spoilers, there was some tweeted by myself, around two weeks ago - just search through #WavesOfWrath and you will find them. I believe OWA has included some too, in his stream yesterday, so you can bug him too. ^^

< Message edited by Trans -- 9/10/2014 15:07:27 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 40
9/10/2014 16:27:30   

Waves of Wrath= WOW
Looks promising so far.
AQW Epic  Post #: 41
9/10/2014 16:39:35   
One Winged Angel1357

The stream died yesterday before I could get anywhere because of a headache from left field coupled with no viewers. So I could have sat there and spoiled myself but the headache killed that plan too.

But I do have a little taste of battle chat, you know that thing we all turn off myself included, in #WavesofWrath
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 42
9/10/2014 23:29:44   
Dual Thrusters

Still haven't forgotten about the armor Vorzy made :P


MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 43
9/11/2014 9:23:09   
The berserker killer


But still, any update on Saveas Vestments armor? This new armor looks cool but i'd kill for Saevas mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 44
9/11/2014 9:34:55   

No, there won't be Saeva's Armor. The event is over already and to make his Armor a drop, you'd have to recreate it to work for players as well - not mentioning possible class and gender alterations. It won't be released, or rather, made.
AQ Epic  Post #: 45
9/11/2014 9:36:55   
The berserker killer


Oh. Thanks for clearing that up.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 46
9/11/2014 19:03:13   

The armor is still in the item finder, Why dont they remove it from the item finder? it also says Female and Male for the armors.
AQW Epic  Post #: 47
9/11/2014 19:40:03   

they will do so in the next update
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 48
9/11/2014 20:45:10   
Bionic Bear

I'll die tomorrow if I find out that nothing happened to TLMs in the balance update.
Just another day of waiting left, I guess.
Post #: 49
9/11/2014 22:06:58   

I agree with Bionic i have tlm lvl40 but the class needs a buff. Until then im playing my other characters. "Hopes for tlm buff"
Epic  Post #: 50
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