As demonstrated by the Soul Wyvern, Water element has the potential to become one of the best elements in the respect that it can be practically untouchable with its' abundant and often potent healing abilities, coupled with ample defences and vicious Power Flow retaliation spells. Whilst it is an extreme annoyance that skills such as Water Rush' effectiveness are severely impeded by the fact it cannot combo (similar to that of Fire's Inferno), it is evidently clear that Water is not an offensively inclined element. I like Gorillo's idea of a secondary 'nuke' card for Water users being the Tsunami/Tidal Wave attack which both inflicts heavy damage and allows the Water user to regenerate, since it very appropriately is representative of the inexorable and unwavering force which is water... whilst also keeping in touch with its inherent healing properties and origin as a source of life.