...I'm gonna go with no. Though to be honest, with they way all the stuff to do with OS has been treated like I said earlier in the thread, can you blame us? Information is not clear at the best of times. We don't get any dn's of releases, it does not so much as mention if it can be found or just brought... if we see it in a shop for SG of course people will assume it's a SG only release. Point is, everything about OS needs to be made more clear. What is being released vs what is not BEFORE it is done. Where we are in development vs will we ever get main features. I'd prefer crushed hopes and a official statement saying that all we will ever get is chars to this constant hoping for something to revive it and trying to get people into it. I feel like OS, OS information, and by extension my time is the game, have been treated poorly simply because THERE IS NO CLARITY. And I'm sorry this turned into a rant, I did not mean for it to look like I'm having a go Sage, I really did not. I know you and the other testers do your best. I'm just... I'm tired of it all. I just want clarity. About OS's future if one at all. About what is and isn't released, and for rumors like Flame Draconican being a founder for Dragons or not to be put down or confirmed.
< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 12/13/2014 0:56:55 >