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RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting

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1/3/2015 16:28:18   

Eleven year olds may over-exaggerate things too, though.
DF AQW  Post #: 351
1/3/2015 17:03:53   

It was more Toren's internal description of it that offended me XD
Post #: 352
1/3/2015 20:03:38   

Posted. Now that everything on the list to-do is taken care of, Kit is ready for the time-skip.
AQ  Post #: 353
1/3/2015 20:47:50   
Wolf Rider

Okay. Sera's taken care of her errands. She's ready for the time skip as well.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 354
1/3/2015 20:54:32   
Master K

Hmm, everything's starting to wind down to prepare for the time skip.

I'm interested in seeing what this Nazha stuff will result in, and everything that's going to happen afterwards...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 355
1/3/2015 21:21:57   

I'll be posting some time later or next morning in forum time, then I'll be ready to go.
Post #: 356
1/3/2015 21:25:09   
Wolf Rider

@TJ: I meant to ask earlier and forgot. What kind of mail system does Darkwald have, if any. Sera does plan on sending a message to one of the few people she deals with semi-regularly who can get information on Kit and the kunai if possible, as well as send out the whetstone that she just bought for her dad.

@Draycos: I'll be sure to ask first what kind of information Sera can get on Kit, if any at all before posting it.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 357
1/3/2015 21:41:15   


"If you can deliver a message to Miss Fon, without mentioning that I was the one who asked, then you can have both of these," "Tell her that Sera says 'thank you' for the information on the new type of knife, but doesn't think it's something she's particularly interested in after all."

How would this work? The only ones that know about the knives are Sera, Lock, Kenet and Kit herself. Since two of the four haven't left the Inn, the only other person would be Sera. It'd be hard for Kit not to know there's a gap in the kid's line of info. I'm guessing I'm misunderstanding.


Movement out of the corner of her eye caused her to look and see Kitsondra. Was the broker still watching her?

I'm guessing Sera is just being paranoid here, since Kit didn't follow her out of the Inn, merely commented on how fast she left.
AQ  Post #: 358
1/3/2015 21:51:56   
Wolf Rider

Sera's asking for a message to be delivered, that's all. The kid doesn't need to know about the knife to deliver it. Sera's hoping that Kitsondra will believe it. But at worst, at least she tried to make sure some semblance of a 'thank you' got around. Oh. I didn't add that bit about the manners, did it. Whoops. *goes to fix that*

Sera is being paranoid. She doesn't know that Kitsondra had her own errands to do and that seeing her was just chance. Kitsondra has her spooked. It's not many people who have her running scared. I figure she's entitled to a little paranoia. :P
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 359
1/3/2015 22:02:03   

Y'all post too fast. I can't post twice a day, sometimes once a day. I'll have a post up tomorrow.
Post #: 360
1/3/2015 22:13:25   
Eternal Wanderer

I'm on the same page there, Tdub. I can get a post once every two or three days, if I'm lucky. That's less a reflection of the time it take to write the post than it is the time available to do the writing.

In either event, I've posted. Marietta will be waiting at the gate itself, if anyone wants to find her before the meeting itself.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 361
1/3/2015 22:13:40   

@Gingkage Ah, ok. Tks for clearing that up for me.
AQ  Post #: 362
1/3/2015 22:14:51   
Master K

So, I'm in the process of actually drawing a picture of Marcelline.

I hadn't realized how long it's been since I actually drew. Since I'm posting it here when I'm done, I'm trying really hard to get the proportions and everything at least sensible. So far I've battled weird arm lengths, massive forehead, awkward hand positions, strange leg shapes, "thunder thighs", etc...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 363
1/3/2015 22:19:17   
Wolf Rider

No problem, Draycos. Sorry my post confused you in the first place.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 364
1/3/2015 22:25:03   

@Gingkage Nah, it's ok. That's why the OOC is here anyways :)

@Master K Cool, I always do enjoy when people showed of their RP related artwork. Sadly I myself can't drew worth much.
AQ  Post #: 365
1/3/2015 22:31:16   

@Tdub @Kellehendros

Yeah, I feel you guys. I wouldn't worry about it too much - pretty soon everybody will be busy with some responsibilities, and things'll slow down. The only reason I'm posting so much is because I'm far from home and at a lull in college, so I have nothing better to do! Things'll probably also get easier to handle once the main events kick in.
Post #: 366
1/3/2015 22:31:54   
Master K

@Draycos: I think it's good to have a visual representation. I myself will also appreciate it; I tend to forget how to imagine Marcelline. I read over her bio and kept seeing little things I had forgot I wrote, like her knowledge about making potions, and some of the things in her backpack.

@Zeph: I'm in the same boat. I've been on holidays. Sadly, I am back in school on Monday, and midterms are coming at the end of this month.

< Message edited by Master K -- 1/3/2015 22:33:00 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 367
1/3/2015 22:46:57   


I read over her bio and kept seeing little things I had forgot I wrote

speaking of which, I forgot to add Kit putting her gauntlets back on. Ugh, I'll go edit that in now.
AQ  Post #: 368
1/3/2015 23:07:59   
Master K


Marcelline Wakefield
Few extra items that I felt like illustrating

I hope the drawing of her is enough to give a feel for her...oddness. I also drew up a few of her items while I was at it, including an interpretation of the demon ward she received from Kit.

< Message edited by Master K -- 1/3/2015 23:09:56 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 369
1/3/2015 23:44:24   
Wolf Rider

@Master K: She looks so sad in that drawing. :(

Those are really, really good. I wish I could draw like that (heck, I wish I could draw period).
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 370
1/4/2015 0:10:20   

Well, I just tried to draw Kenet out on an envelope...

Suffice it to say, I will not be posting up any drawings of my characters. Ever.
Post #: 371
1/4/2015 1:37:27   

Last christmas is done and over with, can't post tonight, too tired. First thing in the morning.
DF MQ  Post #: 372
1/4/2015 5:15:04   
Wolf Rider

So I think I figured out why I confused Draycos (it's amazing how well the mind can end up working when you're tossing an turning in a futile attempt to sleep. Since the original message was supposed to be different, I started Sera's request to deliver a message with 'If you can deliver this message without saying it's from me.' Then I start it with a thank-you. Can't really deliver a thank-you without telling the recipient who it's from. :P I fixed it so that the 'without saying it's from me' has been removed.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 373
1/4/2015 20:41:57   

While we wait for the time skip, how about a little discussion?

What do you guys use as inspiration for your posts? Is there any sort of thing that you use to help you gain ideas or do you just use your mind's eye and think it all up?

I myself listen to music while I write and it help me imagine the characters and their actions, and how my own character would react. For this RP, these three are the biggest ones I've been listen to since they really speak Kit's background and mindset to me.

To The Limit, Funny Party in the Fog, Black Lotus

make sure cc is on if you want lyrics.

So what about you guys? Any input?
AQ  Post #: 374
1/4/2015 20:55:38   
Wolf Rider

I just make it up as I go. But more and more as I write Sera's posts, I'm having to go 'Lydia, this is not your RP' since somehow Sera ended up as practically an exact clone of her (Lydia is the name of a character I use in another RP). So I guess I've got a little bit of help because I can draw on that other character.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 375
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