Alright, real life is getting more and more in the way of posting for me. I never thought I would end up saying I have too many hobbies. TJ, would it be all right if after one more post, I shelved this RP for a while? I wouldn't be completely gone; Heinrich can merely stay in Blackwater as a new member of the guard for a while (It would make sense, what with his presence in Blackwater being to protect his family). You could even use him as an NPC (As long as you stay true to his character). I'd rather have it this way so that I could pick up again once/if life ever calms down. But either way, the next year of school will be difficult, as I'll be finishing my international baccalaureate. So I should try and focus on school now (And the various extra-curriculars forced on us by the CAS program). So would anyone mind too much if I stepped out of RPing for a while? I'll make a post sometime in the near future hopefully (I'll have plenty of time on the planes to Vienna and Houston) which should be a good way to siphon Heinrich off into the background for a while.