Battle Elf
has ten 1v1 wins
December 05, 2014 Patch Notes - 1.6.33 NEW CHANGES/FEATURES: - 27 Days of Presents!
- From December 5th - 31st you can log in and claim a free prize. The more days you log in during this time, the better the prizes become!
- Claiming prizes will also reward you with an achievement. Make sure to claim at least 20 prizes for the most Rating Points!
- Room Gifting
- Share the holiday spirit by granting a gift to yourself and everyone else in your current room! This option will be available until December 31st. The top gifters will be rewarded for their generosity shortly after the event ends.
- Gifts will be awarded through the mail system, so make sure to claim them!
- 24 new Home Items now available
- The first part of the Frozen Fury storyline is available: 10 separate missions for Legion and Exiles
- Added Rage percentage to Rage Bar in battle
- Stocked War Commander Cores on all War Depots
- Removed alignment restrictions from matchmaking to improve wait times
- Edgar Boothe is no longer a 2v1 boss (Now a normal 1v1)
- Mission groups removed for the year:
- Hallowarriors
- Gourd Grinding
- OneX6 Retrieval
- Party Business
BUGS FIXED: - Bloodhawk Battlegear, Bloodhawk Slayer, and Bloodhawk Bots now available on Edgar Boothe for Credits
- Achievement details were given more room to breathe
- Fixed an issue where tooltips would appear under the currency bar
- Several region war swords showed the incorrect location in the item finder
- Regional war leaderboards no longer show leaders from the last region you viewed
- Static Charge description updated to reflect previous changes to the skill
Tags: Patch Notes RabbleFroth The balance section of the patch notes will be posted in ED Balance ~Battle Elf
< Message edited by Battle Elf -- 12/5/2014 16:23:45 >