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RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors)

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1/3/2015 10:51:41   

Except that TJ isn't exactly new if he knew Gray.

EDIT: @Arthur

By other drawings, I meant artwork. Like, landscape artwork of the academy. I think it would just look nice, and be fun to have as a banner.
Oh, and can I have Malqwen do something daring? I.e. jump from carriage to carriage trying to get to the rampant one of fire to try and save the non-present people inside it, and then when he finds out there aren't any tries to stop it from causing damage despite having no idea how to ride/steer a horse?
I just can't think of anything in-character for Malqwen to do that involves staying put. And he has an air for flair and dare, so why not? Getting in trouble on the very first day just sounds like him.

< Message edited by Legendium -- 1/3/2015 11:12:07 >
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 101
1/3/2015 11:20:04   

Or maybe Varick had unfinished business when Gray first offered him a teaching position at VA, so he had to decline. Now that said business is over, Varick is headed to VA with the new students? Could that work for you TJ?
AQ  Post #: 102
1/3/2015 11:20:33   
How We Roll Winner

@TJByrum, How would you like to start off...? Since your character is old, you may choose wherefrom he starts.

@Legendium, Yeah, sure, it'll make for a most interesting situation since Vingeth too is coming towards you guys. But, since we've already seen the buggy pass us by, how do you intend to factor that in...?

Also, concept artwork sounds sweet. I'd like to work on it personally. However, would you like shaded versions or painted versions...?

I am thinking of a few locations to paint out.

< Message edited by Arthur -- 1/3/2015 11:22:00 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 103
1/3/2015 11:32:56   


But, since we've already seen the buggy pass us by, how do you intend to factor that in...?

I'm assuming it's burning from the outside, right? The first thing he would do would be to try and rescue anyone inside, by going inside. That could be the time he passes by you guys, and then gets on the horses and tries to bring things under control. My plan is he ends up riding them straight into the fire spitting statue thing you mentioned earlier. And naturally, the horses will want to split ways while he's standing with one foot on each. *grin*
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 104
1/3/2015 11:35:21   
How We Roll Winner

Except that the horses aren't pulling this buggy anymore, your plan sounds good.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 105
1/3/2015 11:40:21   

I guess I will have Varick within the city to meet with the students, much like how Vingeth and Arlea was doing. I still need to read the previous two posts in the thread, but I am catching up on the Hallows Inn right now.
DF AQW  Post #: 106
1/3/2015 12:58:19   

I hope there aren't any problem's with my post, but if not, I swear that has got to be one of the most fun introduction posts I've ever made. If I can keep doing this kind of stuff, this will be one helluva epic RP.
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 107
1/3/2015 14:00:48   
How We Roll Winner

I must agree. That was one hell of a post from you, Legendium. Way to kick things off with a bang...!!

Okay, so Varick is at the outpost further out and we still have a few buggies to worry about.

I'll be waiting for Zephyrial's post before I can decide upon the next move.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 108
1/3/2015 14:26:29   

Legendium, I think your post is made of pure awesome.
Post #: 109
1/3/2015 15:17:48   

@Arthur: Varick is where the recruits got on the buggies, or is at least watching them as they pass by. He was there to help watch over the process, working with one of the guard captains. He will help the guards hold the attackers at bay while the others help the recruits I presume.
DF AQW  Post #: 110
1/3/2015 20:22:19   

Posted! Sorry for the delay.
Post #: 111
1/4/2015 1:44:01   
How We Roll Winner

Well sorted out.

I have some really fun plan for my post, considering Legendium's shenanigans. :p
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 112
1/4/2015 5:58:21   

Dray, by "the group of men running towards them" you do mean Vingeth, right? Kit doesn't appear to be thinking things through either; if they only just arrived, the cart would've met exactly the same fate, regardless of whether or not Malqwen were on it.
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 113
1/4/2015 9:01:09   

Yes, those men. Also, I believe that if the buggy had hit the statue from the front, it would have least caused it to stop. Allowing for some of the herbs to be saved before it bursted into flames. But thanks to Mal's help the buggy hit the statue at the side, right where the herbs where at. Causing it to blow up instantly so no herbs could be saved.
AQ  Post #: 114
1/4/2015 9:25:50   

Think I'd rather want Legendium's character alive than to be swimming in a pool of herbs, to be honest.
Post #: 115
1/4/2015 9:45:44   

If the cart was on fire, and as I said, the flames were advancing to the front, the flammable herbs inside would've caught fire anyways and there you go, boom. No herbs.
Also, the cart did stop. Hitting the stone statue from an angle or from the front doesn't make too much of a difference in braking potential. The only difference it would've made would be Malqwen getting squished instead of thrown aside.


Should I wait for you to post, or may I?

< Message edited by Legendium -- 1/4/2015 9:46:30 >
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 116
1/4/2015 11:16:46   
How We Roll Winner

I'll be posting in some time. Just let me get all the buggies to the city before any big developments take place.

Arlea's there at the city too. Feel free to bunny her to your locations.

EDIT: Posted.

Like I said, Arlea is bunniable.

< Message edited by Arthur -- 1/4/2015 13:33:19 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 117
1/4/2015 14:18:43   

@Legendium I think your misunderstanding my point. I know that yes the buggy was on fire and the flames were moving upward, but I'm no talking about braking potential, I'm talking about after the cart stopped. That's were the angle matters. If it had hit from the front- which is what would have happened if Mal hadn't been on that buggy to begin with- the buggy would have hit the statue from the seat. The seat would have caught fire, but the herbs would still be somewhat ok; no instant blast. So there would have still been time for someone to save what was left before the flames reached the herbs as people where already coming to help. However, thanks to Mal's help, the buggy hit the fire statue from the side, right where the herbs were causing the instant explosion. That's what Kit was getting at. Not, Mal getting squished or not.

Also, Kit couldn't really see what was going on at the front. All see could see was glass flying then Mal sticking his coat between the wheel. Kit is driven here to learn as much as she can. and she feels that because of Mal's actions, some of the herbs that she could have studied were reduced to ashes. Which is why she's a little madder at him then she normally would be for other things.

I just telling it the way Kit sees it. No hard feeling about Mal getting yelled at right?

Edit: Arthur, were there students in that other buggy or is that other empty one? I'd think it unlikely that 2 out of the 4 buggies Legendium mentioned would be empty, but better to make sure anyways.

< Message edited by Draycos777 -- 1/4/2015 14:22:46 >
AQ  Post #: 118
1/4/2015 14:25:29   

No hard feelings at all, I just think she's reacting impulsively. Especially seeing as she misunderstood the situation. The Dragon statue was spitting flames upwards, out of reach of the cart. The flames from the outside had reached the inside because the cart must have broke somewhere. I'll admit; by turning it sideways, he's probably at fault to a degree, because the sides would be less protected. But even then, a direct hit to something stone would've shocked wooden beams enough to break.

Anyways, neither Kit nor Malqwen had any way of knowing this, having limited perspectives, so they can just yell it out and be rivals from day one. ;)

EDIT: I only mentioned three buggies. (Unless I made a mistake in the explanation)

< Message edited by Legendium -- 1/4/2015 14:26:28 >
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 119
1/4/2015 14:29:54   

Oh no, your right. Kit is acting a little impulsively at the moment. As I stated her drive to learn is causing her to be unusually mad at Mal for recking the herbs from the point of view she had. Also, I didn't think about the brunt wood, so your right there. Oh well, it just be that Kit forgot that about that fact due to the burnt plants in her hand.

Edit: Reread it, for some reason I imagined four buggies....opps. Never mind then.

< Message edited by Draycos777 -- 1/4/2015 14:32:07 >
AQ  Post #: 120
1/4/2015 14:38:34   
How We Roll Winner

Let me clarify it. The flaming buggy did NOT have any students.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 121
1/4/2015 15:37:36   

Two empty buggies. Gotca, tkz for clearing that up for me. If you don't mind me asking, how many buggies max are making their way to the city?

Also, I'll let Bastet post before making my response.
AQ  Post #: 122
1/4/2015 15:47:43   


Seeing as the capacity of the Academy is 2000 students, if each year were to have equal amounts of students, we would have 500 first years. If there are four per buggy, there would be 125 buggies carrying students, and if for every four buggies there are two carrying supplies, I would expect 250 buggies.

So the best estimate is that there are 187.5 buggies plus/minus 62.5

Sorry, school's starting again tomorrow and I should get back into the groove for physics with all of it's calculating uncertainties.

< Message edited by Legendium -- 1/4/2015 15:49:19 >
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 123
1/4/2015 15:55:17   
How We Roll Winner

@Legendium, o.O

Simply... brilliant...!! :)

However,@Draycos777, Today's batch has around 18 buggies. Do remember, students joining after this RP Day will be starting at the gates of Vanguard Academy.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 124
1/4/2015 15:55:37   

Remember that it's only first years on the buggies. The other three years are at the school already.

Edit: Ok, tkz Arthur.

< Message edited by Draycos777 -- 1/4/2015 15:56:27 >
AQ  Post #: 125
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