A few things I'd buy boxes for: (1) There have been a number 0-proc/100-proc compression weapons, but as far as I'm aware none have compressed 0-proc Ranged/100-proc Ranged. Generally they're either 0-proc Melee/100-proc Ranged, or 0-proc Magic/100-proc Magic. I'd go after a 0-proc Ranged/100-proc Ranged compression weapon. (2) FD armors. Energy, Ice, and Earth need them (Earth less than the others), but they'd actually be useful for every element but Water and Wind. I can understand not wanting to fill major gaps with GGBs, but at the same time, I'd rather see those gaps filled somewhere than not at all. (3) I'm not sure how realistic this is, and it wasn't my idea originally, but if an option were added to the Awe!!! shop to permanently change your no-drop weapon to a 100-proc Ranged/Magic weapon, I'd go after that as well.
A wild youtube channel appears!