The berserker killer
Me either honestly. But not for that reason Edward. My problem is that you have to honor your players, especially those that have been with you for so long. That is why I suggested a shop based on your rank (demigod, legend, grand emperor etc) because you will be killing two birds with one stone. You will encourage players to play substantially longer, and you will give them something to look forward to. Legendary ranks are cool, and so are the shops, but I have to disagree with you here ranloth and call you out on this hypocrisy. There aren't enough people for you guys to want to create a rank 100 shop? There also aren't that many DemiGods. Yet you have a reward for that. In fact there is only one person substantially close to becoming a demo god whereas there are on average 40 players I have seen who are nearing rank 100. Why is that person still fighting? My guess is to become a DemiGod. Would it make sense to create a DemiGod rank after he reaches the amount of wins needed? No, that would not make any sense. You release the shop now to give players something to look forward to. Too many times have the AE team half-assed releases (with all due respect and no aggression meant). If you guys are going to do a release, go all the way with it. If you cant go all the way, kindly explain why. If the reason is because you dont have time, you have school or work, after 4 weeks of no content, then maybe its just time to step down and assume a lighter role. Something like a tester. No one will think badly of you. Its just that you are wasting space. Sure we understand the job doesn't pay, but then allow someone else who is passionate about AE to take your job and will go 100%. Venomities has had amazing ideas constantly retweeted on twitter (art-wise). She has and continues to play this game everyday for countless hours. She has even created a flying armor from the looks of it. I'm not asking why she isn't part of the ED guest Artist team, I am simply pointing at the fact that abstract ideas like this aren't implemented on a weekly basis. Back to half-assing though, I hope you understand what I mean. 1) You create Ranks such as emperor and grand emperor yet you dont have Emperor and Grand Emperor shops. Or their cheevos have 0 ratings. I know this idea must have been in the mainstream because there are armors that are sold at Steve 2.0 that are labeled Warrior, Officer, etc. 2) You have a War yet you cap the rewards to an amount of credits that cant even upgrade your war item. 3) You have factions yet leaders cant see how much wins each individual person has committed to their faction for that day. 4) You have a battle arena that isn't utilized for tournaments. 5) The games PVP based yet you can see how many NPC battles you have done for the day and not PVPs. 6) the cost to switch between your classes counterpart is the same as becoming an entirely different class. 7) you've got bosses that don't drop XP or creds. 8) you've got bosses without a solo option or a hard mode I mean the list goes on and on and the simple excuse of "we're not ready for that yet" is what's really turning alot of people off from the game. My thing is, I don't like the way the game is going because you guys aren't going 100%. This legendary system should've been complete by the time you released it. Now you've waited so long to add more features to it that players are just chilling at rank 100 because theres nothing more to play for. Sure, we're gonna log on and buy the gear and do acouple matches to see how cool it looks. We might even keep it equipped so we look cool when we log off. I mean c'mon, lets think about it real quick. Who said that all cores had to be different or have a special effect? Its my understanding that the coding for cores becomes difficult when coding the actual effect of the core. Well here's a thought that will bring some fun into the game: Code the same exact core but make it look different. Here are a few ideas: 1) EASTER- Instead of Meteor Shower for 110% damage you could've had Egg Shower for the exact same 110% damage and exact same animation but instead of Meteors it would be eggs. 2) VALENTINES- Instead ofEnergy Storm why not have Love storm that rains hearts down upon your enemy instead of fire with the same exact effect of draining energy? 3) Winter- Instead of ENERGY SHOT for your gun you could've had ICE SHOT for your gun. Same effect, different animation. So on so forth. Thats what I mean by half-assing. You guys could go so far. But you're stuck on the idea that "if we release a core it must be new and must be promo". NOOO IT DOESNT. The cosmetic could change, the effect can stay the same, and it could still be sold in vendbot. Well thats my take. Hopefully you guys get some ideas from thos