No, we can't. Unless Dage personally comes to ED to do the story, and art as well - we cannot use him. It's his NPC and he has to give us permission first, before we do anything - sort of like how you shouldn't use someones, uh, phone (?) without them letting you first. The only difference is, it's a bit more difficult in Dage's case than a mere phone. He ended up in ED due to cross-game promotion, hence why you sometimes see ED items going to AQW, and vice versa - it's his NPC, so we cannot do anything. And trust me, we've asked him personally (well, the Devs and Dage work in the same place, so I do mean personally) & to get Dage to work on ED for a few days or something, they'd need to make sure he's not busy in AQW and get a permission too; it's really much harder to do, than it actually looks.