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Battle Timing

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5/24/2015 2:10:14   
King Bling

Today I fought 2 high rank dex mages, spamming technician and heal looping, can you guys believe, it took one battle 71 rounds to win , and the second one 43 rounds. I wan everyone to discuss on this issue, since its abnormal.
Post #: 1
5/24/2015 2:25:44   

how did it happen, ect what were your class, did the 2 tech mages use tank build, did YOU play tank as well, cause a 80-turn long battle sounds highly unlikely unless all players were tanking, even then, a rage attack with one or two lucky strike would most likely ruin everything
Post #: 2
5/24/2015 4:07:25   
King Bling

Btw if an archknight thinks this post is absurb and out of sheer anger, then its not because, I just want to state an issue and not make fuss out of something, its neither out of absolute aggression nor any negative effect, I just want people to discuss a little bit on it.

Btw I am tlm with yes hyper tank build, vsing a tm, took really 80 rounds to win it, though I knew I wouldnt lose even if luck dint favor me, it was the enemy's issue, I mean even I can go ultra tank aka 1000 health with 450 defns resis, and heal loop so much that the enemy is forced to give in and leave the battle.
Post #: 3
5/24/2015 5:56:29   
Digital X
Beep Beep!


I wan everyone to discuss on this issue, since its abnormal.

How is it abnormal? He is defending himself well to try and survive by using a variety of skills. Yes the dex stat may be extreme, but those sort of builds have been around for a fair old while.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
5/24/2015 6:18:29   

Epic duel is no more about "who do the best moves win" since the replace of reroute and general buff of mana skills, now it is about who survive 5 turns and heal. Epic duel was far better before infinite mana production skills.
Post #: 5
5/24/2015 6:34:58   

well some build has its pro and con, tanks will survive most of the battle but will also go into an infinite circle of heal-looping if it meets another tank (trust me, I still remember what a drag it was when techmage first got battery, every single fight between me and a mage is strike, heal, steal mana, strike and repeat...). I think that you would have done better if you had invested in atom smash. Then again, you win some and lose some.
Post #: 6
5/24/2015 6:55:10   

I don't find this an issue at all, the length of the battles are fine to me, not that long and not that short.
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
5/24/2015 11:01:08   
One Winged Angel1357

You're build is set-up for battle of attrition so you have willing put yourself into a spot that these super long battles can and will happen when you meet someone else playing the long game so that isn't unnatural.

Now if you were a glass cannon and posted a long fight like that I would be scratching my head
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 8
5/24/2015 11:18:24   
Lord Machaar

Happened to me also but in like 30 - 40 rounds, I'm using TLM 5 focus build and I faced a TM with high dex, the battle was long and I think it was normal, although, the battle wouldn't take that much time if the TM didn't have high HP (1k hp), because then the heal looping is effective, also the TM must have very high technology in order to make the game that much long. Also to add, sidearm now improves with dex. These are many reasons why high dex TMs make a good opponent to TLMs, in fact I like this, because as a TLM at the moment, they are the only class that encounters 5 focus tank TLMs.

TM is indeed the best energy-wise class, TLM comes in second place because assimilation now can be used with sword, even though this wasn't a buff to such builds (high dex) because they mainly use a staff.

The battle was pretty long but on the same time, it wasn't boring at all, one mistake and the game is over, I lost some and won some but generally, high dex makes the bot so ineffective, especially IA because the normal strike will get blocked frequently, also frenzy will come a 50/50 chance.
After fighting many of high dex TLMs, now I focus on finishing the battle in its early stage, azrael's will plus my IA's nuke, but that doesn't work each time, and when the game gets longer and longer, it's more beneficial for the TM (energy side especially) and the battle will get repetitive, because in order to win you must:
- Always use battery back after each assimilation.
- Heal before assimilation.
- Use long ranged weapons for rage (otherwise using frenzy or bot like IA is not so "safe").
- Dex TMs have an outstanding technician, makes IA's nuke attack at rage and at its maximum state like a strike rage, in case you are using surgical strike, same thing.
- You can use blood shield to encounter overload and multi shot, but if your opponent has physical side arm, then it is pretty useless.

While I was writing this reply I was in a battle with a player using this build:
I won the battle with 8 hp, it was a neck to neck battle, I won thanks to many factors, my frezny rage wasn't blocked, he had low hp (800) which vulnerable for IA's nuke.
The TM however had 3 energy sources (energy regaining) and 1 energy draining skill, the energy sources were : 1- permanent: battery back up, 2- depends on your oppnent's energy: assimilation, 3- one time use: piston punch, and 1 energy draining skill:
I had 2 energy gaining skills, one permanent: battery back up and one that depends on luck: frenzy.
The difference is clear concerning "energy control", but I think the underdog mode made the impact of these builds much slighter, if for example sidearm improved with dex before the underdog mode, we could have seen some high rank players abusing this build with the "ranks" cover up just like what happened in strenght builds, where the weakness of the build is hidden.

We can't deny that TMs using this build also some flaws: sidearm can be deflected and they receive hell of crits. Sadly all this is based on luck, there isn't a true stable weakness but the build is still encounterable when you are lucky enough.

< Message edited by Lord Machaar -- 5/24/2015 11:42:05 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 9
6/14/2015 14:45:48   

well the tech mages have overpowerd energy gaining , they can use battery backup aswel as steal energy with a second ability , so if they have all cores and abilities to steal energy then they can pretty much be unbeatable... think about it , the gun energy stealing attack , then the musk punsh and then battery backup and then the other ability in the skill tree... its to much... also the attacks do WAY to much damage , a level 2 thunder already does 200 damage , thats to much...
Post #: 10
6/14/2015 15:06:42   

hahahaha @king bling bro u saw what build am playing now a dex tm abuse with sword i faced a another dex tm abuser last night and i won on 94 rounds ! after i got lucky and crit my multi shot ! or else it will go infinite till someone leaves or whatever

< Message edited by shadow.bane -- 6/14/2015 15:12:35 >


Bane Hallow The Last Shadow Fiend.
AQW Epic  Post #: 11
6/14/2015 15:37:06   
  Battle Elf
has ten 1v1 wins

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Battle Elf
ED Archknight
AQW Epic  Post #: 12
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