The berserker killer
Lets be honest here, the only way to improve the skills listed above is to return the str balance to what it used to be. Sounds like a simple thing that couldn't possibly be the cause of many of these skills being useless, right? Wrong, strength is what kept high damaging builds in check. There were only 15-20 people who knew how to effectively use a support build back when strength was effective in this game. Now? Everyone's using a support build because strength isn't a challenge anymore. Its not effective or, if anything, its nowhere as effective as it used to be therefore rendering it obsolete. Strength builds weren't just there for no reason. It was a natural part of the balance in ED that was needed for things to stay in order. You got your tanks, stat spammers, and strength builds. By balance I literally mean balance, like order. Now theres no order, which can be fun sometimes, yet as you keep nerfing you wont get "fun" disorder. You'll only get boring. Like *ahem*now. My honest opinion? Let us have our fun. Stop nerfing whenever a fun build becomes popular. Thats not fair. I also would suggest returning some of the balance changes such as making tlm poison 1 turn again, making parasite 3 turns again, str back to normal, keep the no wep req for assim and static and make static charge unblockable again, let cores and skills exceed the maximum luck % again, return gun scaling to Str, return static grenades scaling back to tech, etc. Those things made the game fun and every skill was able to efficiently be used.