Lord Machaar
@OWA: Well it is the only beautiful sword I could've think of haha. @Mother1; I've already replied to the same thing you've just said in other post, you aren't giving a suggestion, you are wishing, and your post belongs to the wish-list. The reason I say this, devs have already said more than once, the older system won't come back, for various reasons, first ones are the ones who were the reaso for the removal of these old wars. I don't want to assume, I think you already know this, you already this system will never come back, though you just express your feelings, which is totally okay by me, but we need solutions, realistic ones. I'm being realistic here, basing my words on facts, the fact that hits first, legions are outnumbered by exiles, the logical solution is to even the numbers. I don't think that making the game fair is a punishement for anyone, if such thing exists, making anything fair will mean that it is a punishement, is it the case when balance occurs? strenght builds were nerfed, I don't consider this as a punishement more than balancing the game and you already see the results. Any balance step has collateral damages, that is worldwide known. The problem we have now won't get fixed, nor by wishes, nor by standing still doing nothing, to balance the wars, actions should be made. My idea is simple, prove that you can play in the war, the game isn't telling to play 18 hours a day, play 30 minutes, 1 hour atleast, to prove that you can atleast play and you are not there to take prizes. @King Bling: There was already something called war filter, where in times of war, players of same alignement are lined up together, and I think it was later removed for various reasons; - bad match up. (players of same lvel weren't found.) - extended waiting time.
< Message edited by Lord Machaar -- 6/16/2015 17:00:36 >