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RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined

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7/9/2015 18:25:30   

allright @Varen6398, let me to use it in next episode of my animation series


Df Animaton Style \,/
Legendary Hero : The Last Rage Series
Check it out !
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 26
7/11/2015 12:46:50   
Hopeful Guy
Hope Upbringer!

...Wow. About 4 years ago, I found your music amazing when I first listened to it. Now, you have surpassed yourself. This music is completely unbelievable! I actually want to hear this in game now.
DF  Post #: 27
7/17/2015 2:49:38   

*nods head in approval*
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 28
7/27/2015 17:23:31   
Friendly!, Constructive!

As long as the content is AE related and the music is attributed to AE, it should be fine to use apielang. :)

Also, sorry for the lack of releases for the past few weeks. I've been on a little adventure in Morocco.

< Message edited by Varen6398 -- 7/27/2015 17:24:05 >
DF  Post #: 29
7/31/2015 16:22:09   
Friendly!, Constructive!

A new piece out, The Egg in the Dumpsite! I hope you enjoy the piece, and sorry about the delay on this one. I was away for 2 weeks and then returned to a very busy home. I personally enjoy the Dragon's theme - the plan is to do a Hero/Draco suite at the end of the Dragon Egg Saga before moving on to the Wind Orb. :)
DF  Post #: 30
8/3/2015 11:54:43   
Friendly!, Constructive!

MoorDoor has been released! It's been a while since I've actually used some DF themes, but fortunately the next piece almost requires one. Either way, I hope you enjoy my latest track and hope you notice the LoTR references before reading the description. :) If it's referenced in-game, sure as hell I'm going to reference it in my music.
DF  Post #: 31
8/3/2015 17:51:05   

The last two are amazing like the rest! I especially love the way you referenced the LotR theme. Very well thought!

If I could do one comment there, in The Egg in the Dumpsite, the part where the Vultragon swoops in and grabs the egg wasn't very loud compared to the Hero's theme that played just before. I actually expected something a bit more "dun dun dun duuuuun", but it was good when I replayed it and turned up my comp's sound! That small detail aside, flawless music, and I am very much looking forward to what you do with the rest of the Dragon Egg Saga! (especially the Doomkitten battle!)
Post #: 32
8/3/2015 18:27:19   

AQ DF AQW  Post #: 33
8/4/2015 10:10:17   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Nice pun Flash XD

Also, thanks for the criticism Azan! It does help in future compositions. To be honest I probably need to work on the dynamics in my pieces more. Usually it is just "LOUD" "quiet", with little variation in between. Another thing I also do is have a lot of breaks. I think I've written very few continuous pieces for this soundtrack so far and I'll probably do the Elemental Crossroads/Warlic/Doomkitty fight in one so that I can see what happens when I try and write a middling (Talking 6+minutes of music) piece with no breaks in it unless cutting between scenes.

Also, I have plans for the Doomkitty that will require some other pieces first to introduce themes. I currently have 2 lined up before I reach Warlic - The Book of Lore (as suggested to me by Ergotth - I had actually forgotten about it) and Falconreach, which will contain said necessary theme. So lots lined up to compose. :)
DF  Post #: 34
8/4/2015 19:01:04   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Aaaaand here's another one for you guys. A lot more cinematic than my previous pieces. The Opening Sequence of DF, along with an intro related to the Book of Lore! Listen to it in the playlist and it'll 'finish' a bit better. My aim was to try and have it end and continuously play straight into "A Hero is Bored". I hope you guys enjoy!
DF  Post #: 35
8/4/2015 19:16:46   
David the Wanderer
Legendary AK!

Just dropping here and saying that I love what you've been doing here. The tracks manage to capture the feelings evoked by the Dragon Egg Saga very well, and give it an aura of grandeur that I never imagined that it could have.

There's still room for improvement (there always is), but you're doing reall well, and I see you're trying to improve. If I may give my humble, not-musically-trained suggestion, you might want to use less "silences", as they break the flow of the music, making some pieces sound like different songs glued together. Escalating a quiet theme in a louder one, or vice versa, might be a better option, which would also lead to more acoustic uniformity.
DF AQW  Post #: 36
8/5/2015 8:31:06   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Yes, I totally agree with you David. The silences are there as a by product of the fact I'm used to doing trailer music - stuff that involves lots of moments of quiet after large build-ups during hit points. Really, the issue I have is that I want to write a film score but am instead writing loads of trailer score pieces. What would probably help is if I did more music in one piece, like my last one being both the opening credits and intro. That would help me picture the 'film' better in my head as it would be more fluid and so I could transition a lot better. Thanks for the helpful criticism. :)
DF  Post #: 37
8/5/2015 9:30:33   
Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

@Varen6398: You have a very impressive selection of music.

I was listening to your Oaklore Keep version and around 1:15 it seems like it is a different piece altogether. It feels as though it should be a separate piece which on its own could work as a Mogloween-themed or generally darker and creepier version for Oaklore Keep (or alternatively .... the storage closet. You cannot unsee).
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 38
8/5/2015 12:36:43   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Now you've said that about the closet I cannot unhear it XD

But yeah, the piece at that point is meant to represent Rolith telling the Hero that it's not safe in the woods and Lady Celestia shouldn't be wandering by herself, hence why it plays the Slugwrath theme at the end of it. Given the situation, I decided to have some dissonance going on there. :)

Also I will be writing separate, out-of-canon pieces during the holiday season quests. I won't do it in the same way I'll be doing DF Book 1 and 2 in writing pieces for the stories, however I will write some pieces just for fun. Who knows, it's fairly easy to get themes and make them creepy/christmasy/anythingelsey I might even do some when there are other special occasions related to the game. :)
DF  Post #: 39
8/15/2015 7:38:34   
Friendly!, Constructive!

After a bit of thought on how to do it I have finally released the next piece, Falconreach! It contains LOADS of themes from the game unlike my latest pieces prior to this one. The Falconreach theme, the tune that plays when you sleep in Serenitys, the Full Darkness theme (which I've designated as the Mysterious Stranger's theme) and a little bit of "Unleash Doom" for the ShadowScythe theme. Loads going on in this latest one. Very few drums though - with the limited drum sounds I have available I decided it was better without them. This one is a lot more film-scorey after taking on the advice which you all gave me.

I hope you all enjoy this one. :)

< Message edited by Varen6398 -- 8/15/2015 7:41:13 >
DF  Post #: 40
8/15/2015 15:18:09   

Nice stuff indeed .
Say right now with all these fishing minigame releases... Are you considering doing your own fishing theme? Or are you just focusing on the main storyline?

Below: Glad to hear that. I leave you the DragonFable History & Plot Synopsis link in case you have doubts about the storyline.

< Message edited by crabpeople -- 8/15/2015 16:29:24 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 41
8/15/2015 16:20:09   
Friendly!, Constructive!

I will because it does fit into a main storyline somewhere.

The only problem is...it's the Water Saga. Which is the 7th Orb. Which means we're 6 sagas plus the rest of this saga away from it. :/

On the plus side, I will be doing the side sagas (Amityvale, Falconreach Spy) after I've completed all of Book 1's main quests, so it will be sooner than you think. Sort of. Final 13th will be a long saga to do. I'm not sure where I'm going to put Tomix's saga since it's a major questline with some great motifs and themes. I'll probably fit it in first thing after the main storyline of Book 1 is done.

Unfortunately such an ambitious project will take time to do, plus I'll be returning from my holidays soon, so we're looking at quite a while until the fishing theme. If I figure it out well enough though, I might do a recorded rendition on my guitar with a backing track.
DF  Post #: 42
8/26/2015 12:23:37   
Friendly!, Constructive!

And the penultimate piece of the Dragon Egg saga is out! And it's incredibly long, dissonant and full of all sorts of themes from both me and the game! I hope you guys enjoy, the Attack on the Temple/Doomkitten!
DF  Post #: 43
9/7/2015 14:12:11   
Friendly!, Constructive!

The final piece of the Dragon Egg saga is out! This'll be my last piece for a little bit as I try and refocus my attention to IRL and exams and therefore universities, however my plans to get through all of Books 1 and 2 are still in place. I hope you enjoy the first 10th of the Main saga of Book 1. :) It's been great making them thus far.
DF  Post #: 44
9/7/2015 14:36:37   

How are you so good at this like? Like seriously, I would totally listen to this IRL without even knowing it came from my favorite game. Incredible work here Var, it really reminds me of the old days! Also, good luck with those exams
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 45
9/7/2015 14:47:32   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Thanks very much for the compliment. It means a lot to know that people enjoy listening to my music. :) And thanks for the good luck, hopefully I'll be able release a piece every couple of weeks. Not quite like my summer spree of a few pieces over a few days though, but I will try my best to keep creating more music that is enjoyable to listen to. A2 levels are annoying when it comes to hobbies, such as composing, that take quite a bit of time. :p
DF  Post #: 46
9/7/2015 15:25:43   

This is pretty cool man.

Also, can you also put the Themes (Dragon's theme, Hero's, Doom, Slugwrath etc. etc.) also on Soundcloud?
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 47
9/7/2015 15:28:09   
Friendly!, Constructive!

I could write a short piece which just plays a simple version of each theme once or twice, or alternatively I could do a small (say 1 minute?) set of variations on the theme. Whichever you would prefer really. :)
DF  Post #: 48
9/7/2015 15:52:19   

I'd prefer the minute long one, but do the one that fits into your schedule. Your education is more important.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 49
9/7/2015 15:58:32   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Nah, it's no problem if they're only short variations. I'll probably do them as they chronologically appear in the playlist, and make a seperate playlist specifically called DF Reimagined themes.
DF  Post #: 50
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