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RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined

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9/7/2015 17:26:39   

Cool. Thanks!
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 51
9/8/2015 16:00:31   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Ok, uploaded the first two themes in their own playlist. The first was created before any of the pieces I've released and the Oaklore one was a very simple interpretation of the Oaklore theme in-game, just to show that it is a theme I will be coming back to at various different points. :) That's how most of these will turn out - fairly simple as they are not actual pieces but just 'summaries' of themes that occur in pieces. The main body of the game will be where the real composition is at. :p
DF  Post #: 52
9/8/2015 17:50:03   
  Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)


Nah, it's no problem if they're only short variations. I'll probably do them as they chronologically appear in the playlist, and make a seperate playlist specifically called DF Reimagined themes.

More...need more of these.

Love them.....need more of them! EVIL ONES. DARK ONES. PENGUIN ONES?! Just kidding about that last one.

But the minute ones are what is represented into Dragonfable, where yours are very special and foretell a story that unravels with each new theme. Its hard to utilize these different themes into one consecutive quest or story as the mood changes with the different themes you use. That being said, keep doing what you're doing, it's obviously a work of art.

But those one minute shorter versions are what I personally would love to see more. The hero's theme was exciting, Oaklore was beautiful...NOW DO THE EVIL ONES! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *coughs off his undead head and scrambles to find it*
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 53
9/9/2015 14:23:41   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Heh, thanks for your pointer Nix. While I will continue to put out themes my main focus will still remain as the soundtrack reimagined, as that helps me with a direction and focus. I will continue to be writing themes though, in-game and new, for everyone to listen to though. ^^ Next up is the Slugwrath theme so you've got one of my evil themes there. The other evil themes (if you discount Sneevil) will come later on though - they first appear in the Falconreach piece so chronologically they are a ways away. I'll definitely get round to them though! All the themes of this saga will be released before I start on the Wind Orb, because I need some time to come up with either some Far-Eastern sounding themes and/or Pirate sounding themes to fill in some of the gaps in that saga's characters.
DF  Post #: 54
9/10/2015 22:05:29   

I guess you already know how I feel regarding your music, but I'm going to comment anyways.

First of all, I raise my hat to you for this accomplishment: putting the whole Dragon Egg Saga into music like a whole orchestra is playing it must be no small task, even if musically speaking, I know... Well. Joke aside, I especially love how the Hatching theme turned out. The epic theme that I think plays when Sepulchure turns Fluffy into a dracolich was definitely awesome, I could just imagine it playing in the game with a close-up of Sepulchure's face grinning. So two big thumbs-up and I'm definitely looking forward to what you do next!

Now for the themes! I entirely share the evil penguin's opinion on them (... now I feel evil, too). The two you have now are excellent, and it would be awesome to get more of them since you seem to have developed one for a lot of characters and places. It would be just great to have a playlist of all your themes!

Keep up the awesome work! May the Cookies be with you.
Post #: 55
9/12/2015 15:18:41   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Thanks for the feedback Azan. :)

I'm currently set on doing the Slugwrath theme next but I've decided to put a little more effort in that I was previously going to. If people enjoy the themes as their own things outside of the pieces, I'll put more effort into making nice versions of the themes rather than a quick tune stuck to a basic set of chords. That means a little more effort and time (though I'll need that time so I can come up with some Asian sounding themes for the Wind Orb, so it's fine really), so the themes may be pushed back a little. Combined with the fact I am being bogged down IRL in work, it'll be slightly slower going for a bit. Hopefully that's fine, and I'll do my best to release things as soon as I can. :)
DF  Post #: 56
9/14/2015 19:00:39   

I heard some of your work, and I must say, I'm impressed! I could imagine you working for DF on their music!

Also, do you think you could do a sadder song as a theme for my character, Sir Jonah?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 57
9/16/2015 15:19:20   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Sure, I'll just PM you a few questions so it's easier for me to decide how to write it. I'm quite busy IRL at the moment, but I'll make sure it goes up at the same time as my next theme. ^^
DF  Post #: 58
9/17/2015 14:48:22   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Well this took some time, but I think it was worth it. :)

I have created the Slugwrath theme and added it to the DF Reimagined playlist, and have also added Sir Jonah's theme, as per the request of LigerBeard. I hope everyone enjoys, and hope that LigerBeard approves of his character's theme. :)

DF  Post #: 59
9/17/2015 15:21:29   

I really like how you did Sir Jonah's theme in a similar style to John Williams, especially considering that I'm a fan of Star Wars! And you're right, it does still manage to capture his past quite well, but also seems to capture his demeanor, too!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 60
9/17/2015 15:26:50   
Friendly!, Constructive!

*punches the air in celebration*

Ah, I'm glad you like it. I was worried that it may not be to your liking but I'm glad it is. ^^
DF  Post #: 61
9/19/2015 0:24:09   

Oh my god, the bells at around one minute in the Slugwrath theme. Godly. I'd love to hear the DOOM theme, which was what you called Seppy's theme, IIRC.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 62
9/19/2015 5:57:49   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Bells are always good for making stuff stand out or sound more dramatic. :)

The two themes are actually different. Thus far I've just used them in very close conjunction is all. The DOOM theme is a variation on the music from the start of Full Darkness (those two notes rising and descending a semi-tone), whilst Sepulchure's theme is variations on the "Unleash Doom" piece. With the story of DF, these two themes will remain in close conjunction until near the end of Book 1. :)
DF  Post #: 63
9/19/2015 9:51:37   
Friendly!, Constructive!

And two new themes are out! I forgot to do the Peace Theme, so I've done that now. :p

I also did the Dragon's theme, which I'm pretty proud of. Out of all the themes I've had to write myself, the Dragon's theme is my favourite.
DF  Post #: 64
9/19/2015 10:08:41   

Special thumbs up to your Peace Theme and Slugwrath Theme from me. There's a composer called Nox Arcana who usually does very dark pieces (I dunno if you know him) and the Slugwrath reminds me of that kind of dark music (while retaining a feeling of uniqueness, of course!), which I find awesome. Varen, you manage to actually make Drakath sound dangerous!

Also, congrats for the third title. "Creative!" suits you very well!
Post #: 65
9/19/2015 11:02:05   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Hmm, I'll look Nox Arcana up. Sounds like something I'll enjoy listening to. :)

Heh, thanks very much for the congrats. I was quite surprised when I got the PM about the title this morning. ^^ I believe the Falconreach theme is up next in terms of what I'm writing, so there's that next on the list. I hope you enjoy it as much as you did the Peace Theme and Slugwrath Theme.
DF  Post #: 66
9/22/2015 15:05:13   
Friendly!, Constructive!

A nice little version of the Falconreach Theme is now out, based on the album version of "All Roads lead to Falconreach". ^^ I hope you all enjoy.
DF  Post #: 67
9/23/2015 15:07:32   

This is my interpretation of the Oaklore Theme. Have a listen:


Well done with on the Dragonfable Reimagined Soundtrack, by the way. I could also definitely imagine your music as the official soundtrack for DF, especially as it seems to have surpassed the existing one!
DF  Post #: 68
9/28/2015 17:37:02   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Nice rendition Monty! It's good to see other people also creating variations on the music from Dragonfable. Ghost would be proud to hear so many renditions from so many people, I'm sure. ^^

On another note, I have released the latest theme and it was rather difficult to make I have to say. https://soundcloud.com/nathan-gilbert-15/doom-theme-and-sepulchures-theme

Two themes in one because it was so difficult to come up with good variations for the Doom Theme, it works better by just having it subtly appearing in the double bass sections of pieces I think. Sepulchure's theme I'm quite proud of though. I hope everyone enjoys. :)
DF  Post #: 69
9/29/2015 0:18:47   


I love Seppy's theme.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 70
10/3/2015 9:03:52   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Ghost definitely did a good job when he wrote it. It was hard to figure out, but very enjoyable to do. :)

And I've decided to leave a few themes until later when they become more developed (Lady Celestia's especially :P) and decided to make a start on the Wind Orb! I've decided to take the route of the Pirate's because the whole Water-Breathing Potion fiasco makes me feel it's more canon. Plus the choice of Asian instruments I have on my software is rather limited. They're all Indian which means that I can't really do the Ninja's justice. As such I have made a small intro for the Wind Orb saga!

A Boat to Sho Nuff (Wind Orb intro)! I hope you enjoy the beginning of this new saga. :)

< Message edited by Varen6398 -- 10/3/2015 9:04:34 >
DF  Post #: 71
10/3/2015 10:19:53   

Impressive sense of movement in the doom/selpchure theme, I love the dramatic transition from one theme into the other! And the bells are a brilliant touch- like a corrupt religious reference? A couple suggestions, though, for the middle section of the sepulchure theme. Maybe you could vary the drums and the dynamics to create more of a build-up here? Also, at the beginning of that section you could use a more crunchy, chromatic chord to make it sound more malevolent.
I've actually been working on a theme for Popsprocket. By the way, I can't help wondering, what software are you using?
DF  Post #: 72
10/3/2015 11:18:28   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Yeah drums are one of my major flaws; my music teacher always said I just put them in as "extra" to the pieces, and it's something I've never really grown out of. And yeah, a more chromatic and dissonant chord may have been more suitable with hindsight. Crunchy chords are usually my thing, (eg the French Horns in the Hydra of Falconreach Bay) so it's quite unusual of me to decide that I was just going to stick to a simple minor chord there. The problem with dynamics for me is that if I put anything too loud, when I try to export it's mixdown it just says "nope can't do that, too loud and there's clipping now", which can be a pain with dynamic variation.

As for software, I used Studio One 2. I think it's the Artist version I can't remember exactly. ^^

Please keep up the criticism Monty. It really does help to develop as an artist as well as making the music sound better for everyone else. It's very much appreciated and very helpful indeed. :)

PS: I'd like to hear this Popsprocket theme when it's done. ^^
DF  Post #: 73
10/3/2015 13:37:51   

No problem, I'll post it here as soon as it's finished.
Uploading clips can be a nuisance that way. Actually, I was thinking you could make the theme quieter at the beginning of the build-up and bring it back up to full volume, as this would still create a dramatic contrast.
On the subject of drums, the rhythm you used in the sepulchure theme was very effective. What if you used something similarly regal in the hero theme rather than quavers, e.g.
"DUM da da DUM dum da da da da DUM dum" ?
Isn't the chord at the beginning of the second part of the sepulture theme major?
Glad I could be a help with the criticism, by the way :)
DF  Post #: 74
10/3/2015 14:09:07   
Friendly!, Constructive!

That's a point that I have considered; by making everything quiet it would mean the 'loud' bits would be normal volume. The problem with that is that all the pieces I've currently uploaded are not done like that, so when I put it in a playlist you'll have to turn up the volume to listen to it. A complete reupload and re-mixing of all the pieces is currently is probably out of the question because of time constraints.

Hmm, you have a good point about the drums in the Hero's Theme. While I won't reupload it with the new drums, I will certainly make sure to consider using a similar drumbeat when the Hero's Theme is playing triumphantly over something. As for the chord, it's D Minor. ;)
DF  Post #: 75
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