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RE: A Guide To Wars

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8/18/2015 11:56:47   

Oh, I see about DK. It's true the Exosuit animations are amazingly fast. I can always try to do Stolen Catapult and Supply Grab with DmK. That is, if I get the time to do it - I'll see if I do.

And nope, no ChronoZ there.
Post #: 51
8/19/2015 8:32:50   
Hopeful Guy
Hope Upbringer!


Total time: 20:21.03 (1221 seconds, rounding down for .03)
Speed: 2.457 wpm
Rare waves: 0
Critical misses: 4

Strategies: vs 1: Throw-> Rapid (if needed)
vs 2: Throw-> Rapid
vs 3: Wild-> Throw-> Rapid-> Wild

NOTE: Instead of going for guaranteed 3 turns with Throw-> Rapid-> Mental Assassination, I went for the risky option, because of how long Mental Assassination's animation takes. It's quicker in 4 turns than in 3, even if you are unlucky with crits. Same with vs 1- quicker to use Throw-> Rapid than it is to use Mental Assassination.

Review: Not quite the 3 wpm attained in original testing. Multis slow Cryptic down a lot, because Wild has 2 turns of CD. Still very, very quick, and Throw-> Rapid is possibly the fastest way to kill a monster with 1000 HP. I think DmK will push it into second place here because of the high concentration of multi mobs.
DF  Post #: 52
8/19/2015 8:52:24   

Mmmm... Answer this: At vs 2 battles: Did you use throw on the main target (normal) and later rapid on the auxiliary (weak)? I know that hp wise it's better to do the oposite thing but if you do that you're saving time that I didn't save with all my previous tests (due to the werebats animation time) making your results invalid (not "invalid" but a repeat would be required). Ok good.

Is any of you (you must own the ancient exosuit armor) willing to spend 15 DC for a little experiment? pm sent.

< Message edited by crabpeople -- 8/19/2015 9:24:40 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 53
8/19/2015 9:18:24   
Hopeful Guy
Hope Upbringer!

Don't have Exosuit, but have 13165 DCs to spare so can easily afford it. What's the experiment?

I went Throw on main, Rapid on auxiliary (or Wild if main was nearly dead but not quite).
DF  Post #: 54
8/23/2015 17:30:32   

The class performance is almost finished. I'm going to throw some numbers here. Nothing special. It's just to clear my ideas about how I focus the strategies for low-mid-high levels and deciding the most suitable classes.
I'm going to do these calculations on the pessimistic side using equipment that is 9lvs behind (or more). The avg weapon range will be rounded down.

About stats: A base WIS of 40 will be considered to afford waves complenion with no mana issues.
About trinkets: Summon Honda for low levels, gauntlet series for mid-high lvs.
About accs: Accessories picked are the ones stated at Best Accessories for your Level, Class, and Style. Offensive and overall specifically.
Note: The estimated crit rate includes the LUK stat
About weapons: For DA: Zorbak staff (because ebil reasons) Non DA: Ancient defender Edge (because ancient reasons :P)
About weapon range: The resulting weapon % to kill are based on an average weapon range so 50% of the time you'll kill with said weapon range while 50% of the time your target will survive by little (I might do a weighted average later).
Weighted down average (WDA): (3Xmin damage + 1Xmax damage) /4 Note: stat bonusses are added after the result (which is rounded up).
Ultra offensive build (UOB): All stats to damage and LUK and using a weapon closest to your level or with high min damage. Examples: lv 68,78 wep/ pandora

I'm also going to do another big update to the guide during the week.

Weak Hp: 147
Normal Hp: 196
Tanky Hp: 245
Auxiliary Hp: 123
DA players
Available stat points: 140
Average damage of lv 20 weapon: 42, stat +2
Average damage of lv 27 doom weapon: 69, stat +5, LUK -5
Average damage of lv 28 destiny weapon: 70,stat +5, LUK +5
Damage bonus from lv20 accs + weapon:+2,+2,+6,+2= 12+2=14 stat (normal) -> 12+5=17 stat (doom/dest)
Avg weapon damage: 10+42+1=53 -> 10+69+1=80 (doom) -> 10+70+1=81 (dest)
WDA: 39+10+1=50 -> 61+10+1=72 (doom) -> 63+10+1=74 (dest)
Estimated crit rate: 13% (normal) -> 14% (doom/dest)
Resulting weapon damage per bracket:
Weak: 277%/WDA: 294%
Normal: 370%/WDA: 392%
Tanky: 462%/WDA: 490%
Auxiliary: 232%/WDA: 246%

Weak: 184%/WDA: 204%
Normal: 245%/WDA: 272%
Tanky: 306%/WDA: 340%
Auxiliary: 154%/WDA: 171%

Weak: 181%/WDA: 198%
Normal: 242%/WDA: 265%
Tanky: 302%/WDA: 331%
Auxiliary: 152%/WDA: 166%

Non-DA players
Available stat points: 140
Average damage of lv 20 weapon: 41, stat +1
Average damage of lv 8 doom weapon: 52
Damage bonus from lv20 accs + weapon: +2, +2, +6= 10+1=11 (normal) -> 10 (doom)
Avg weapon damage: 10+41+1=52 -> 10+52+1= 63 (doom)
WDA: 35+10+1=46 -> 44+1+10=55
Estimated crit rate: 12% (normal) -> 11% (doom)
Resulting weapon damage per bracket:
Weak: 282%/WDA: 320%
Normal: 377%/WDA: 426%
Tanky: 471%/WDA: 533%
Auxiliary: 236%/WDA: 267%

Weak: 233%/WDA: 267%
Normal: 311%/WDA: 356%
Tanky: 388%/WDA: 445%
Auxiliary: 195%/WDA: 224%

Weak Hp: 173
Normal Hp: 230
Tanky Hp: 287
Auxiliary Hp: 144
DA players
Available stat points: 190
Average damage of lv 30 weapon: 52, stat +3
Average damage of lv 35 doom weapon: 72, stat +6, LUK-6
Average damage of lv 36 destiny weapon: 73, stat +5 LUK+6
Damage bonus from lv30 accs + weapon: +4, +2, +6, +2= 14+3=10 stat (normal) -> 14+6=20 stat (doom) ->14+5=19 stat (dest)
Avg weapon damage: 15+52+1=68 -> 15+72+2= 89 (doom) -> 15+73+1=89 (dest)
Estimated crit rate: 16% (normal) -> 17% (doom/dest)
WDA: 15+49+1=65 -> 15+64+2= 81 (doom) -> 15+66+1=82 (dest)
Resulting weapon damage per bracket:
Weak: 254%/WDA: 266%
Normal: 338%/WDA: 354%
Tanky: 422%/WDA: 441%
Auxiliary: 211%/WDA: 221%

Weak: 194%/WDA: 213%
Normal: 258%/WDA: 284%
Tanky: 322%/WDA: 354%
Auxiliary: 162%/WDA: 177%

Weak: 194%/WDA: 211%
Normal: 258%/WDA: 280%
Tanky: 322%/WDA: 350%
Auxiliary: 162%/WDA: 176%

Non-DA players
Available stat points: 190
Average damage of lv 30 weapon: 50, stat +3 LUK+2
Damage bonus from lv30 accs + weapon: +2, +6 = 8+3=11 stat
Avg weapon damage: 15+50+1=66
WDA: 15+45+1=61
Estimated crit rate: 16%
Resulting weapon damage per bracket:
Weak: 262%/WDA: 284%
Normal: 348%/WDA: 377%
Tanky: 435%/WDA: 470%
Auxiliary: 218%/WDA: 236%

Weak Hp: 195
Normal Hp: 260
Tanky HP: 325
Auxiliary Hp: 163
DA players
Available stat points: 240
Average damage of lv 40 weapon: 61, stat +4
Average damage of lv 48 doom weapon: 78, stat +7 LUK -6
Average damage of lv 47 destiny weapon: 79, stat +9 LUK +9
Damage bonus from lv40 accs + weapon: +2, +5, +3, +5, +2, +2= 19+4=23 (normal) -> 19+7=26 (doom) -> 19+9= 28 (dest)
Avg weapon damage: 20+61+2=83 -> 20+78+2=100 (doom) -> 20+79+2=101 (dest)
WDA: 20+57+2=79 -> 20+70+2=92 (doom) -> 20+72+2=94 (dest)
Estimated crit rate: 22% (normal)-> 22% (doom) -> 24% (dest)
Resulting weapon damage per bracket:
Weak: 235%/WDA: 247%
Normal: 313%/WDA: 329%
Tanky: 391%/WDA: 411%
Auxiliary: 196%/WDA: 206%

Weak: 195%/WDA: 212%
Normal: 260%/WDA: 283%
Tanky: 325%/WDA: 353%
Auxiliary: 163%/WDA: 177%

Weak: 193%/WDA: 207%
Normal: 257%/WDA: 276%
Tanky: 322%/WDA: 346%
Auxiliary: 161%/WDA: 173%

Non-DA players
Available stat points: 240
Average damage of lv 40 weapon: 59, stat +3 LUK +4
Damage bonus from lv40 accs + weapon: +2, +5, +3, +6, +2= 18+3=21
Avg weapon damage: 20+59+2=81
WDA: 20+54+2=76
Estimated crit rate: 18%
Resulting weapon damage per bracket:
Weak: 240%/WDA: 257%
Normal: 321%/WDA: 342%
Tanky: 401%/WDA: 427%
Auxiliary: 201%/WDA: 214%

Weak Hp: 216
Normal Hp: 288
Tanky Hp: 360
Auxiliary Hp: 180
DA players
Available stat points: 290
Average damage of lv 50 weapon: 68, stat+6
Average damage of lv 56 doom weapon: 83, stat+8 LUK-6
Average damage of lv 50 destiny weapon: 81, stat+10 LUK+10
Damage bonus from lv50 accs + weapon: +3, +6, +4, +6, +3, +2= 24+6=30 (normal) -> 24+8=32 (doom) -> 24+10= 34 (dest) LUK:+5+8+2=15 (normal) -> 15-6=9 (doom) -> 15+10=25 (dest)
Avg weapon damage: 20+3+68+3=94 -> 20+2+83+3=108 (doom) -> 20+3+81+3=107 (dest)
WDA: 20+3+64+3=90 -> 20+2+74+3=99 (doom) -> 20+3+74+3=100 (dest)
Estimated crit rate: 27% (normal) ->27% (doom) ->29% (dest)
Resulting weapon damage per bracket:
Weak: 230%/WDA: 240%
Normal: 306%/WDA: 320%
Tanky: 383%/WDA: 400%
Auxiliary: 191%/WDA: 200%

Weak: 200%/WDA: 218%
Normal: 266%/WDA: 291%
Tanky: 333%/WDA: 363%
Auxiliary: 166%/WDA: 182%

Weak: 202%/WDA: 216%
Normal: 269%/WDA: 288%
Tanky: 336%/WDA: 360%
Auxiliary: 168%/WDA: 180%

Non-DA players
Available stat points: 290
Average damage of lv 50 weapon: 66, stat+6 LUK+4
Damage bonus from lv50 accs + weapon: +3, +6, +4, +6, +4= 23+6=29 LUK: +5+4=9
Avg weapon damage: 20+2+66+2=90
WDA: 20+2+62+2=86
Estimated crit rate: 23%
Resulting weapon damage per bracket:
Weak: 240%/WDA: 251%
Normal: 320%/WDA: 335%
Tanky: 400%/WDA: 418%
Auxiliary: 200%/WDA: 209%

Weak Hp: 235
Normal Hp: 313
Tanky Hp: 392
Auxiliary Hp: 196
DA players
Available stat points: 340
Average damage of lv 60 weapon: 75, stat+8
Average damage of lv 66 doom weapon: 92, stat+12 LUK-12
Average damage of lv 50 destiny weapon: 81, stat+10 LUK+10
Damage bonus from lv60 accs + weapon: +3, +7, +6, +4, +5, +3= 28+8=36 (normal) -> 28+12=40 (doom) -> 28+10=38 (dest) LUK: +7 +7 -3 = 11 (normal) -> 11 - 12 = -1 (doom) -> 11+10=21 (dest)
Avg weapon damage: 20+5+75+3=103 -> 20+4+92+4=120 (doom) -> 20+6+81+3=110 (dest)
WDA: 20+5+72+3=100 -> 20+4+84+4=108 (doom) -> 20+6+74+3=103 (dest)
UOB: 20+7+81+3=111 37% crit
Estimated crit rate: 34% (normal) ->35% (doom) ->38% (dest)
Resulting weapon damage per bracket:
Weak: 228%/WDA: 235%/UOB: 212%
Normal: 304%/WDA: 313%/UOB: 282%
Tanky: 380%/WDA: 392%/UOB: 353%
Auxiliary: 190%/WDA: 196%/UOB: 176%

Weak: 196%/WDA: 217%
Normal: 261%/WDA: 290%
Tanky: 327%/WDA: 363%
Auxiliary: 163%/WDA: 181%

Weak: 214%/WDA: 228%
Normal: 284%/WDA: 304%
Tanky: 356%/WDA: 380%
Auxiliary: 178%/WDA: 190%

Non-DA players
Available stat points: 340
Average damage of lv 60 weapon: 74, stat+8 LUK+5
Damage bonus from lv60 accs + weapon: +7, +4, +4, +4= 19+8=27 LUK: +7 +7 +6 +3= 23+5 = 28
Avg weapon damage: 20+6+74+2=102
WDA: 20+6+68+2=96
UOB: 20+8+78+2=108 crit 35%
Estimated crit rate: 33%
Resulting weapon damage per bracket:
Weak: 230%/WDA: 245%/UOB: 218%
Normal: 307%/WDA: 326%/UOB: 290%
Tanky: 384%/WDA: 408%/UOB: 363%
Auxiliary: 192%/WDA: 204%/UOB: 181%

Weak Hp: 252
Normal Hp: 336
Tanky Hp: 420
Auxiliary Hp: 210
DA players
Available stat points: 390
Average damage of lv 70 weapon: 82 Stat+10
Average damage of lv 66 doom weapon: 92, stat+12 LUK-12
Damage bonus from lv70 accs + weapon: +5, +8, +8, +9, +5, +3= 38+10=48 (normal) -> 38+12=50 (doom) LUK: +10 +10 -3 +10 +2 -3 = 26 (normal) -> 26 - 12 = 14 (doom)
Avg weapon damage: 20+8+82+4=114 ->20+8+92+5=125 (doom)
WDA: 20+8+78+4=110 ->20+8+84+5=117 (doom)
UOB: 20+11+87+4=122 crit 47%
Estimated crit rate: 43% ->44% (doom)
Resulting weapon damage per bracket:
Weak: 221%/WDA: 229%/UOB: 206%
Normal: 295%/WDA: 323%/UOB: 275%
Tanky: 368%/WDA: 382%/UOB: 344%
Auxiliary: 184%/WDA: 191%/UOB: 172%

Weak: 202%/WDA: 215%
Normal: 269%/WDA: 287%
Tanky: 336%/WDA: 359%
Auxiliary: 168%/WDA: 179%

Non-DA players
Available stat points: 390
Average damage of lv 70 weapon: 80, stat+9 LUK+6
Damage bonus from lv70 accs + weapon: +7, +6, +4, +6= 23+9=32 LUK: +7 +4 +7 -2 +6= 22+6 = 28
Avg weapon damage: 20+8+80+3=111
WDA: 20+8+76+3=107
UOB: 20+10+83+3=116 crit 37%
Estimated crit rate: 35%
Resulting weapon damage per bracket:
Weak: 227%/WDA: 235%/UOB: 217%
Normal: 303%/WDA: 314%/UOB: 290%
Tanky: 378%/WDA: 392%/UOB: 362%
Auxiliary: 189%/WDA: 196%/UOB: 181%

Suitable classes for:

LV 20 to 29
DA: Pirate,Ninja,RW,Cryptic,Ascendant,DK,IBR,DMK
Doom/Dest DA: Pirate,Ninja,DS,FMA,Guardian,RW,Cryptic,Ascendant,DK,ACC,EPKL,IBR,AExo,DMK
Non-DA: Mage/Rogue/Warrior,Pirate,Ninja,DK

Lv 30 to 39
DA: Pirate,Ninja,RW,Cryptic,Ascendant,DK,IBR,DMK
Doom/Dest DA: Pirate,Ninja,DS,ECC,FMA,Guardian,RW,Cryptic,Ascendant,DK,ACC,EPKL,IBR,AExo,DMK
Non-DA: Mage/Rogue/Warrior,Pirate,Ninja,DK

Lv 40 to 49
DA: Pirate,Ninja,FMA,RW,Cryptic,Ascendant,DK,EPKL,IBR,DMK
Doom/Dest DA: Pirate,Ninja,DS,ECC,FMA,Guardian,RW,Cryptic,Ascendant,DK,ACC,EPKL,IBR,AExo,DMK
Non-DA: Mage/Rogue/Warrior,Pirate,Ninja,DK

Lv 50 to 59
DA: Pirate,Ninja,FMA,RW,Cryptic,Ascendant,DK,EPKL,IBR,DMK
Doom/Dest DA: Pirate,Ninja,DS,ECC,FMA,Guardian,RW,Cryptic,Ascendant,DK,ACC,EPKL,IBR,AExo,AoT,DMK
Non-DA: Mage/Rogue/Warrior,Pirate,Ninja,DK

Lv 60 to 69
DA: Pirate,Ninja,ECC,FMA,RW,Cryptic,Ascendant,DK,EPKL,IBR,AExo,DMK
Doom/Dest DA: Pirate,Ninja,DS,ECC,FMA,Guardian,RW,Cryptic,Ascendant,DK,ACC,EPKL,IBR,AExo,AoT,DMK
Non-DA: Mage/Rogue/Warrior,Pirate,Ninja,DK

Lv 70 to 79
DA: Pirate,Ninja,DS,ECC,FMA,Guardian,RW,Cryptic,Ascendant,DK,ACC,EPKL,IBR,KAA,AExo,AoT,DMK
Non-DA: Mage/Rogue/Warrior,Pirate,Ninja,DK

Missing: Cmancer,Ccorrupter,CZ

VS 3 battles: Chances to crit with 1 hit type mult with:

1 hit crit kill chance with strong mult: 3/3
20% crit->1 crit->20% 3 tries: 1-(0,8^3)*100=48,8% (3 turn win)
2 crits->4% 3 attempts: 4%*3/2=6% (2 turn win)
3 crits->0,8% (1 turn win)
25% crit->1 crit->25% 3 tries: 1-(0,75^3)*100=57,81% (3 turn win)
2 crits->6,25% 3 attempts: 6,25%*3/2=9,375% (2 turn win)
3 crits->1,5625% (1 turn win)
30% crit->1 crit->30% 3 tries: 1-(0,7^3)*100=65,7% (3 turn win)
2 crits->9% 3 attempts: 9%*3/2=13,5% (2 turn win)
3 crits->2,7% (1 turn win)
35% crit->1 crit->35% 3 tries: 1-(0,65^3)*100=72,5375% (3 turn win)
2 crits->12,25% 3 attempts: 12,25%*3/2=18,375% (2 turn win)
3 crits->4,2875% (1 turn win)
40% crit->1 crit->40% 3 tries: 1-(0,6^3)*100=78,4% (3 turn win)
2 crits->16% 3 attempts: 16%*3/2=24% (2 turn win)
3 crits->6,4% (1 turn win)
45% crit->1 crit->45% 3 tries: 1-(0,55^3)*100=83,36% (3 turn win)
2 crits->20,25% 3 attempts: 20,25%*3/2=30,375% (2 turn win)
3 crits->9,1125% (1 turn win)
50% crit->1 crit->50% 3 tries: 1-(0,5^3)*100=87,5% (3 turn win)
2 crits->25% 3 attempts: 25%*3/2=37,5% (2 turn win)
3 crits->12,5% (1 turn win)

1 hit crit kill chance with weak mult: 2/3
20% crit->1 crit->20%*2/3=13,3% 3 tries: 1-(0,8^3)*100*2/3=32,53% (3 turn win)
2 crits->2,6%*1/2=1,3% 6%*2/3*1/2=2% (2 turn win)
3 crits->0,8% (2 turn win)
25% crit->1 crit->25%*2/3=16,6% 3 tries: 1-(0,75^3)*100*2/3=38,54% (3 turn win)
2 crits->4,16%*1/2=2,08% 9,375%*2/3*1/2=3,125% (2 turn win)
3 crits->1,5625% (2 turn win)
30% crit->1 crit->30%*2/3=20% 3 tries: 1-(0,70^3)*100*2/3=43,8% (3 turn win)
2 crits->6%*1/2=3% 13,5%*2/3*1/2=4,5% (2 turn win)
3 crits->2,7% (2 turn win)
35% crit->1 crit->35%*2/3=23,3%3 tries: 1-(0,65^3)*100*2/3=48,35% (3 turn win)
2 crits->8,16%*1/2=4,08% 18,375%*2/3*1/2=6,125% (2 turn win)
3 crits->4,2875% (2 turn win)
40% crit->1 crit->40%*2/3=26,6% 3 tries: 1-(0,6^3)*100*2/3=52,26% (3 turn win)
2 crits->10,66%*1/2=5,33% 24%*2/3*1/2=8% (2 turn win)
3 crits->6,4% (2 turn win)
45% crit->1 crit->45%*2/3=30% 3 tries: 1-(0,55^3)*100*2/3=55,57% (3 turn win)
2 crits->13,5%*1/2=6,75% 30,375%*2/3*1/2=10,125% (2 turn win)
3 crits->9,1125% (2 turn win)
50% crit->1 crit->50%*2/3=33,3% 3 tries: 1-(0,5^3)*100*2/3=58,3% (3 turn win)
2 crits->16,6%*1/2=8,33% 37,5%*2/3*1/2=12,5% (2 turn win)
3 crits->12,5% (2 turn win)

Criticals classification (on an offensive build based on main stat >LUK)
Low: 15% to 30%: DA level range: 30 to 50 -> Non-DA level range: 30 to 60
Normal: 30% to 40%: DA level range: 50 to 70 -> Non-DA level range: 60 to 80
High: 40% to 50% DA level range: lv70+

Edit : If you think there's something wrong feel free to correct me.

< Message edited by crabpeople -- 8/30/2015 11:42:28 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 55
8/29/2015 16:18:00   

A handful more questions for the Q&A since I've just thought of them.

• What are rare waves?
Rare waves, also called Joke waves, are waves in a war that usually consist of one monster only. When you click "To Battle!", you either have a 1% or 10% chance to find a rare wave - the rate depends on the war, but in most wars it's 1%. Rare waves do not give any bonus in wars except being faster than ordinary waves - rare waves don't count for more than one wave towards the wave counter, nor do they give more DMs or special items.

• Can I find rare waves outside of footwaves?
No. There are no rare catapult waves, nor rare supply grab waves, nor rare bombing run waves, nor rare stolen catapult waves... to find a rare wave, you really have to fight footwaves.

• I defeated over 1000 waves, but I didn't unlock the Warmonger badge. Why?
The Warmonger badge are labelled "Coming Soon". We don't know when they will arrive since they're not priority for the DF Staff right now. (Azan's note: this question may seem like a silly one since the warmonger badges in the BoL read "coming soon", but I've actually heard it in war threads.)
Post #: 56
9/2/2015 10:24:55   

Added thanks .

I'll be doing stuff at the warring analysis mode (I might finish it today).

About the 2 following sections:
-I'll leave the warring performance for lv80 only (results are valid for lv70+). Just because:
1-I don't have the resrouces of doing the same for certain lv tiers.
2-The war your select has a big influence on classes performance speed. For example the full moon war favours the mult oriented classes while the Storming the castle favours solo classes.
Of course that being said a war with lots of mult waves slows down all classes no matter what.

-What I'm going to do instead is provide adapted strategies for all classes depending the level range (looking at the required weapon% to achieve victory in each situation) and the DA/non-DA condition.

That is going to be way more useful than knowing which class is the fastest at any point in your character's growth (Which I believe it's cryptic at all level ranges).

< Message edited by crabpeople -- 9/2/2015 10:47:48 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 57
11/12/2015 23:06:01   

*dusts off this thread*


And crabpeople went on a hiatus before he could finish or reorganize this guide. While it does sadden me that we don't have a full guide for tomorrow's F13, there still is a lot of useful content in there that you can use no matter if you're a new war enthusiast or a veteran warmonger. I'm going to resume the main useful points here so you don't have to dig through all the ongoing guide to find information:

You get a lot of bonus damage from training STR/INT/DEX and, if you have more than 200 stat points to spare, after you've maxed them you can invest in LUK since it helps your damage and Crit rate! Don't hesitate to Untrain (at the Falconreach town hall, for 1K gold) then retrain everything. It helps during footwaves and supply grabs, and you'll win ample enough gold to make up for it.

Don't bring guests or pets. Don't invest in CHA. It just slows the waves down.

Never war on "Best" screen quality. Ideally go for Low, or Medium.

Ideal Mood
Listen to music, it makes warring much less boring. If you can multifocus, it may be a good idea to watch anime, cartoons or movies on one half of your screen and crush waves on the other. It doesn't work for me, but apparently it helps for some!

On Battling Undead and Slimes
I guess we'll be facing lots of undead and slimes, as usual. Undead are weak to Light and Slimes are labelled as Elementals, so the Sun God Scythe (special offer item that's available if you buy one of the DC packages) is ideal because it's Light-element and deals bonus damage on Elementals. It's a two in one! The Light of Destiny weapon (available from Eyegor in Book 3 Rosewood) also is light-element and has a trigger on Undead that makes you Crit and Hit more, so it's worth noting.

Warring Methods
Catapult is the fastest, but it doesn't give EXP and very few Gold. Supply Grab is the second best if you're skilled enough to avoid all the monsters (practice!). Footwaves are the slowest method, but they give lots of EXP and Gold.

How To Best Catapult and Supply Grab
Here is a photo guide by crabpeople on how to maximize your performances with the Catapult.

And here is another photo guide by crabpeople on the best pattern to take for Supply Grab.

Classes You Can Use
If you have DoomKnight, use it. It's the fastest class in the game. If you have DoomKnight Variant One, it deals even more damage than new DoomKnight, but you're going to one-shot everything in both variants.

Depending on your base class, Ascendant (Mage), RiftWalker (Warrior) or Cryptic (Rogue) are very helpful for DA players. They are fully offensive and very, very fast to kill waves. Plus, now that its animation time is reduced, Ascendant's final skill (Ascension) becomes a very useful one-hit killer for single mobs.

The following Dragon Coin classes are excellent for warring: Kathool Adept, Ancient Exosuit, Icebound Revenant.

If you do not have a Dragon Amulet, use DeathKnight. It's the best class you've got. SoulWeaver is also very good for wave completion.

I reached 1001 waves on one character, and now my counter just won't go up when I defeat more waves! Is this a bug?
First, congratulations for reaching the iconic 1001 waves! This situation is not a bug. The state you are in is called counterbreak. The game was originally coded so when you reached 1001 waves, your counter would show "1000+". For some reason the intended "1000+" shows as "1001". Any wave you do after your 1001th will not show on your Character Page or on the "Your Waves" in-game counter, but they still count for the War Counter itself! Any wave you do after 1001 is still just as helpful to the war.

And lastly, a contest held by Starflame13 to motivate us into warring!


Personal challenge to EVERY DF PLAYER, Warmonger, veteran, newbie, or otherwise!

Defeat a MINIMUM of 25 waves every day

To some people, this won't seem like a lot. Those people, just compete to get the highest number among you crazy fighters :P

But to other people, remembering to log in to get 10 waves is an effort. And we've had wars won with minutes to spare and hours to spare. We've also lost wars we may have one with a few more hours. EVERY SINGLE WAVE WILL COUNT IN THIS WAR. So, the challenge is to get up that 20 minutes early, do your homework just a bit faster, put off playing a new game for a bit longer, and log on to DF to get just a handful of waves in every day. Trust me, every effort helps.

Edit: For the players who DO get much more than that in one day, post the amount of waves in the war threads that are up! What I'm going to do (and I encourage other forumites to join me), is I'll check the threads and put the person who got the most waves the previous day, along with the record, in my signature. Hopefully it'll encourage some friendly competition!

One Last Tip
Fallout 4 can wait.
(thanks for these words of wisdom, Melissa)

< Message edited by Azan -- 11/13/2015 8:38:03 >
Post #: 58
11/13/2015 18:40:35   
  Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

But your last tip means that the war lasts longer. Isn't that what you want, a war that lasts for 2 weeks?

The last time I heard there weren't enough war waves...AND YOU STILL LOST! HAHHAHAHHAHHhAha *coughs*

Indeed DoomKnight is hands down the best class, if you have it, you will be needed in the upcoming wars.

< Message edited by Stephen Nix -- 11/13/2015 18:41:16 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 59
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