Hey guys. I just want to ask Kiyone in specific. Who were the original minds behind Oversoul's creation? Like who made the idea of card battling, characters, elements, etc.? Was Nulgath really the only one working on this? Or did he consult with other members of the AE staff on what ideas he can put into the game? Because I really like the Chaos Drakath idea or Chaos Element in general. That element adds another dimension to the game card-battling wise. I guess what I'm trying to say is since Nulgath left and if in the future someone would replace him, I just hope they continue the path they have already taken when creating spells, character design, animations and such. It would really be nice if the replacement of Nulgath was someone who used to work with him. Dilligaf? I really like the character model btw hope they release it in the future.